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This feels very in character so far, especially for Pinkie Pie. We really needed something like this in "Filli Vanilli".
The direct approach is never the obvious one for Pinkie Pie.
Thank you! Pinkie and Fluttershy are my first and second favorite characters so that part of the episode always bothered me. Also yeah Pinkie doesn't really see the most obvious paths
Oh yeah, especially after all those HORRIBLE death threats towards Amy Keating Rogers over the way Pinkie had made Fluttershy cry in that episode. How shameful of them, threatening to kill a writer over something like this!
Yeah whoever did that was crazy 👀
Nice story reminds of a episode from mlp
Pinkie has never had tact. She always clueless in her brutal honesty. She never realizes that sometimes you don't need to say something.
I disagree, but I'm very biased
LMAOOO The ending has me cackling. At least Twilight got to watch the two make up. TT^TT
HAHA! Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!
There's a couple of errors here and there, nothing too glaring though. I like the approach and I agree that this singular episode did the most damage to Pinkie's character out of probably all of them. I've seen many ways of addressing that issue over the years and this one is refreshingly grounded. It's also funny to me that Twilight is the one literally dragging Pinks along after being fed up with her antics.
Thank you for writing!
Twilight, when your friend is having that much of a negative reaction, maybe that's a sign that you should actually stop and try to understand what she's feeling instead of forcing her!