• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Music ponies are best ponies.


New Daring Do Story in the Work · 4:10am January 31st

Coming soon to a FimFiction near you . . . a new clopfic featuring everypony's favorite archaeologist on a kinky adventure through a cursed temple.

Currently in the process of editing it - all 15,901 words of it. I may have gotten a bit carried away with a oneshot clopfic . . .

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"An Old Flame" Afterthoughts · 4:07am January 31st

I published "An Old Flame" earlier this month as part of a personal goal to post more stories this year (we're not gonna talk about how I wanted to publish a non-clopfic this month too) and I'm pretty pleased with its reception.

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Working on a new story and . . . · 4:07am January 5th

That awkward moment when you wanted to write a short clopfic but now you're 4,000 words in and they just started kissing a little bit.


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Featured Box Yay! · 7:43pm Feb 2nd, 2020

Wow! Thanks to all the wonderful people of FimFiction, "Twilight Sparkle Has a Type" ended up on the Featured Box shortly after publishing it. Between the views, comments, and the feature, I'm blown away by the support. Thanks to everyone who read and enjoyed this short little slice-of-life story. I honestly hadn't expected it to be so well-received. And, this morning 8 hours later, it's still there and going strong!

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New Story - Twilight Sparkle Has a Type · 3:14am Feb 2nd, 2020

Well, I'm keeping my new year commitment by publishing a story a month. Technically, "Twilight Sparkle Has a Type" was January's story and it's coming out on February 1st, but close enough for me!

If you're in the mood for a short one-shot Slice of Life with Twilight and Rarity discussing the former's lack of love life, check it out here.

Happy 2020, everyone!

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2020 Is A New Year · 2:26am Jan 2nd, 2020

I'm looking to do better with some things in 2020. One of them is writing. I didn't write hardly anything last year, which makes it kind of hard to say I'm a writer when I never write.

I'm not making grandiose statements or getting super-granular with this, but I do have one major goal: publish 1 story per month during 2020. More is better, obviously, but I want at least 1,000 words of horse fiction published on this site per month.

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New Entry to Vinyl and Octavia's Clop Box · 5:14am Jan 3rd, 2018

New chapter to Vinyl and Octavia's Clop Box, named Isolation Protocols.

Born of a brief inspiration that I turned into a couple of hundred words of fetishy fic. Check it out if you've got a thing for bondage, especially the permanent (or very long term) kind.

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MLP Movie · 12:58am Oct 9th, 2017

Well, I've seen the new My Little Pony Movie now. Plenty of other people have done more in depth reviews, so I don't have too much to say about it that hasn't already been said. That being said, here's my brief thoughts. Some minor spoilers ahead.

The "I'm a brony and will probably like anything dealing with ponies" score: 9/10.

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Vacations, Weather Patterns, and Writing · 6:09pm Sep 13th, 2017

Hey, everyone! This little blogpost is just a quick check-in for those handful of people who might care.

First of all, I was supposed to be on vacation this week. I was meant to leave on a cruise from Miami to Mexico on 9/11. You might have seen on the news that a spot of bad weather blew in and changed those plans.

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New (Old) Reading Material · 12:42am May 17th, 2017

Recently the fanfic gods have been smiling down, for I've been able to snag printed copies of Chengar Qordath's "Life and Times of a Winning Pony" and KKat's monstrous fandom classic "Fallout: Equestria."

They are gorgeous. Seriously, look for yourselves:

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