• Member Since 30th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen July 19th


Is it wrong to think Cadence is best princess? Is it wrong to think Feather Bangs is best pony? I certainly don't think so.


Trixie was desperate to look for the perfect gift for Starlight as it was getting close to Hearth's Warming. Luckily, Rarity was nearby and she was willing to help Trixie out. They soon find themselves in a large shopping center where it's full of many floors, large discount sales, and aggressive shoppers.

Written for Foxtrot-Mayflower for Jinglemas 2023

Chapters (1)

Wind Sprint finds one of Quibble's book about Daring Do. Out of curiosity, Wind reads it to see what Daring Do is like. Little did Wind knew, the story she was reading was definitely not for foals.

Chapters (1)

Brawny Bold thought his life was going to be boring and he will forever be single. That was until he met Feather Bangs, a stallion who knows how to swoon girls. Feather decides to help out Brawny in the love department as both of them are such good buddies. Brawny will find out if Feather's advise will help him or make his life a total disaster.

Chapters (3)

Brawny Bold never thought he would get invited to cook dinner for Cherry Jubilee, sole owner of Cherry Hill Ranch. Brawny wasn't sure on what to do as this was the first time he was invited to a mare's house. Sure, Brawny was a pro when it comes to cooking. But pretty mares are a completely different story.

Chapters (1)

Brawny Bold has little experience when it comes to dating or interacting with pretty mares. Brawny's best friend, Feather Bangs, asks Brawny to go with him on a double date. Brawny Bold decides to try his best to make a good impression on the mares while being an excellent wing pony to Feather.

Chapters (1)

Feather Bangs was hungry for a meal and he ends up at The Tasty Treat. He tries the exotic food only to find out that it was made by Saffron Masala, the cook of the restaurant. Feather doesn't realize that Saffron also has a dad who knows how to handle stallions going after his daughter.

Chapters (1)

Feather Bangs thought that his free tour to the cookie factory was going to be boring. That was until some ponies ended up becoming zomponies and started to attack. Now Feather Bangs tries to survive the newly formed zompony apocalypse while trying to win the heart of a certain white, unicorn mare.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Feather Bangs Dates the Mane Six

Feather Bangs feels lucky for getting the chance to go on some dates with girls from Crystal Prep Academy. He will find out that they are much more than they appear.

Chapters (6)

Fluttershy brings her brother to her friends so they can get to know him. Fluttershy's friends will be in for a huge surprise as her brother turns out to be a super hot hunk that is exactly their type. This meeting can turn into a huge completion to win the heart of Fluttershy's brother.

This story's version of Fluttershy's brother is based off of the one from the comic made by AwesomeSendpie

Chapters (1)

Button Mash was completely bored from playing all of his video games. When Button sneaks in his brother's room, he finds a video game cartridge and decides to play it. Button will soon realize that the game in his brother's cartridge is about dating cute mares. Button then uses what he had learned from the game on most of the mares he knows.

Chapters (1)