For anyone who doesn't know, which should be everyone, I have been doing two things with Dark Souls 1. A Soul Level 1 run through, and getting every achievement.
Progress has been slow on my SL1 run through. I've beaten the Asylum Demon, and the Taurus Demon. Dying about SEVEN times in the process, one from falling, one from fisting the Asylum Demon... and all the rest from a Black Knight... I am used to DS2's parry mechanic.
Redeemed Souls is out now. Go read it now. Please
I'm up for some
I play on xbox if anyone is interested.
My friends, I present to you, the creme-de-la-creme of Dark Souls pvp.
Oh, Solaire how I love you so, eh. Sun bros for life, eh.
"If only I could be so grossly incandescent" - Knight Solaire of Astora
Hi y'all, I hope everyone's been well and safe. Just a quick mention, we've started posting Boss Souls over on the Bloodlines Group. Those of you who would like a little background to the world of Flame of Disparity can check it out right here. Like good ol' fashioned Dark Souls, we won't exactly reveal everything, but we'll have a little bits and bobs that might be interesting and shed a
It's a practice run for a bigger project that I'm working on. It (the bigger project) is why I haven't been updating. Well, that and life.
Here's a personal wiki where I keep my notes for it: http://soulbornnotes.wikidot.com/
She had better go back to the bonfire and farm for souls
So I finished Elements of Humanity in mid 2015. However, I realized that when I was rewriting it, the story completely broke from my original intention. As I had people proofread it in my small group of friends, I did receive the needed grammar edits and contradiction findings, but I also received a lot of "ideas" on what to do next. I ended up liking the ideas and incorporated most of them.
I drew her, and she drew me. ^^ Whatcha guys think?
While work is ongoing on various things, including several stories and review sets, someone brought it to my attention that the original Dark Souls game is (temporarily) freely available - a website (the Golden Joystick store) is giving away keys here.
Dark Souls is an interesting (if difficult) action "RPG" style game. If you don't already own it, well, here's an opportunity to get it for free.
Dragonslayer Spike
Potential Item Drop\Description
Dragonslayer’s Life-Severed Ring
An awfully scratched ring that allowed Dragonslayer Spike to hunt his fellow dragonkind. A lively, rapidly-scanning eye attached to an unremarkable and damaged steel band.
A continuation of this!
Q: Are the rest of the Mane 6 going to awaken a Hero Soul?
A: Yes. There will also be two OC Hero Souls, both of which play a plot relevant part to the story, but are not actually a member of the main cast.
Q: Who will be reincarnated in other Hero Souls?
A: The Mane 6, Spike, and two OCs. There will be no other Hero Souls.
Q: Will there be romance/sex in this story?