Brawny Bold has little experience when it comes to dating or interacting with pretty mares. Brawny's best friend, Feather Bangs, asks Brawny to go with him on a double date. Brawny Bold decides to try his best to make a good impression on the mares while being an excellent wing pony to Feather.
Oh trust me there is always something very interesting going on in Ponyville
I kind of guessed that feather bang didn't know that bon bon and Lyra are a couple oops
Oh no it's those girls from that episode putting your hoof down
Well that's was a pretty interesting story so apparently feather bang invited is friend to a double date and the ones who he picked up was bon bon and Lyra and unfortunately feather bang kind of Choke because his shyness came around and basically his friend was answering the questions that the girls were asking but it was nice of him to help feather out but they didn't know that Lyra and Bonbon are a couple but it didn't stop them to have a good time so that was nice as I said this was a pretty interesting story keep up the good work
Interesting potrayl of feather you got there
Thanks, this is also the first story to include my self-insert OC.
And you did well! If i may, he is similar to mine.
Also, your Story got my attention due to Lyra, a Favorite background pony of me and a close friend
Yeah and OC character is pretty cool