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The Revelation

Warning:involves sensitive topics

I was close to the Canterlot Cemetery, which I had to pass by every day on my way to and from my apartment, and it had been a few hours since I had left the Sirens to their own devices. However, this time, I heard crying from the other side of the cemetery wall, which led me to believe that someone was likely visiting a loved one who had passed away and that I shouldn't have been listening. After three seconds of walking, I heard someone loudly speaking on the other side.

"What can I do, I'm just as useless as always!" It didn't take long for me to recognise their hair from a distance because of its vibrant colours as I dashed to the Cemetery gate as soon as I noticed the voice was broken and the person shouting was recognisable.

When I came closer I saw that she was standing in front of three graves. Then, I saw that she was holding a metal object, which I instantly realised was a knife. At first, I didn't understand why she had it, but then I saw that she was pushing it close to her throat.

"Rainbow!, What were you thinking, Rainbow, why would you even do this?" I yelled, getting her to drop it briefly and turn around. As soon as she did, I swiftly grabbed the knife from her, hurting myself in the process. I asked her as she just gazed at me before crying and collapsing to the ground. I threw the knife aside and went to comfort her, and after a few minutes, she stopped crying.

"Rainbow, please look at me," I said, and she glanced back. "Promise me that you will never try that again," I pleaded with her, my teenage voice leaking through a tiny hole in my body.

She spoke, "I promise," straining to say it twice before her voice broke.

"I know this isn't the place to talk about stuff, how about you come back to mine and we can talk about things there does that sound good?" She nodded, I whispered, and then she staggered forward before fainting once more. At this point, I just decided to pick her up and carry her. She didn't protest or say anything, and as I walked back to my apartment, I considered why Rainbow was there. Since she had never mentioned losing a loved one while we were friends, I reasoned that this must be the reason she was a regular customer of Luna's.

"Rainbow do you think you can walk?" We were outside of my apartment when I asked, and she nodded. I had to get my key out of my bag to open the door, so I set her down and went to get it. I then opened the door and beckoned her inside.

"Sit down your my guest and be patient, get as comfortable as you want ok?" She merely nodded when I told her, which worried me because she wasn't that silent during our session.

When I asked her, "Now how about you tell me why you were going to do something so dangerous," I didn't get the answer I was hoping for.

"What else do I have to live for," Her words were so frigid that I became concerned for her mental and emotional health even more then before.

Then I said, "You have a lot of things to live for, one being your Sister, another being those around you, and finally your friends," she looked at me during the first two, but the last one made her look down at the floor, and I realised how big of an idiot I had been. The girls would have argued after Rainbow decided to leave the sirens be.

She only nodded slowly when I said, "I'm guessing based on your body language that something happened with your friends after you left me and the sirens."

"What happened?" I asked, reaching out to touch her.

"Some words and names were brought up which shouldn't of," She stated clearly, "I knew one of the names already."

I inquired, "I assume one of the names is the Sunset girl," and she nodded. At least I knew that Rainbow no longer thought I was a liar, but the others did.

"Were any other names mentioned?" I asked, and I saw that she became tense, indicating that someone close to Rainbow's heart had been mentioned. "You can tell me anything you say will not be mentioned outside this room without your explicit permission," I told her, and I saw that she relaxed and her shoulders went down a little.

"Ok you will be one of the only other people I tell this to, but I'm an orphan," She said which made my heart break, which explains why she has never brought up her family.

I comforted her, saying, "Oh Rainbow, I'm so sorry," before she carried on.

"I wasn't always an orphan I knew my parents their names were Windy Whistles Dash and Bow Hoof Dash," I nodded, she said, and motioned for her to go on.

"I also had an older brother called Blitz hoof Dash, he didn't want to be called that though and preferred Blitz," She began to cry more and more as she spoke, so I gave her a cup of water so she could take a break from telling me.

"One day my parents had gone out of the house to go shopping, on their way there however the car were they in crashed at 60 miles per hour, neither of them survived," Her voice cracking, she said, "Sturtting," so I told her to cease talking for another ten or so minutes until she calmed down.

"After I and Blitz were put into an orphanage, he always put my needs first and his second, I wish he hadn't I had come back from canterlot primary school it was the end at graduation, as I went to the orphanage I ran into Blitz room to tell him but I" she began to weep and asked her "what did you see Rainbow?"

She added, "He had a knife in his throat," before she finally broke down. I was horrified and thought back to all the times I had been cruel to Rainbow; it was understandable that she hadn't forgiven me since I ruined the people she thought of as family. Now, it happened again, but this time it was because of anon-a-miss.

Author's Note:
