
Viewing 1 - 20 of 142 results

Some more goals · 4:08am Feb 18th, 2018

So ive been thinking, wouldn't it be nice if were to ever complete one of my goals? Im sure i have before with like small goals that I unconsciously created but Ive never had the feeling of accomplishing something that ive planned to do and committed to doing it, and if i had, I am pretty sure that is a feeling one would not forget. Nevertheless heres what I have planned out, I know I did a similar thing a few weeks back, I have no excuses!

1) Continue learning German

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Report CocoaPone · 232 views · #goals

My Life is Complete · 12:45am Oct 14th, 2015

Ya know, at school today, one of my friends that wasn't a brony asked to read my fanfiction. He made a brilliant metaphor about it. Or is it an analogy... dammit. Pretty sure it's the former.
"The writing's good, but you're like wasting it on My Little Pony. It's like a smart person deciding to kill people."
I think my life is complete, now that I'm a mass murderer.

Report The Devious Writer · 258 views · #Goals

Almost to 100 Followers · 12:48am Jun 6th, 2016

I'm excited! Almost 100 people give a shizzle about what I do here! Any way I can get to that triple-digit mark today?:pinkiehappy:


The New Year · 4:18am January 1st

Well, another year come and gone. 2023 was my year; I finished my mission, enjoyed a great Christmas, and came back. It's been full of ups and downs, treasures and disappointments. I've returned to the website, although I don't have much incentive to stay. I've got bigger things on the horizon-- I'm de-pony-ifying A Rather Large Adventure as best I can, adding and subtracting various content. Anyone wants to see some of it, just ask.

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Report BradyBunch · 377 views · #newyear #goals

Coffee Month · 3:14am Sep 2nd, 2017

Welp this just occurred to me: it's Coffee Month! Yes, a month to celebrate that delicious bitter brew in all its palatable, potent forms. Technically speaking there's only the National Coffee Day that's September 29, but why not have a cup every day leading up to that day? Perhaps make a coffee-centric goal for the big day, like make your own concoction or drink 100 cups in a single day and achieve super speed (or death, more likely). Or even write a story pertaining to coffee; it doesn't even

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Somepony may never be on again! · 7:12pm Jan 20th, 2020

Kilo the half changeling may never be on this website, for they have not been on in years. Let´s make their page more fun, for a random acts of kindness project! Now, anyone who happens to fall apon their page can be entertained, and if they ever come back, we can be their friend!


A Group for Self-Promotion · 4:54pm Jul 17th, 2020

Hey guys. A while back, I created this group and posted on my blog about it.

As an author, I understand how difficult it is to start out, or to get the recognition my stories needed. I created this group to assist New authors and stories with getting the recognition they deserve.

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Report Echo Breeze · 198 views · #groups #goals

Blog Update - 14/11/2016 · 9:15am Nov 14th, 2016

Feeling rather relieved as of late, on the art/writing side of life stuff.

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Report Morpheus Sandman · 312 views · #Goals #WiP

2021 goals · 12:26am Jan 8th, 2021

Let me start off by saying happy new year everyone! Yes, I know I'm super late, but to be honest I really don't care about that! Haha! So anyway, the real reason I'm posting this blog is to let you guys know my plans for this year is going to be! (story wise) Hopefully life doesn't get in way. (it will so I can't be disappointed when it happens)
ANYWAY my goals for 2021 are currently:

1) Finish saving the king
2) Release more oc x main mlp character stories (not just romance)

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Report darkwalker787 · 208 views · #2021 #goals

How my days are spent · 9:14pm Mar 15th, 2017

Percentage of day being productive/achieving greatness: 10%

Percentage of day watching YouTube/listening to music/fooling around: 90%

....really says a lot...:rainbowlaugh::trollestia:


Poem #3: Soul of Poetry · 6:13pm Jan 3rd, 2017

Soul of Poetry

What is poetry without the soul?
What is it without body and mind?
To respond it is an empty hole,
In which there is nothing to find.
Poetry is of words and rhyme,
Made of what people have dreamed,
It has been since before time,
Not always does it have idea or theme.
Poetry brings in love and light,
Heals broken hearts and unseen wounds,
It unchains with its gentle might,
Frees the chained and bound,
Poetry is a road that is unknown,

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Report Silver Inkwell · 278 views · #Poems #Goal #New #Soul

Goals · 11:40pm Apr 24th, 2021

So one of my goals for 2021 was to release a story without the words "was" or "that" in it. I'm happy to say that I actually did it! Yay for me! ❤️❤️👍 If you don't believe me go read my lastest!

Report darkwalker787 · 153 views · #goals #happy #yayforme #mlp

2023 (My Writing Year) · 7:19pm Dec 31st, 2022

Hello, it's been quite some time everyone and frankly I wish it wasn't. I've been very busy with Christmas, and before that with my work, and before that with my project (which is still going on) so I just have not had FiM high on my priority list.
Today however I want that to change. I've got a lot of stories in the version of Equestria I've been working on and I want to actually do something with it but even more than that I want to try writing again.

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Report TheGandyMan · 103 views · #writers #goals #2023

TLaTU and Midnight Rising Bonus chapters offered for Patreon donations! · 4:30pm Mar 29th, 2018

For readers of The Lawyer and the Unicorn and Unleash the Magic: Midnight Rising, I've set up a series of goals on my Patreon account, offering omakes/bonus chapters to existing adult stories of mine:

Goal #1: $100

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I have done nothing productive · 12:22am Dec 30th, 2016

Thanks to the holiday, and accompanying depression, I have done nothing whatsoever productive for days. No work on any of the numerous story projects I have; let alone my current primary story (which is bloody huge and eating my brain). No new reviews done. Not hitting even one of my goals.

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Perspective: A Modify NaNoWriMo Goal for 2018 · 3:41am Nov 1st, 2018

Well, it is that time of the year again. In a few hours, (or none) it will be November 1st. The annual time to start writing for National Novel Writing Month. For those uninitiated, the goal is to write 50,000 words or more for the month of November. The point is to get writers to write the minimum amount of words required for a novel, the 50K count. As an aspiring novelist and avid reader, the NaNoWriMo as always fascinated me. So, you think I would be brimming with joy for this month. But I

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TLaTU and Midnight Rising Bonus chapters offered for Patreon donations! · 4:29pm Mar 29th, 2018

For readers of The Lawyer and the Unicorn and Unleash the Magic: Midnight Rising, I've set up a series of goals on my Patreon account, offering omakes/bonus chapters to existing adult stories of mine:

Goal #1: $100

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100 Followers!!! · 6:47pm Jun 10th, 2016


Should I do something in celebration? Or kick back and relax?

Should I draw something awesome? Tell me!


YouTube Homecoming · 6:43pm May 7th, 2017

I checked my YouTube page earlier and I was astounded.

Since I started doing readings I've had close to 500 extra views and 14 subscribers.

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Report Rose Quill · 411 views · #Readings #YouTube #Goals

The Year in Preview: 2016 · 4:33pm Jan 4th, 2016

New Year, new goals. Now that we've all mostly recovered from the hangovers of festivity, family, and alcohol alike, it's time to buckle down for the new year and everything that means. So, much like last year, I've whipped up a fresh set of goals for 2016, and hopefully unlike last year, I'll be able to finish them all. Only time will tell, and by time, I mean the free time I manage to get for writing. So without further ado:

24's 2016 Goals:
[ ] Finish Summer Lands

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 142 results