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The Third

"Well that is an excellent question Sunny dear but it will most likely be best if she answered it herself isn't that right Chrissy?" Celestial replies as she peers across the room at a shadowy corner just before a woman with sharp green eyes and dark green hair with dark greyish-black skin emerged.

"Indeed it is Tia who best to tell our dear friend about me than myself" Chrissy Said while walking out the Corner and joining Celestia on the Sofa sitting next to her

"Well, this is unexpected, but how nice it is to meet you, Chrissy," I remarked softly, shaking her hand. She seemed irritated as she glanced at me.

"It's nice to meet you two, but Chrissy is really only a the nickname. given to me by these two fools," the woman remarked.

"Good to know so what is your real name then?" I inquired

"well I have my Birth name which I don't use anymore and my Married name," she murmured.

"well what are those names," I replied.

"my birth name is Crystalize Iris Everfree, and my married name is Chrysalis Iris me amore," She stated to say I was confused because I had heard the name previously, but that was when Cadence became a princess. If they both have the same name, who is this woman, given that she also shares the same last name as Luna and Celestia?

"Well nice to meet your Crystalize, are you related to Tia and Lulu by your last name," I said.

"Indeed I am the oldest of us three and have to make sure these two idiots don't do anything stupid, which has never worked so far," She spoke with a tired tone, but when she mentioned the oldest, I had to look again because a third sister had never been mentioned before, thus whatever had happened to her happened before the three tribes joined.

"Well, what is your job then, just curious as I don't think you work at the school," with a broad curious expression.

"if you must know I am a Cyber security engineer meaning I make sure no one can get past any covered websites for private data along with the occasional hacking of the hacker's camera and video it pays well overall one skill I picked up which will help you is I can make fake documents however I could lose my job if caught," She spoke in a direct and serious manner.

"which is why you have to decide now if you want to adopt them cause I don't have a good amount of time to make all the documents needed before my computer, is checked," She stated quietly, and I was taken aback that she was willing to abandon her work to assist me.

She might have been their sister, but I didn't know her at all. "Why would you do that, no offence but we just met and you don't seem like the type to help out strangers," I said suspiciously.

"Because I would rather you and your adopted children have a chance at a life.... most of my children were not as lucky," She remarked, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, and I felt bad for needing to ask her why.

"I am...Sorry for your loss Crystalize" I apologised in general for her misfortune.

"It's alright. It was my fault for abandoning kids with their insane father a long time ago," she stated, nearly mumbled. Spitting Venom at The last part

Knowing all too well how long-forgotten memories may affect people's behaviour, I remarked, "I won't even ask, about him as I can tell it is a less than Calm subject."

"I appreciate you doing it. Anyway, enough about me. I will provide the docs to you under one requirement. Crystalize spoke out, staring directly at me.

"What would that be chrysalis?" I asked out of genuine interest but also concern.

She calmly stated, "All five of them have to agree to be adopted by you," as I took a double take.

"I only mentioned four girls. No offence, Crystalize," I answered, not understanding what she was getting at.

"Oh please don't deny the fact you have been secretly looking after and caring for a certain multi-colored-haired girl," She stated that she seemed to have more confidence now. I was astonished not so much by what she said as by the fact that she knew about it while Rainbow and I spoke to each other primarily in private. Tia and Lulu both gave me looks which just screamed, 'Did we just hear your looking after Rainbow dash as well?'

"Well, what do you have to say to that Sunny skies?" She declared herself to be proud.

"How Much Did You Hear"

"I know enough to understand what she's gone through," Crystalize boasted, as though she was proud to know such a personal detail. She was pinned against a wall before I realised what was going on, before Tia and Lulu had to step between us in order to pry me away from her.

I gripped my fists tightly, preparing to pound her in the face if she said anything more about Rainbow. "You Do Not Have the Right to Know Any of That," I said.

"On the contrary My dear, I don't know any of it," She remarked, grinning at me. Now, Lulu and Tia were as perplexed as I was.

"You think I would stoop that low to Advance on someone's personal life, well that was just a little test to see how you would react to knowing I breached Rainbow's Private life, I was expecting maybe a talking to or shouting at, however, you exceeded that by just Fully trying to beat me, that is something I can admire and something I would expect a mother would do for her child," Chrissy said with a slight brushing of her forearm.

"You did all that for a Test!" I yelled at her. I don't shout as much as I used to as Sunny Skies, so Lulu and Tia were shocked by my response, but Chrissy merely gave me a sidelong glance and giggled a little.

Although I didn't like her methods thus far, I couldn't say they didn't work because they are based on instinct and emotion. "Indeed I did I wanted to make sure you would be a parent who protects them and not like my ex-husband," she said, her demeanour composed but downcast.

Chrissy spoke bluntly and with a brushing arm, "Now you're gonna have to create a background for each of the Dazzlings as their last Guardians are unknown if you are to take legal custody of them."

"Well maybe they lived in the woods the house they lived in would likely have been torn apart and most likely never reported missing due to their isolation, it would be the best route to go with the dazzlings, for the other two it is entirely up to them to decide," Chrissy said with a focus on the Decided phrase

"Well, I just got to say thank you your Chrissy for all the help with well, everything this has helped solve some of the bigger issues I had with adopting them," I said happily as I hugged She seemed shocked but gave me a hug in return as we emerged from our embrace.

"Don't stress dear, I already lost 4 of my children and am not letting 5 more end up on the low end because I stood by" Sincerely, she stated That is to say, soon after Tia and Lulu left the room, leaving only Crystalize and myself, she turned to face them and nodded.

"Sit down dear you will need it for what I'm about to tell you," Chrissy replied. I could tell as soon as I sat down what it was about.

"Crystalize Do not tell me what happened to them, please," I replied, glancing into her teary eyes.

"It's alright. I insist that you be informed about it." Crystalline began to cry before she could say anything else, so I hurried over to give her a hug and tried to console her as best I could. Tia and Lulu then entered and helped comforted her.

"Could I know their names at least?" I questioned Tia

"Their names were, Uvenus, Ocellus, Cadenza, and the twin's Pharynx and Thorax"

Author's Note:
