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Coming to terms with the past

Author's Note:

Yes I know in the comment on the last chapter I said I would take a coupe days off for a break but I just can't even if i should


After an hour, I had finally recovered from my breakdown. But as I thought about how much harm I had caused, I realised that I was the one who was being selfish and uncaring of what these people had to go through during my reign of terror. They had good reason to not forgive me or even become my friends. I needed to make amends, but I wasn't sure how I was going to do that at this point, I thought, tears still streaming down my face.

At that point, I knew that the only way I could be of use was to carry out the task I had been assigned. Knowing that I had assisted some of them—at least the ones who were still alive—would at least allow me to find some closure.

I looked up at the wall clock, expecting it to be 2 pm, but it was actually 4 pm, which shocked me. Had I spent that much time in the restrooms, I wondered as I rounded a corridor. As I got up and made my way to my office, I noticed that most of the school was quiet, which surprised me since it should be lesson time.

It startled me that I didn't recognise the person waiting outside my office when I thought I knew everyone at Canterlot High School.

I welcomed her, saying, "Hello, what are you doing outside my office?" She nearly leaped out of her skin, but then calmed down.

"Your office? Where's Luna? We had an appointment set for today," she remarked, breaking my heart. I assumed Celestia would inform them during Tuesday's weekly assembly.

I told her, "I'm sorry for having to tell you this, but Luna can't be consular and Vice-Principal for personal reasons," trying not to mention Anon-a-miss. Seeing that she had tears in her eyes right away, I realised that she must be one of Luna's regulars due to the fact she had such a strong connection with her, she couldn't be consular any longer.

I hugged her, knowing that in order to do my job well, I would have to console a lot of people. It had been two minutes since she had started crying, and she was beginning to calm down. "What's your name?" I asked her. Speaking as softly as possible, as I carefully released the hug.

"My name's Wallflower blush," She continued, her voice shaking as she expressed to me how distraught she was about this sudden change.

"Ok it's nice to meet you Wallflower, my name is Sunny Skies but you can call me Sunny or Skies if it would make you feel more comfortable," I informed her. how was this the same girl Luna had told me about, the one I had not seen in years, despite how many yeara I came to CHS.

"Thanks, sunny, so I'm guessing by the fact you said it was your office you are the new consular to replace Luna," She declared something that crushed my heart: she believed that I would attempt to replace Luna.

She grumbled and looked up at me. "Hey don't be sad just because I'm the new consular doesn't mean I replaced Luna you can still go see her anytime, I could never replace someone you have a connection with," I said truthfully.

"Thank you for saying that it makes me feel better that I can still talk with Luna," she remarked with greater sincerity

In an attempt to get to know her better, I said, "Now how about we go in my office and get to know each other better." She only nodded slowly as I opened the door and motioned for her to have a seat.

I took a seat in my chair and turned to face Wallflower as she settled in. "Ask me some questions, and I'll ask you some after you know a bit more about me, how does that sound?" I said. She nodded as I spoke.

"Ok so how old are you, I'm just curious since you look young to be consular," I said.

I openly said, "I get that question a lot, and the answer is always the same though I may look 18 or 19 I'm 21."

"You do look young but some people just get good genetics I guess, where are you from?" She inquired

"I am from whitetail, now would it be ok if asked some questions?" She nodded in agreement, which made me happy.

"Ok so how old are you?"I inquired

"Next month, I will turn 16," she hesitantly remarked.

"The Big 16, I remember when I had mine good time, However this js about you not me, How long have you been attending Cantelot High?" I asked to find out if she had been here the entire time or if she was a transfer student that I had missed during my reign of terror.

"I've been going here since I turned 12," To be honest, I had no idea she had been here for so long; it just made me think how alone she must have felt all these years.

With a great deal of worry that people would probably walk all over her, I said, "Okay now I want to make it clear that if you have any problems at all with anyone threatening you or just being mean to you I want you to come to me or Luna whichever one you see first ok." She nodded and then giggled a little, asking, "Okay what's so funny?" She was laughing, so I asked her, a little baffled.

Celestia said the students would be able to relate to me due to the fact that she said, "You sound just like Luna during our first session," still giggling a little. This made me realise that Luna and I have more in common than I had previously thought, and it made me consider what I had said to Celestia that might have led her to believe that before I heard a phone notification.

"Sorry it's my parents they say I have to get home early cause people are coming around," I simply nodded in response to her regretful statement.

I said to her, "It's okay, I can set up another appointment for this Thursday. How does that sound?" She nodded before getting up and leaving.

Following her departure, I returned to pondering what Celestia had said about Luna and me being relatable. I realised that the only thing I had said that could have been true was that I had mentioned the students' well-being earlier in the meeting, and if she was discussing that, it worried me about Luna. The only other thing I could think of was suicidal thoughts, which implied that Luna had either thought the same thing or, worse, had attempted suicide. With that in mind, I hastily got up to see if Luna was still here.