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After waking up, I headed to my apartment's appliance space and began preparing breakfast for Scootaloo and myself. While I was at it, I considered our plans for the day: since it was a bank holiday and we had the day off, we had some time to talk about Anon-a-miss and consider a possible list of individuals, given how many it could be.

I realised that I almost forgot to prepare the eggs, so I hastily cracked and began cooking a few of them. Just as I was humming to myself, I heard a door open.

"Good morning, Scootaloo," I replied, glancing over my shoulder to observe her yawning and with her eyelids itching.

"Good morning Sunny, what are you cooking?" After waking up and getting out of bed, she queried a little drowsily.

I happily answered, "Just some eggs, beans, and toast for us is all," but then I saw tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.

"ScootAloo what's wrong?" I questioned, worried that she must have been fairly well controlled while she was fully awake, but she seemed radically different, perhaps from exhaustion.

"I apologise, it's nothing, I'm okay," she said, attempting to hide her tears.

"Scootaloo that isn't going to work on me come on be honest what's wrong," I asked gently.

"It's just no one's ever made me breakfast before," While I was happy that it was happy tears, what she said was heartbreaking because no one had ever made her breakfast, and just by that mere action a parent should do made her come to tears even if it was happy one, turned to her.

I looked at her and said, playfully and happily, "Oh Scootaloo it's fine now turn that frown upside down cause we are meeting some people who I think you're going to be excited to see and talk to."

ScootAloo cynically remarked, "Who is it then? I can't wait to see who these people you think I want to meet are," while displaying an indifferent expression.

"You're going to regret that I can assure you, Now I am going to have to cover your eyes so you don't see while they enter is that ok with you?" I asked, teasingly, and she just gave me a blank expression.

She responded, "Fine only because it's meant to be a surprise," as I covered her eyes and blew a whistle to let the people inside.

I gradually opened Scootaloo's eyes as they entered the house and then heard a sound I should have anticipated.

"Oh my God oh my God oh my God, I'm a big fan of you two you are legends when it comes to the canterlot Football scene!!!" When Scootaloo saw the two people she almost adored as much as Rainbow Dash, she yelled with delight.

The fiery-haired woman grinned at Scootaloo and said, "Well, it's good to meet you. Miss Skies has told us how much you like us and seeing as we were coming round to see Miss skies we thought why not meet one of our fans."

"Thank you, I've always wanted to meet you too but why are you here to talk to sunny?" Scootaloo enquired, feeling both anxious and thrilled.

"Well you see some of our friends whose kids go to canterlot high have been distraught recently and due to most of them being busy they asked us to help out and see why the school is such an upheaval," the man with black hair said truthfully "and who else to ask but the consular of the school"

"I still don't know why you want to talk to me out of all the Staff at Canterlot high, I mean I'm the newest and the Best people to ask would be Celestia and Luna," I said.

"You see that's what we thought, however when we did go to them for answers they said to come to you as you have dealt with the most incidents related to how the school ended up as this jumble of mess" Spitfire assured me.

"Well she is right in that regard, I recommend taking a seat this is going to be something you need to be sat down for," I replied truthfully

"Please we take risks ever day when our bones can be broken when we are out on the pitch, whatever you have we can handle it" Soarin remarked with a grin.

"Whatever you say, but don't blame me for how you feel after," and then I began to discuss the circumstances that had brought us to this point, excluding any private information from when Anon-a-miss posted to the present.

After an hour

"That's horrible why the hell would they blame a girl when they have no proof that just makes me want to....nevermind" Spitfire said remembering Scootaloo was there.

"Soarin how are you feeling?" I inquired as to his well-being.

He was nauseated and worn out from what he had just heard, saying, "I now see why you asked for us to take a seat."

"Yea so what are you going to do now?" I asked, thinking they would just say to keep out of it.

With confidence, Spitfire added, "Help you out with anything you need," and Soarin merely nodded.

"Well you joined just in time for our first meeting about how to catch anon is happening tomorrow" I replied. Evidently taken aback by their desire to assist

I murmured, "one last thing, Could you stay for dinner? I think a certain someone wants to spend some more time with you," I added, and Scootaloo slowly went scarlet with embarrassment. They both stared at me.

They both gave each other a nod and said, "Yes, we have an extra hour."

Author's Note:
