• Published 5th Mar 2013
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My Little Caboose II: Friendship is Fragmented! - DarkWing

Church, finally freed from his stone prison after a month of having Discord trapped in his mind along with him, must readjust to the pony world with nothing but twisted memories, as well a group of equally twisted friends.

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Chapter 41 - "Natural Charm"

"Where the hell are you taking me?" Grif asked to himself as the wolves stayed by his flanks and behind him, shepharding him to somewhere unknown. "Are you taking me to your den so you and your friends can eat me? Trust me, I may be a little thick, but its mostly just bone. You won't get a whole lot of meat out of me."

The wolf to his right seemingly rolled its eyes, then nudged at the fat on his side.

"Okay, fine, I'm a little chubby, but I probably still taste like shit," Grif grumbled. Glancing around the forest, he still could not see any openings in the trees above him, nor could he see anything recognizable about any of the trees.

Because of the fact that the timberwolves were behind and beside him, even if he tried to fly away, he would only be able to fly straight to where they were bringing him since they would most likely be able to catch him if he tried to go over them. The wolves that surrounded him, seemingly sensing his intentions to fly away, went a little closer to him, eyeing him warily. Grif let out another heavy sigh.

The sound of a branch snapping off a tree echoed from the right, causing the timberwolves and Grif to freeze. The first timberwolf stepped ahead of them, sniffing the air cautiously. A few seconds later, it sagged slightly, satisfied there was no danger, then went back behind Grif and began to push him forward.

"You know, I was sort of hanging out with some friend back at that place with the fruit. I bet the red unicorn there would be a much tastier meal then me," Grif suggested, looking behind them.

The wolf growled at him.

"Alright, it was just a suggestion. No need to get all uppity," he huffed, beginning to walk. "Listen, I know what it's like to be expecting a meal not to get it, and me walking away would give you the same disappointment as I had several minutes ago, but maybe there's a way we can settle this so I won't get eaten."

The timerwolf barked loudly, making the other two stop. The timberwolf behind him circled around so he was face to face with the lazy pegasus. Grif stared nervously into its eyes, keeping direct eye contact with it. The wolf then lunged for his leg and bit lightly on it. Grif yelped and pulled his legs away. He then looked at his foreleg to find that there were no bitemarks. He then realized that if the wolf did intend to bite into him, pulling away like that would not have been as easy.

"So... you're not going to eat me?" he asked.

The wolf shook its head.

"That's a relief," he said, breathing a sigh of relief. "Wait, if you're not going to eat me... you are going to mate with me!"

It closed its eyes, looked to the ground and shook its head slowly, seemingly running out of patience.

"If you're not going to eat with me or, you know, that with me, then what are you doing with me?"

The wolf simply went back to its original position and resumed pushing him.

"Well... as long as you are telling the truth, I guess it's alright," Grif said, really hoping that they were. "I mean, who am I to judge a scary ass wooden wolf that lives in the dangerous forest based solely on the fact of what common sense tells me?"

Grif then went quiet, knowing he was in a bind. Eventually, Grif found himself in front of a very large cave. As he stopped by the entrance, the two timberwolves who walked beside him went inside.

"What's in there?" Grif asked the timberwolf that stuck by his rear walked by him.

The timberwolf merely stood next to him and motioned its head inside. Grif looked back into the cave, then back at the wolf.

"I'm not going in there!" Grif said, taking a step back.

In an instant, the timberwolf jumped in front of him and snarled. It then jumped at him and put its mouth around his foreleg, just to pull his mouth away once again.

"If you wanted to eat me, you would have, I get that. I'm worried that there might be bats in there!"

The wolf stared blankly at him.

"Oh, don't give me that, bats are scary as fuck."

The wolf then went to his side and palced its head on his shoulder, turning him back towards the entrance to the cavern.

"Fine, but if I see one fucking bat, I'm out," Grif grumbled, taking a step forward. "I don't care if you bite me or anything, I refuse to deal with that shit."

The wolf rolled its eyes and followed the pegasus to guide him through the cave, Delta and Simmons approached Zecora's place in record time. As Delta paused to catch a quick breath, Simmons slammed his hoof on the door a few times, panting heavily. When Simmons heard the sound of Zecora coming to the door, Simmons paced in place, biting his bottom lip.

"Delta, Simmons, you two have come back early. You did not forget anything, surely," Zecora said, opening the door.

"No, we didn't forget anything. What we did do is find ourselves a bit of a problem," Simmons said, pushing the door open. "A bit of a really big problem."

"You have a problem? What does it involve? It must be something I can help resolve."

"Okay, Delta brought us to those fruits, which was all fine. Well, not fine, since Grif found out they didn't taste like bacon. In fact, I think that may be a problem after we save him. Hopefully I won't have to tell him that-"

"Simmons," Delta said quietly.

"Right. Grif kind of got abducted by timberwolves," he said simply.

"That is a problem if I ever heard one," she said, biting her lip. "Tell me, this abduction, how was it done?"

"We were kinda just sitting there, then Grif found out that the fruits tasted nothing like bacon, so he started yelling at the sky. We saw that there was a timberwolf coming, so we jumped in a bush. Grif was sort of caught up with yelling at nothing, so when he saw it, it was too late for him to do anything. Then two more came in, and we weren't sure how many more were there, so we didn't do anything," Simmons said in one go, then took a large breath. "I thought they were going to sniff us out too, but they only seemed interested in him. But they didn't bite or attack him, they just sort of pushed him."

"Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that he was once bitten," Zecora said pensively, scratching her chin. With a nod, she turned around and started to put some potions into a small bag. "Give me a moment and I'll take what I can to help you retrieve him."

"Do you really think that's wise? They didn't look like they wanted to hurt him or anything," Simmons said hesitantly, not really wanting to put himself in any danger. "Maybe they'll just let him go."

"But perhaps they won't," Delta said quietly. "If they did let him join the pack, they may not be so keen on the idea of letting him out of it."


"Do not forget, it is you that wanted him to come along," Delta reminded him. "And tell me, if we do leave him, are you going to be the one to tell Fluttershy that you left him to the wolves?"

"I'm sure she wouldn't miss him that much," Simmons grunted.

"I believe that she will miss him very much if he does not come back."

Zecora quickly finished packing her potions and walked up to the door, bag in her teeth.

"But what about it being unwise when we don't know the odds?" Simmons asked as Delta took his side next to her.

"Depending on the stakes, sometimes it is best to react as one sees fit, no matter the odds," Delta said. "There have been many times that I've seen odds stacked against someone, but they still pull through. Plus, I believe that magic may push the odds into our favor."

"God damn it, fine," Simmons muttered after a few seconds of thinking, walking next to her with Delta. "But if I die and Grif lives, I am going to be really angry."

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