• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Music ponies are best ponies.

Comments ( 8 )

Cover art is 3212506 on Derpibooru.

Fun read, Nice to see some Shadowbolts drone fics around here too. I wonder if the Wonderbolts would have their own answer to those?

I'm glad you enjoyed it! And who knows, maybe a future story will focus on the Wonderbolts side of things.

oh hey thats me

That was interesting. Good fic you wrote :>

Oh hey, it's you! I hope you don't mind me using your work as cover art (let me know if you do).

Thank you kindly!

it's not my drawing but it is my OC. i#m fine with you using anything i make buy it might be worth asking the actual artist of that piece

(edit: haha last time i type a comment at 3 in the morning without my glasses on)

She was a Shadowbolt now.

Wow. Pretty dark, but I guess for her it's a happy ending. The Shadowbolts did tell her it could be worse.

Still, I have to wonder if she'll ever fly again. That was, presumably, her goal from the start. Although I have to wonder why she's join a rival team.

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