• ...


After hearing what I had just heard, it took me a good five minutes to gather my thoughts before I could glance at Luna, who was using her power to pin Trixie to the wall.

"Auntie stop!" I yelled at her, trying to get her to lose focus with my magic. Luna gave me a look.

"Why should I dear Niece when this show mare refuses to tell me how she knows my daughter's name!" Luna uttered harsh words.

I spoke worriedly as Luna continued to look angry and perplexed. "Auntie, you'll never get your answers if you keep pinning her against the wall especially seeing as you still driving her into it," I added.

"What is thou talking about niece why is it a problem that I'm driving her into the wall," Luna asked perplexingly

"Maybe because it's a crystal wall and you're hurting her!" When Luna realised what she was doing, she stopped and let go of her before I could fly and catch Trixie. Before I could set her down, I noticed that Trixie's eyes were now slitted and had different colours in each, red and dark blue, respectively.

"Sunset, I appreciate you rescuing Trixie." Starlight spoke behind me while Trixie remained face down. I was the only one who knew about her eyes changing colour. "I am as angry as everyone else have to admit that, Trixie knows something but she's also one of my only friends other than Twilight and the others," Starlight said.

"No problem Starlight however I think Trixie hiding more than just knowing Emerald moon as Luna's daughter's " I replied.

"What do you mean by that exactly my little sunshine?" I just covered my face with one of my hooves and looked down as the room laughed as Mom claimed that I could hear everyone laughing.

"Mum just why?" I was upset at my mom for using my nickname, saying, "You promised not to use my nickname in front of people."

I turned to look at Trixie, and everyone stopped laughing except for Rainbow, who continued to laugh longer than anybody else. "Sorry, dear, but continue with what you were going to say," Mom urged.

"Ok Trixie, usual, I would ask how you know that name however I have a different question and that is why do your eyes have two different eye colours along with them being slitted all of a sudden." then I heard Trixie punch the floor as I was looking away, her hoof glowing slightly before fading away, which we all found strange. I then heard a rumble below me, and I jumped back towards the others, who were all as shocked as I was to see a giant green crystal emerge from the ground that I had been standing on.

"When did Trixie learn Crystal magic!" Twilight expressed her utter surprise that Trixie could utilise it just as much as I could.

I heard Auntie Luna say, "Sister, isn't this kind of magic only in the restricted section?"

I heard my mother say, "It is now, but that doesn't explain how she can do it, I put multiple spells and enchantments on that area of the restricted section due to followers of Sombra trying to learn Crystal magic," which made sense because ever since Sombra was defeated, numerous cults had emerged, most of which have been destroyed, but a few have persisted.

"Sorry to interrupt darling, but we have a bigger problem on our hands at the moment," Rarity said to them. I was surprised to hear Rarity tell the two beings who moved celestial objects to focus, but she is right because when I looked at Trixie, I noticed that the red smoke was much more prominent than before and that the others had seen it.

"While can't you just keep your muzzle out of my business, so I know a name big deal it isn't like Sombras dairy is in the Crystal Library!" She was shrieking so loudly that I was tempted to cover my ears, but I knew I could handle it.

"It isn't Trixie, Cadance found Sombras dairy but didn't want anyone to read it not even herself so she brought it to me, so I could destroy which I did as soon as she gave it to me," mum stated quietly with a neutral expression.

"Well maybe there was 2 dairy's and you found the original not the spare," Before I realised anything about the distinctions between worlds, I heard Trixie's voice quivering somewhat almost instantly. While most events are the same, some are different, an example is how There's a sunset in our world, but none in yours, at least that one was born there, which means that something changed in our world that could only have occurred because of magic. It was a conversation between Twilight and the girls, which I missed because I was involved in the battle against the dazzlings earlier. That's when I gave it more thought and came to a conclusion.

"Trixie before we do fight can I quickly ask you something?" I inquired

"Sure but be quick and don't try anything," She warned me to be careful.

"I've always wondered if there was a difference between my world and this one in terms of events, originally I thought things were the same except when I found no mention of another born to my mother and that is it so tell me what is the difference that made that happen?"

Trixie gazed thoughtfully for a moment, then her eyes widened and she clinched her teeth, saying, "Magic, that's the difference."

"You are correct however that means that anything true in my world is also true here because it has to be true here before it is there meaning if you were the daughter of someone there, it would mean you are the daughter of the same person here, "I stated knowing I had backed her in a corner

"Niece what are you getting at while I am following your logic you make it sound like Trixie is someone's daughter over there?" Auntie Luna said she was totally confused.

"Well Auntie remember when you said you wanted to know how Trixie knew Emerald's name" I looked down and remarked, "Well, that's because you were asking her for her name," as she nodded.

"But that would mean Trixie is...." I heard Auntie say that, and then there was stillness as the lifetime revelation set in.

Author's Note:

Hi sorry for such a large delay to explain in a simple way I have a job now so I wont have as much free time,I will still write but chapter will be quite a while apart now
