• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 6,098 Views, 209 Comments

An Unconventional Challenge - RaijingtheClockworkPony

Three friends make a bet. How badly could this go for them?

  • ...

Sweet Moments

Fluttershy awoke with something large, pink, and surprisingly warm pressing on her barrel. She shuffled in the bed for a moment and looked down to the stallion she had fallen asleep with. Berry's head was snuggled up to her neck, a small smile on his face as he nuzzled it, and cuddled closer to her.

Berry.... you are like a giant foal sometimes. She giggled internally and kissed the stallion on the forehead and wrapped her legs around him. The smile on his face grew a little wider and he cuddled up to her a little more. The yellow mare nuzzled the stallion while she slowly rubbed his back. He really likes his cuddles. Good thing I am a pro cuddler as well.

Minutes slowly passed, and the stallion lifted his head. "Pancakes..."

"What?" Fluttershy watched the stallion sit up.

He looked to her then kissed her on the cheek. "I'm making pancakes. Do you want some?"

The slightly confused mare nodded. "Sure, that sounds lovely."

Berry smiled and chuckled. "Awesome. Wanna help me make them?"

The pegasus nodded and slowly sat up on the bed. "Sounds kinda nice." She looked to the clock. "It's Five A.M..."

"It is. I used to get up on the farm at this time to get chores done." Berry nodded and smiled. "Old habits, and all that sorta thing."

The pair got up and Berry moved to the bathroom connected to his room. He paused at the doorway. "Do you want to go first?"

Fluttershy blushed. "I suppose I could, but... what will you be doing?"

"Waiting for you to get done... maybe make the bed." He shrugged and moved from the doorway towards her.

The yellow mare was suddenly visited by a very strange thought, but she found it somewhat endearing. "What if you stayed in the bathroom and we talked while we showered?"

Berry paused and tilted his head. "Like... we just talk while we clean?"

Fluttershy nodded and gave her wings a small flap. "We talk, while we shower."

"Dokie Okie..." He let out a yawn and shook his head after he finished. "Loki."

The mare giggled and kissed the stallion on the cheek. "Come on. We need to get you awake."

The stallion nodded as the pair moved into the bathroom, and Fluttershy moved to the shower. She took a moment to figure out how to work it, which she was certain, was a law of universe, then looked to the stallion. He was sitting, watching her with a small smile.

"What?" She smiled back.

"You're really pretty." He simply stated as his grin widened.

The mare blushed and hid behind her mane. "You don't mean that... plenty of mares are prettier than me."

"But none of them are you." He walked over to her and kissed her gently. "And I would rather be in my bathroom with you, than any other mare in the world."

Fluttershy smiled and kissed the stallion. "Thank you. So... who goes first?"

The stallion nuzzled the mare gently then yawned. "You can go first. Ladies first after all."

Fluttershy nodded and stepped into the shower and drew the curtain across it but left a small portion over so she could look at her stallion. She moved under the water and began rinsing her body off. As she did that, Berry moved to the side and sat next to the shower.

"Hey Flutters?" His voice was low, but carried over the water hitting the floor. "About last night..."

Oh no... I thought we could wait before we talked about this... She swallowed nervously, then sighed. "Yeah?"

"If the roles were reversed, and you were a stallion and I was a mare, would you have taken the bet to date me?"

She opened her mouth to answer but paused. She didn't know what to say to that. Wow... that's not at all what I thought he would say. She poked her head out to directly look to the stallion.

"I... don't know." She sighed. "I might have been too shy to take it, but I would hope the mare version of you would take it and ask the stallion me out." She smiled, and then blushed as a thought entered her mind. "Hey, we could get to the pancakes sooner... if you help me clean up in here."

Berry's eyes widened a little. "Like... we share the shower? I, um, don't know. I mean, your naked in there... it would be weird."

"Berry, we are naked all the time." She giggled. "Besides, we shared a bed, how is sharing a shower any weirder?"

The stallion tilted his head then nodded slowly. "Oh yeah!" He smiled and jumped up to his hooves. "I can clean us both super-fast and then make pancakes!"

Fluttershy smiled as she pulled the curtain back to let the stallion in. He got into the shower quickly, and slipped, causing the pair to fall into a slightly tangled mess as the water rained on them. Fluttershy slowly lifted herself up, and spotted that she was on top of the stallion. The pair looked into each other’s eyes and chuckled for a moment.

"So... where should we start washing?" The mare asked as she began to stand back up, but she was stopped by the gentle hoof of the stallion.

"Right here." Berry kissed her on the lips.

The pegasus blushes and smiled as the gentle hooves of the pink pony brushed her wet mane out of her face. The pair parted after a moment and stared into each other's eyes.

"I love you." Berry spoke softly.

"I love you too." Fluttershy smiled then shuffled. "Is it okay to say that so soon?"

Berry tilted his head then shrugged on the floor of the shower. "I dunno, but I like saying it." He slowly got up and nuzzled the soaked mare. "And it's true. I really do love you."

Fluttershy nodded and beamed at the stallion. "I know it is." She nuzzled him back then fanned her wings out. "Could you please clean my wings for me?"

He nodded and grabbed a bottle of shampoo. "Of course."

As the stallion began applying the shampoo the yellow mare looked to the bottle. "Is that feather shampoo?"

"No... should it be?" Berry froze then shuffled.

She shook her head and smiled to the stallion. "It doesn't have to be. For a moment I thought it was, and I was wondering why you would have feather shampoo in your shower."

"Oh... okay then."

Fluttershy was surprised at the incredibly gentle touch of the stallion as he worked with her wings. She smiled at the pleasant sensations his hooves caused. The pair continued their shower, occasionally stopping to nuzzle, kiss or simply to smile to one another. Once they finished a few minutes later, the pair stepped out of the shower and Berry began drying off the mare.

"So, what sort of pancakes should we make?" He asked as he dried her legs.

"Blueberry sounds very nice." She said as she smiled. "Oh, can we also make whipped cream? I've always wanted to try it."

"You've never made whipped cream?" He smiled and kissed her cheek. "We can make a lot of it today then."

He moved the towel to her wings and he watched her spread them out. She blushed as she saw the awe filled look in his eyes. She gave her wings a gentle flap, showering the pair in water droplets.

"Um... Berry, could you please dry my wings, gently." She wiggled her wings again and gave a small smile to the stallion as he began drying her off.

"You are way to pretty..."

"You keep saying that."

Berry reached her mane with the towel and after a few minutes of drying her, he kissed her on the cheek. "Because it's true." He tossed the towel into a small basket. "Now then... pancakes and whipped cream!"

The mare giggled as the stallion grabbed her hoof and began leading her to the stairs. The pair moved quickly down into the closed restaurant and then into the kitchen, and Fluttershy stopped in the doorway when she spotted the Cake family eating breakfast. Mr. Cake was cooking at the stove, the smell baked goods reaching her nose while the pegasus shuffled. Mrs. Cake looked up to the mare and stallion and smiled.

"Good morning Berry, and good morning to you as well Fluttershy. If we knew you were spending the night we would have made muffins for you."

Berry bounced over to the twins in their high chairs and nuzzled them. "We were going to make pancakes, so no harm done."

Mrs. Cake smiled to the stallion the got up from her chair. "Oh, then I suppose you two will need the kitchen for a little while then?"

Fluttershy nodded as she watched the pink stallion feed the foals their breakfast. "I hope I'm not imposing... I really should have asked permission to spend the night."

The elder mare walked over to Fluttershy and gave a small giggle. "Dear, it's okay. We trust Berry, and if he trusts you, then we do too." She leaned in and whispered. "Did you two... you know..."

The older mare looked to Berry then to Fluttershy and gave pegasus a look of motherly worry. The yellow mare looked to the stallion then Mrs. Cake a couple of times.

"Did we what?" She shuffled, feeling as if a spotlight was shining on her.

Mrs. Cake swallowed and kept her voice low. "The deed that requires... protection..."

"Protec—" Her eyes widened and she blushed as she retreated behind her mane. "We... aren't to that yet..."

The earth mare nodded and gave the younger mare a smile. "It's okay dear. I just want you both to be safe." She looked to Berry and then to the mare. "He is a good stallion, and I know you must be something really special to make him fall in love. You both are family as long as far as I am concerned."

Berry walked over and smiled to the pair. "Hey Shy, we need to make those pancakes." He took her hoof and nuzzled her. "And I need to teach you how to whip cream."

Mrs. Cake giggled as the young couple moved to the cupboards as her husband moved to her side. "Young love."

The stallion nodded and chuckled. "They remind me of us. So, how long until one of them throws flower or batter at one another."

"Think we have ten minutes." The mare kissed her husband on the cheek, and heard a small squeal of fright, and jump as she heard the clatter of a few bowls.

Fluttershy was holding her chest while her mane, face, and part of her wings were covered in flower, and Berry was holding the remains of a flour bag, his fur covered in the white powder. A moment of silence passed before the laughter of the two foals filled the air.

Twilight scribbled in her notebook at the kitchen table when Spines walked in.

"Morning Twilight."

"Morning Spine." She sang back, and grinned as she closed her book. "Guess what happened to me last night!"

The small dragoness looked to her friend and shrugged as she yawned. The purple dragoness moved to the cupboard and began rummaging for the cereal. "You discovered something that Celestia was impressed by?"

"No, well maybe, but that is neither here nor there." She beamed to her friend. "Blitz is now my coltfriend!"

Spine froze in the cupboard and slowly looked out from behind the door. "Come again?"

"Blitz and I are now dating." She smiled and got up from her chair. "We just started last night."

Spine slowly closed the door and carried a box of cereal as she moved to get a bowl. "Like... dating?"

The purple mare nodded and levitated a bowl down to the dragoness. "Exactly. He came over yesterday and we talked, kissed and then we agreed to date."

"That... I gotta be honest, even with how much time he has been spending here, I wasn't expecting to hear that come from your mouth."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked, her expression becoming curious.

Spine pointed to Twilight. "Well, you two have like... nothing in common." The purple dragon leaned against the cabinets. "He's all about brawn; you're about brains. He's all about competitions and feats of strength; you're about projects, and doing experiments." She gave an apologetic look to the pony. "You're a genius, and he... well, he's not."

"Well, that may be true, but we do have things in common." Twilight said as she tapped her notebook. "We share a passion for literature, and we both are very loyal to our friends."

Spine nodded. "I suppose... still, not to be mean to him or you, but I never thought you two would hook up." She smiled and walked towards the table.

Twilight moved a chair out for the little dragon and smiled. "I didn't either, but he makes me feel happy, and special. I like that."

Spine nodded slowly as she placed the bowl and box on the table. "Any chance he is here, so we can have a cooked breakfast again?"

Twilight nodded. "He is upstairs, asleep. I'll go see if he is awake."

The purple mare rose from her chair, and giggled as she moved towards the staircase. She quickly ascended up to the bedroom, and opened the door quietly. Laying on the bed was the cyan stallion she was looking for. His leg was hanging off the side and his mane was a complete mess as he snored gently. The unicorn giggled slightly and moved to the bed.

Wow, he snores worse than Spine... how did I sleep through this noise? The mare moved to the side of the bed, and gently nuzzled the stallion. "Hey Blitz, wake up please."

The cyan stallion snorted and slowly shifted on the bed.

"Make me..." He grumbled at the mare.

Twilight's horn glowed softly and pulled the blanket away from the stallion’s body. "I may take you up on that."

Blitz opened one eye and looked at her for a moment, then sighed heavily and yawned.

"Come on Blitz, I want to make breakfast for you, Spine and myself."

"Five more minutes?" The prismatic pegasus whined.

Twilight shook her head. "No. You need to get up. You are making us wait on you."

The stallion let out a small groan. Twilight moved closer to the bed and grabbed his shoulder.

"Come on, or I will use my magic t—"

The unicorns world became a blur as she was dragged onto the bed by the strong grip of the stallion. They rolled to the center of the bed, and were wrapped in the sheets from their waists down, with Twilight on top of the stallion.

"Five more minutes." He chuckled and kissed her deeply while gently running his hoof her mane.

The purple mare blushed. "I... don't want to keep Spine waiting..."

The pagasus nodded and kissed her on the cheek and wrapped his wings around her. "I think she can wait another few."

Twilight blushed as the stallion brought her close and their lips and tongues played the dance they had practiced the night before. His morning breath moved across her tongue, but she found it rather endearing. Something that normally would have been gross from him was now something loved about him. Like his snoring.

They pulled apart a few moments later and both stared into each other’s eyes. Blitz chuckled and slowly sat up.

"Spine is waiting on us now." He grinned to the mare. "Besides, breakfast is sounding pretty good right now."

Twilight nodded and kissed the stallion again. "I guess it does... we can practice kissing later."

The pair went downstairs, and into the kitchen where the waiting Spine was playing with her spoon. She looked up and gave the stallion a small wave.

"Hey Blitz." She smiled. "I know I said you should spend the night more, but I didn't think you would actually go the extra step."

The stallion chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, it just sorta happened." He sat at the table a yawned. "Still, at least we are going to have breakfast."

Twilight nodded and her horn glowed softly as she started her oven. "I'm thinking muffins, with blueberries."

Both the stallion and the dragon let out cheers at her choice of breakfast.

Elusive walked around the dais of his store, admiring the work set upon it with intense focus.

"How in tarnation did you convince me to do this again?" The orange mare on the dais asked.

Elusive chuckled and rubbed his chin as he inspected the bright blue evening gown his marefriend was wearing. "Because you adore me, and I offered you dinner afterwards."

The mare let out a small huff and blew some of her mane out of her eyes. "Yer so darn lucky I love you."

The stallion chuckled and his aura surrounded a small portion of the dress and began adjusting it. "I know I am."

Applejack nodded. "So, how much longer are you gonna keep me in this fru-fru stuff?"

"Long enough to make a perfect dress, and I need a perfect model." He chuckled and gave the mare a quick kiss on the cheek. "And you are more than perfect."

The farm pony blushed and nodded to Elusive. "Thanks sugar."

As the stallion worked on the dress, they heard the bell of the front door ring, followed quickly by the voice of a young mare.

"Elusive! I'm home from school!" Sweetie Belle called out. "Is there any snacks?"

The stallion sighed, and Applejack giggled at his expression. He called out to his sister.

"I restocked, so there are plenty of snacks in the cabinets."

"Thanks! Love you!" She called back, and her hoof steps could be heard heading towards the kitchen.

Elusive smiled fondly for a moment then adjusted the glasses on his nose. "She's sweet but I swear she could eat me out of house and home."

"Ah know the feelin'. Apple Bloom is gettin' to that phase too." The mare looked towards the kitchen, and giggled. "Teens never stop eatin', and those three girls in one place..."

The ponies shared a shudder and chuckled together. Elusive continued his inspection of the dress, stopping every few moments to adjust the fabric, while Applejack stood there and watched his expression.

Ah love when he gets all focused on stuff. Her smile warmed and she watched as the stallion pursed his lips as he inspected a portion of the dress covering her barrel. Only other time he gets this way is when we cuddle... and roll through the hay. She suppressed a giggle as he began measuring her chest.

"I need to get a few things from my workroom upstairs. Go ahead and remove the dress. We can call it here for the day."

Applejack was more than happy to hop off the dais and began removing the dress. "Thank ya kindly sugar."

As the white coated stallion ascended the stairs, Applejack spotted the white and pink of the young filly that had recently come home.

"Hey Applejack." Sweetie smiled as she held a juice box. "You look really pretty in that dress."

The mare smiled as she began slipping the dress over her head. "Well thank ya dear. Yer brother is mighty good at making a pony look their best."

Sweetie nodded and smiled as she sat on the floor and sipped her juice. "I heard him call you a 'muse'... Do you know what that is?"

Applejack finished removing the dress and carefully placed it on a small table nearby. "Ah can't say Ah'm familiar with the term." She picked up her Stetson hat from a nearby mannequin. "But Ah think it means something or somepony that inspires you."

The white filly smiled and sipped from her juice once more. "Then... that means your Elusive’s muse."

Applejack blinked a few times. "Ah am? What makes ya say that sugarcube?"

"Because he has been designing a lot lately. Like, way more than normal, and a lot of his new stuff is much prettier." The filly grinned. "And he told me that you inspire him to make things. I think he really really loves you."

The farm pony blushed lightly. "Well... Ah mean, we have been datin' a few weeks now."

"Are you two gonna get married?"

Applejack's cheek grew redder. "Ah... don't know, but Ah think it's a little early to say yes or no on that one."

Sweetie nodded and smiled. "It would be so cool if you two married, because then Apple Bloom and I would be sisters, and we would be family."

The sound of hooves on stairs reached them and Elusive came back into the room, a few designs floating behind him as he adjusted his sewing glasses.

"Oh, hello Sweetie. What were you two talking about?" He smiled at them.

"Just talking about how pretty Applejack was in the dress." Sweetie answered with a smile.

Elusive smiled. "She does look amazing in a nice dress."

The farm pony blushed some more, and tilted her hat to hide her face. Elusive chuckled as he walked over to her and gently nuzzled her. Applejack gladly returned the affection as the young filly let out a dwaa of delight.

"You two are so cute!" She squealed, her voice threatening to crack.

The mare chuckled and nodded. "Ah suppose we can be." She kissed Elusive on the cheek. "Now, you owe me a nice little dinner."

As the stallion nodded he gestured to the kitchen. "I do indeed. Would you perhaps allow me to cook for you?"

Sweetie smiled to the pair then waved as she left the room. Applejack smiled and nodded. "Ah guess that sounds like a very nice night. Thank ya."

Elusive lifted the hat of the farm mare and kisses her deeply. She responded in kind and gently caressed his pearl white cheek. They pulled apart an inch so they could breathe and the stallion smiled.

"I'm so in love with you."

She chuckled and nodded. "I know that feelin' sugar."

Comments ( 17 )

Those girls are gonna be so PISSED if they find out about the bet

6102119 fluttershy already did, and she took it pretty well. but at the same time, she was dating Berry, who isn't the type of guy to play with someones heart. but the other two? it's not outside of their personalities. twilight has it the worst. Blitz has no idea how to handle a confrontation like that, and he didn't have any feeling for her in the beginning. all that, and the fact that he tends to react emotionally rather than logically in stressful situations, and you have a relationship balanced on a knifes edge.

All of this is so cute and adorable and sweet and kind and........AWWWW IT'S TOO CUTE I CAN'T TAKE IT! IT'S MELTING MY BRAIN BUT I CAN'T LOOK AWAY!!!!!:pinkiecrazy::heart:

Not necessarily, while some humans have developed the ability to consume milk as an adult it is only because we retain the enzymes to do so. Equines do not have the proper physical makeup to sustain an omnivorous diet. Like how carnivores can eat greens sometimes to balance vitamin deficiency so to can Equines eat meat. But a diet with meat would not be healthy for them.
As such keeping meat around would be difficult, since consuming it would be a very rare occurrence. Also because terrestrial meat animals seem to have consciousness it would be disturbing to keep slaughter animals around.
If anything their meat protein would come from fishing. As they would only have to do so on occasion, fish population is never impacted. While the intelligence of a fish is not tested the fact that most Ponies have no contact with fish make it easy to put it from the mind as most humans do about their meat.

That was a sweet chapter. I love how Berry didn't get what a shared shower could lead to. Great job. I love the little romance between Blitz and Twilight. That was the best.

I think I'm going to into sugar overload. Too much..... sweetness..... Urk....

Oh my, that Twilight & Blitz scene. *fans self*

The other two were good too, but there's just something about Twilight and Rainbow that works so well for me, and apparently it extends to Blitz too.

It's just... TOO sweet.
I love you-I mean it, it I love it.

I'm going to be sending you my dentist bill after reading that.

Drama Bomb Getting bigger... Slowly and surely, it will finally fall...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart::twilightsmile:

Finally read it, just to realize the last update was a year ago.

:eeyup: Ah need tah know if'n Ah have new family members, ah wanna be an uncle dang nabbit.

When will the next chapter come?

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