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Math Spook

Spook does not take himself or his fanfiction seriously. You shouldn't either.


Twilight Sparkle moved to Ponyville last week to start her new job as town librarian. In between making friends and saving Equestria, she meets another pony whose orderliness, punctuality, and love of paperwork matches her own: Mayor Mare. But will their love be a match for the Equestrian Civil Service Code, volume 13, chapter 22, paragraph F?

A light-hearted fast-paced romance set after S1E2. Written for the 2024 May Pairings Contest.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 16 )

Well this already is an interesting story.

This is the first romance story I ever came across involving Twilight Sparkle and Mayor Mare and I already like it.

Can't wait to read more. :twilightsheepish:

Maybe the second draft of her forms would acceptable.

Missing "be"

Oh my gosh, this was adorable! This is peak S1 Twilight. :twilightsheepish: You got her social inexperience and intellectual superiority down perfectly, and I love the characterization for the Mayor too - she has Twilight's fastidiousness, but - as expected of a politician - also knows how and when to game the system. The civil service is often unsung in fiction, so I'm glad to see it given a chance to shine here :)

Those last three paragraphs are some nice crush self-realization. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for catching that missing word! Fixed now.

Really good start, looking forward to more chapters 🥰:twilightsmile:

Outside, Mayor paused and took out her checklist. She checked off the line, “Bring forms to Twilight.” Below it, she inserted a new action item, “Admire most beautiful mare I have ever known,” and checked it off, too.

Ok, I don't even think Twilight is this overboard with her checklists, this is surprising.

Though Twilight was lit only by the moon, Mayor recognized her at once. She knew the tidy straight line of Twilight’s mane and the tint and location of its streaks. She knew the precise shade of lavender in Twilight’s coat, the shape of her muzzle, and the sensual curve of her barrel. Mayor wore neither her collar nor her bifocals, and her nudity felt seductive. And out of all the ponies who might have gazed at her body, the one who aroused her the most was Twilight.

I feel like this paragraph alone makes the rating of the story go from "E" to "T," could be wrong though.

Twilight knew the reason she was there: She had wanted to see Mayor. She had known there was a chance of failure, but the urge that had seized her heart had been too strong. Now, seeing Mayor again had set her ablaze with passion. She moaned, “I couldn’t wait! I just want us to do paperwork together. Beautiful paperwork. I want to fill out forms with you. I want us to check each others’ boxes. I want us to write our names in evenly spaced boxes using all capital letters at the top of every page. And I want us to do it all in triplicate.”

Ok now this is funny, I don't think I ever read a story where Twilight is THIS into checklists and paperwork.

Mayor closed the door with a suddenness and force counter to her feelings. Her legs trembled, but she couldn’t tell whether it was from weakness or fear or self-loathing. She lay on the floor and took out her checklist. She scrawled, “Reject most beautiful mare I have ever known,” and put a check next to it. Then she hid her muzzle in her arms and cried.

And now this is just sad.

My emotions throughout this entire story feels like a rollercoaster.

Also who was the person who downvoted my comment and why?


I feel like this paragraph alone makes the rating of the story go from "E" to "T,"

You're right. I wrote that forgetting that I was trying to keep this story show-appropriate. I've changed it.

Mayor Mare isn't Twilight's first Gilf

noooo :raritycry::raritydespair:

damn you "Equestrian Civil Service Code, volume 13, chapter 22, paragraph F" :applecry:

Contrary to Rarity’s expectations, however, the six ponies and one dragon were not seated together. When the usher saw Twilight’s name on the invitation, he jumped to attention. “Mrs. Sparkle!” he declared. “My apologies for not recognizing you. Your seat is on stage next to Mayor.”

Well, what was it that Twilight's friends said? "They'll seat us all together?" Or am I getting blind. :facehoof:

This is gonna be awkward x3.

Rarity said, “There must be a mistake. We were supposed to sit together.”

You sure about that?

At their table, the place cards stated in flourishing calligraphy, “Mrs. Rarity and Mrs. Pinkie Pie,” “Mrs. Fluttershy and Mrs. Applejack,” and “Mrs. Rainbow Dash and Mr. Spike.”

I don't think Spike minds if he is told that he is a couple with Rarity.

“These arrangements were made in strict accordance with Mayor’s wishes. I still have her letter right here. See, it says, ’My partner Twilight Sparkle.’ So I—oh. It says, ‘partners.’ Not ‘partner.’ I thought she meant they were a couple. That you were all couples.” Zoning Law put the letter away. “Oh well. It’s too late. Seating has already been decided and nopony is going to move now.”

:facehoof: Don't you ever get that feeling you just want to punch yourself because of how stupid someone is?

Zoning Law sneered, “Well, if we’re all agreed this is pointless, then I really have better things to do.” But as he turned away from the table, something caught his eye. He crouched, stared at the tablecloth, and gasped. “Oh no,” he whispered. “Amethyst Sparkle! Look at this! Look! The tablecloth isn’t even!”

Jeez, and I thought my OCD was bad.

Against that background, Twilight and her friends stood out, crisp and refreshing. To Mayor, Twilight stood out most of all. Twilight had come back to her after being rejected. Twilight was in love and had been unafraid to act on it. Twilight was still the most beautiful mare Mayor had ever known.

The more I read this story, the more I can imagine what Twilight's first order of business will be when she is Princess.

Either getting rid or changing "Equestrian Civil Service Code, volume 13, chapter 22, paragraph F".

Between bites of her bell pepper stuffed with hay risotto, Twilight asked, “Is there anything we can do? I looked in the Civil Service Code, but I didn’t see any exceptions.”


When Twilight, too, found Filthy Rich’s stare, she saw in it hostility and conniving.

I wish there was a squinting eyes emoji because it would be perfect to comment on this paragraph.

omg their conversation about if they can find a loophole or not is so adorable :twilightsheepish:

“Would you mind if I ask Princess Celestia? I think she would help.”

Twlight im not sure thats a good idea, she might just inform Cadanca and your parents before you can warn Mayor about them :rainbowlaugh:

When Twilight, too, found Filthy Rich’s stare, she saw in it hostility and conniving.

:pinkiegasp::rainbowhuh: not good... not good at all... looks like they might need some help from Raven or Celestia :twilightoops:

Twilight wrote her second draft entirely in red ink. “You did say red was the color of love.” Mayor laughed.


Twilight and Mayor didn’t expect an immediate reply. But the reply came barely an hour later, and its contents sent Twilight into a wordless panic. Her daily planner, her files, even her thoughts, all were now irrelevant. Everything she used to organize her life seemed to be suddenly obliterated. She could operate only by instinct, and instinct told her to go to Mayor at once.

I don't know how to explain what I'm feeling but I want to know what was written back.

You and Mayor Mare are summoned to Canterlot for an immediate audience with Princess Celestia. Do not delay.

This will either be bad or good.

“It might be really good,” said Mayor, “but more likely, it’s really, really, really bad.”

Exactly my thoughts, glad I didn't even have to say anything, oh wait, I did.

Celestia was seated on her throne, Luna was on her right, and Raven Inkwell was in the corner. At the base of the throne, near the royal guards and with a wicked grin, was Filthy Rich.

My mind... Wants to say so much... But I'm afraid that this isn't a rated T story so I have to hold it in....

Filthy Rich thundered, “Did you really think you could hide it? Or were you even trying? If you were trying, you’re pretty bad at it. It’s obvious to everypony. Mayor, you’re abusing your position to take advantage of Twilight Sparkle.”

.... I'm sorry, what?

Celestia, using the Royal Canterlot Voice, roared, “Silence!”

Jeez, I'm so used to Celestia being that nice caring mother figure towards Twilight.... Oh wait.

Filthy Rich’s voice began with a quaver. “Mayor, you’re Twilight’s supervisor. You can have her fired at a moment’s notice. You can stop her from getting another government job. Your position means that no matter what she thinks of you, she can’t say no to your demands. You should be ashamed! You’ve taken advantage of her weakness, of her youth and inexperience. Look at her! She’s hardly more than a schoolfilly. Even if she believes she’s in love, it’s only because you’ve tricked her.” Mayor’s skin crawled at the accusation, and Twilight gnashed her teeth. Filthy Rich pulled out a photograph. It showed Twilight Sparkle and Mayor seated on the stage at the Association dinner, almost shoulder-to-shoulder, their hooves touching below the table. “The newspaper couldn’t print this, could they? It’s practically indecent!” He turned toward Princess Celestia and bowed. “Your Royal Highness, I request that Mayor be removed from office. With her removal, Ponyville will need a new senior executive officer, and I humbly volunteer myself.”

OH *#$@ NO.

“I can decree anything I like. I could decree an exception to the Civil Service Code for you. But that would mean a violation had occurred and I was endorsing it, and that didn’t feel right. It would be so much more convenient if no violation had ever happened, wouldn’t it? But it already has.” The sun rose in the west again, streaking across the sky like a bird in flight, and the moon chased after it. “I’m sure everyone here already knows how the Code defines a day. Except you, Filthy Rich. You’ve probably never thought about it.” The sun and moon whipped across the sky, west to east, over and over, each cycle taking only seconds. “One day is defined as one sunrise. Which means that if the sun and moon go in reverse, we go back in time. At least, that’s what the Code thinks.” The sun slowed, stopping at high noon. “Would you look at that! It’s now two weeks ago. Twilight, you’re not yet a government employee. You can date anyone you like. You can even get married.”

I'm sorry, what? What just happened.

Celestia and Luna signed as witnesses, and Raven stamped the certificate with her notary seal. “Congratulations,” said Celestia. “And now. Luna?” The sun and moon moved again, this time from east to west as they usually did. Days passed in seconds. “And here we are, back in the present. Twilight, you’re a government employee again. Or you were until you and Mayor resigned. Speaking of which, I refuse to accept your resignations, and I command you to continue in government service.”

.... This... This feels like this would have severe consequences.

Raven presented Filthy Rich with a sheet of parchment. “Sir, as you can see here, you’re guilty of making a false police report. The fine is one hundred bits.”

.................... My mind broke.

“Well, just look at them.” They were snuggling as they checked boxes together. “If they ever try to get divorced, all the paperwork will make them fall in love all over again. Besides, it’s their only chance. Do you think there’s another pony in Equestria who would touch either of them?”

Well there right about that.

Not now, but just wait a couple years when Celestia practically ruins that, for an example, a pair of wings? *Wink wink.

Y'know I didn't expect the story to be completed that fast, although I'm pretty sure this would have consequences in the future, and Twilight will have no choice but to be an Alicorn otherwise Equestria will be doomed because of Tyrek.

This would also change events such as Discord, the Changeling invasion, and everything else really.

Also looking back at how long this comment is, I think I have a problem.

Two mares brought together by their shared special interest. Every autistic girl's dream :twilightsmile:

An incredibly silly story, and a very fun ride.

“Your report was true a few minutes ago, but now that they’ve been married for two weeks, it was always false.”

That was the stupidest possible solution and I love it.

Filthy Rich pulled out a photograph. It showed Twilight Sparkle and Mayor seated on the stage at the Association dinner, almost shoulder-to-shoulder, their hooves touching below the table. “The newspaper couldn’t print this, could they? It’s practically indecent!”

Below-the-table hoof touching!? At an official engagement, no less! The horror! :raritydespair:

“Not a chance in Tartarus.”

Rude... Might be right, but rude 😂😂😂

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