Interest in an EC Fimfiction Group? · 5:55am Aug 1st, 2022
Now that there are actual people regularly reading the EC stories, commenting, discussing and sometimes arguing about them, and asking for detailed updates, I am wondering if it might be worth my time to set up a Fimfiction group for them. This would help keep everything organized and might also foster more discussion... or it might just be a big waste of time that never gets used, I don't know. Seeing if people are interested enough to comment on a blog post is the first step.
A side story not based on an episode, and focusing mostly on original characters.
Oooh what's bellerophron?
Sidelined ATM in favor of Bellerophon. Work will resume when Bellerophon is finished. The good news is, once both stories are ready they will be released one-after-the-other.
Any news on one bad apple?
to add to my last comment: I’m extremely excited to see your take on Discord.