• Published 5th Jul 2021
  • 620 Views, 342 Comments

Big America - Windlife

Gorge Washington, spared death, is transported to Equestria after the British dystroy America with pony magic. Now, Gorge must come to terms with his new enviorment and learn pony magic, from Twilight, to defeat the British. BANS FOR HATERS. ALL HATE

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Citizens, do you want a revolution without a revolution?

America, the land of liberty, cival rights, and British boats armed by the Russians of the coast firing big balls of lead into the liberty tower. Washignton was hand in hnad, very ugly, as he just lost the boat battle and lost his wife - Larience. The British had casted a magic missal into the sky which then opened up and killed the boats on the American.

BANG BOOM BAM. It went into the sky and ate up his boats in a single second.

"How will I ever recover finatually?" he said as a man bust into his room - he was blue and on the side of freedom - his now was France. "Sir we are going to lose the country because the British used magic and -!"

Suddenly there was explotion and it all went black....


Twilight Sparkal was mining for ore in her try house with a book floating next to her in the sky and she was reading it. "Where do you find dimond down here?" Then she looked at the book and it was a funny pratical joke from Rainbow Dash about the hit new game MINECRAFT TM. "oh haha very funny rainbow!"

A big boom then a bigger port went up and gorge washington was there seeign her magic book! He pulled out his glock and aimed it at Twilight! "British person!"

Twilight did not yell instead she looked at the gun then took it away from him with magic that she stored within her head then horn then mind then into the air it went and took away his gun! Gorge was very upset but then he knew she was very safe.

"I have lost all my country," he said, very sad face :*( "The evil british have taken it away and thrown it into the trash. They do not have a constitiution or bill of rights and just a stinky king who hates freedom, the midle class, and worker unions.

Twilight was so sad she started to cry. "How can we save this great country of your white wigged man?"

Apple Jack was also there and she bucked Gorge in the stomach. He threw up but then was fine. "Get yar' things together groge we will teach you magic to help 'yall."

Twight was very flustered "We will?!"

"Yep'!" Apple say back.

Goge was happy.


They were in the treehouse with the mian 6 in the living room watching gorge levitate a apple in front of himself. The ponies were very impressed. Humans were very good at magic. But who was the one who taught magic to the British? Twilight was very thinking about this... but then Washington threw the apple accros the room - hitting that dragon thing and kocking it on his bum!

"haha!" they all in union laughed very hard in the face. So many happy tears!

Gorge's eyes narroed - "I think I know enough to fight the british and go save Ameruica!" But Twilight stopped him!

"No Goge, we do not know who taught the Britsh the magic yet and what if -"

Sudeenly - like big hooves on the wodden door, the was a knock of wood. It was Celesltia and she came in with Redcoats (The are the name for British soldiers in my headcannon) she looked angry. "I just got your letter twilight and I now the know you of gorge washington in your house which is not good because we do not like eachother!'


"It's not simply because I'm a monarch. Power shouldn't be derived from the masses - below their betters - but from top down, where educated, landed individuals, who have the most at stake within the state, can make the best decisions regarding its future. Constitutions, usually formed to protect civil rights of the middle class, have a nasty habit of overstepping logical boundaries - impeding your betters from leading the country the way it was meant to be led: absolutely and without hesitation. Overreaching rights embolden the masses and lead to mob rule republics." Celestia took in a deep breath and gazed around the room. "I'm here to protect you - us - from injustice. Listening to Washington will do nothing but ruin our great country and traditions, lead us to headless anarchy, and destroy the very fabric of society."

"no that is the very wrong" twighlith said with open mouth as washington was no gone "republic is good because we all vote on good people with good education and good stuff that we want in there"

Celestia rolled her eyes. A beam of light shot forth from her horn and, within an instant, struck Twilight on the chest. She recoiled, closing her eyes, but soon realized there was no pain. A bubble of white, translucent magic surrounded her, and as she placed a hoof on the barrier, it became clear the substance was solid. Celestia lowered her head and smiled smugly. "Just stay here, will you? I have to clean up your mess..."

Celestia, flanked by two rugged soldiers, approached the portal, still glistening with a purple hue. The rest of the ponies lined themselves against the opposite wall, silently watching every minute movement. Rainbow Dash made sure to never take her beady eyes off the bayonets fixed to the end of their weapons. A thick aroma of fresh sweat hung in the air.

Groge was back in the land of america and it was no good to see all the british people around and they were attacking the good armericans. Washington used his magic to teliport to the statue of liberty and then casted a magic spell on all of snafransisco and attacked them with a magic missal.

The british scream in horror as they went and like died (but they did not because there is no death in this story) and then celestia came through the port and looked at him and said "I will kill you! right i nthe now"

What will happen next??

Author's Note:

thank you for my friend who is a writier of a few published books for helping write a few lines!! very nice!

Comments ( 342 )
Comment posted by kudzuhaiku deleted Jul 5th, 2021
Comment posted by iowaforever deleted Jul 5th, 2021

no trolls please! go away please!

Comment posted by kudzuhaiku deleted Jul 5th, 2021


i dont click on links thank you

Comment posted by kudzuhaiku deleted Jul 5th, 2021

???? I don't get it. please go away if you just wnat to troll ui am from america california and this is not how we get treated around there with people like you who insult and insult

Comment posted by kudzuhaiku deleted Jul 5th, 2021

just becuase there is some typo does not mean that the story is bad.

Comment posted by kudzuhaiku deleted Jul 5th, 2021

typos dont matter btw. you would know this if you write

the force of nature has returned 👀

yes gorge washington has retuned to attack the british who won the war by attackign with pony magic from the show but it is evil i wonder who hleped them?? read on reader!

Estee #15 · Jul 5th, 2021 · · 2 ·

On this day after the patriotic one, in the presence of this historical document, let us all remember, according to modern-day pundits, the whole of what George Washington said at his inaugural address.

According to multiple news networks, all of whom have the only copy of the original footage, it went exactly like this.



You might have to forgive his obvious emotional state. He'd just gotten back from comforting the families of the victims from the Bowling Green Massacre.

but gorge washington was a liberal tho also i do not like your language please clean it up

The description reminds me of that one film that Netflix released a few days ago. I forgot what it's called.

Estee #18 · Jul 5th, 2021 · · 1 ·


No. One does not edit history.

Also, the only person who would describe George Washington, The Founding Father Of Owning All The Depleted Uranium Ammo Guns, as a librul traitor would be a Russian troll farm communist spy, so I see no need for further engagement with someone who is obviously The Enemy. Good day to you, sir!

I said good day!

how dare u. you will be banned soon if you tlak again DO NOT TLAK AGAIN

Comment posted by Mystic Sunrise deleted Jul 5th, 2021

i know. it's a good story. thank you!

I can't remember. Did Gorge Washington carve the Grand Canyon or eat the buffalo to near-extinction? Possibly both?

thank you for the fan music!! i apprenticeship it!

I just said this thing you call a story is a steaming pile of shit. There is literally nothing good about it.

You’ve returned to us at last!

you did not read it. troll

So many deleted comments, y r u like this

yes and know i see why i had to leave for a person break becdause of all these haters and trolls. this site made me very sad and angry but then my freind who is big author told me to keep it up and helped a bit to get me going!

gorg washingmasheeen is best freeus mcfreedom :V

Comment posted by Hotel_Chicken deleted Jul 5th, 2021

that guy who made that story about derpy chasing his OC deleted his own comments

I hope you all know that dowoting this story will only make me not want to write anymore. i have many fans who will be sad to hear me go just saying!

Comment posted by SockPuppet deleted Jul 5th, 2021

Goge was happy.

Me too.
Me too...

:trollestia: You were given Liberty and Free Speech and you fuck it up like this?
:moustache: Who do you think you are Nancy DeAlisandro? A Mafia bosses daughter?
:rainbowlaugh: Miss Lube Rack 1958

What? speak normally please or you will be blocked


Really ?
Write something worth reading

If you stop writing you will not be missed.

I hear your mother calling you... those Hot Pockets and Sunny D are going to spoil

gif dont work. i would like to know what you thimnk the moral of the story is only 1 chpater in??? :derpytongue2: very odd and i have seen you attack my stories beofre so idk if i want to know

:moustache: Can't spell San Francisco
:rainbowlaugh: troll?
:fluttercry:Poor little baby needs his bottle

are you sad :*(

I don't even know what's going on anymore. Jesus christ
Tis truly beautiful.

The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.

Comment posted by Hillbe deleted Jul 5th, 2021

I'm glad you see it my way!

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