• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Music ponies are best ponies.


Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle are true, fire-forged friends. The strength of their bond has been tested by villains, adventures, and the little frictions of day-to-life.

There is, however, one bitter point of contention between them - an argument that is never put to rest no matter how many times it is rehashed.

Twilight thinks it is really, completely weird that Rainbow writes steamy self-insert fanfictions between herself and her personal idol Daring Do.

Rainbow thinks it is really, completely normal and Twilight is just being a prude (and needs to stop bugging her about egghead things like commas and verb tenses).

[Sex tag for discussion about erotic literature - nothing graphic or descriptive]

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is a successful mare - it's hard to do better than a pair of alicorn wings and a crown! Which leads her to wonder - why is she still single? Perhaps Rarity, connoisseur of all things romantic, will hold the answer?

Now has a reading thanks to StraightToThePointStudios!
Now has a reading thanks to Cloud 9!
Now translated into Chinese thanks to xieyuesanxing!
Now translated into Russian thanks to GreatDragonLord!
Now translated into Spanish thanks to SPANIARD KIWI!

Lovely cover art by VladiVoices commissioned by Cloud 9 for their reading (link above).

Top spot in the Featured box 1/2/20 - 1/5/20!

Chapters (1)

Our past experiences shape us. Our joys and sorrows both come reverberating out of the past to influence the present and the future. For Vinyl Scratch, today is the day that she will start to come to terms with the echoes of her own past and how they continue to affect her relationship with her marefriend Octavia Melody.

Contains: References to abusive relationships, lots of pony hugs and cuddling

Chapters (1)

Months before the Last Day, the inhabitants of Stables 29 and 101 were sealed inside their Stables as part of a "trial run." Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Philarmonica were two such souls, bound by love but separated by fate. Even across the distance dividing them, though, they sent messages to each other.

Until, one fateful day several months after the immense door of Stable 29 closed, everything went wrong.

Chapters (5)

The survivors of the changeling swarm that invaded Canterlot have learned their lesson: ponies are too resistant to be taken as a food source through violence. Fortunately, there are other ways for a changeling to feed. It is so much easier just to pick vulnerable ponies and brainwash them into willing servitude. They can even be sent out to bring back more victims!

On a related note, Vinyl Scratch picked the wrong night to leave the club with a pair of unfamiliar ponies.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Accidental Harmony

Several months after moving to Ponyville, Vinyl and Octavia are planning their upcoming wedding. With help from friends like Lyra and Bon-Bon, what could possibly go wrong?

Chapters (7)

Octavia Philharmonica is a desperate mare. Her involvement in the ill-fated "pony pokey" at the prestigious Grand Galloping Gala has left her blacklisted among the elite of Canterlot who form her clientele. Faced with the possibility of being evicted from her apartment for inability to pay rent she decides to take a temporary job at a local nightclub. Of course, she's never set hoof in a club before and has no idea what she's getting involved in . . .

Chapters (20)

There have long been elements of unrest in Equestria. A monarch who has reigned for a thousand years will surely be called a tyrant by some. Those who plot Celestia's downfall know the princess herself is beyond their reach, but they can still strike at those she cares for.

Chapters (10)