• Published 16th Apr 2021
  • 3,821 Views, 12 Comments

A Royal Foal Swap - Zubric

A bit of Discord's magic causes Flurry and Cadance to swap roles for the day. Wackiness follows

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Mother to Foal

It was a lovely day in the Crystal Empire as Cadence entered her daughter’s nursery, smiling at seeing her little darling playing with her blocks. The princess waited for Flurry to look up before she showed off a small box. “Oh Flurry, Discord got you a present,” She sang as her daughter began to babble and clap with glee. Floating Flurry over, Cadence sat down and looked at the tag. “Hmm, I wonder what he got you?” She asked as Flurry eagerly ripped at the sparkly wrapping paper, revealing a simple-looking box. When Flurry looked inside, she pulled out a fluffy Twilight Sparkle plush.

Shining entered the room and saw the present. “What’s that?”

Cadence turned to her husband and held out the already opened package. “Seems like Discord sent us a gift. Hopefully this isn’t some sort of prank?”

“Discord?” Shining blinked and then groaned. “Ugh, I just know he’s up to something. And you're letting Flurry play with something he sent! Nothing good could come of that.”

Cadence peered over at Flurry as the foal held up the doll, babbling and happily giving it a hug as the little voice box chimed. “Let’s play!”

Shining ran over and took the doll. “Oh no! Is this Twily?! Did Discord turn her into a doll?! Twily’s always been warning me about the kind of ‘pranks’ Discord likes to pull.”

Cadence rolled her eyes. “Seriously you’re being a little too overprotective. He’d never harm our daughter, or Twilight Not intentionally at least..”

“I don’t trust him. He may be reformed, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to pull crazy pranks,” Shining grumbled, but he saw Flurry was tearing up and about to have one of her tantrums. He just sighed and gave the doll back to her. “Fine, I guess she can play with it… but I’m going to go send Twilight a letter just in case.”

He headed off as Cadence shook her head before seeing something else in the box. A letter? She opened the envelope and a small red button came out along with a letter she read out loud, “Swap roles for a day, press the button.” She blinked, scratching her head. “Huh?! What is this?”

While Cadence pondering what Discord sent all of this Flurry saw the button on the ground. She picked it up and pressed the button, giggling as it chimed. “Ready? Okay!” A moment later there was a bright flash as Cadence covered her eyes, feeling vertigo along with her ears ringing.

When Cadence recovered, she blinked as she felt different. Looking up she saw Flurry Heart towering over her with a motherly smile. “Wa?”

“Aww, does little Cady like her gift? Yes she does.” Flurry motherly sang.

Cadence looked down to see she was holding the plush Twilight in her hooves. “Wha?! I not a foal! Change me back!”

“Dawww, somepony’s trying to talk. Can you say ‘Mama’ yet?” Flurry cooed as she pinched Cadence's cheeks.

Cadence groaned, realizing her talks must sound like baby babbling. Then she started at herself, blushing a bit at the obvious blue padding around her bottom and blank flanks (of course). So she found herself hugging the Twilight plush with a cute pout.

Shining then entered the room. He was much younger too, being around a school foal with a little saddle bag with his cutie mark printed on it. “Hey Flurry, what’s going on?”

“Oh Shining,” Flurry called. “You need to get going, you’re going to be late for kindergarten.”

“Huh...oh yeah…” Shining mumbled as he rubbed his head. “Ok, thanks for reminding me!” And he hugged Flurry. “Can you walk me to school?”

“Oh of course.” Flurry sang as she lifted Cadence onto her back.

Cadence looked down at her husband and tried to babble for help but he just dawwed at her. “Aww, she’s so cute when she tries to talk.”

“I know, she’s very excited today because Twilight will be coming over,” Flurry cooed. “You know how much she likes to play with her favorite auntie.”

Cadence slammed a hoof to her face. Was she the only pony that knew that something was wrong here?

But Flurry just patted Cadence’s head before holding Shining hoof, leading him out of the castle and down the street to the new school. The Crystal Empire’s subjects waved their hooves and dawwed at the little filly Cadence now was.

Cadence just sat there with a pout, feeling annoyed at Discord’s prank. And before long she felt a pang in her bladder. “No! No! Not gonna use my diaper!” She complained to herself.

She kicked and squirmed as Flurry sat on a bench. “Hold on, Shining. I gotta feed the baby.”

Shining sat by Flurry as she took out a little bottle of formula and plopped it into Cadence’s mouth. Cadence eeped as she suckled down the chalky formula down her throat and could feel her bladder releasing as she heard a hiss. It was so embarrassing.

Shining nearby placed a hoof on his face. “Hehe, Cady needs a change.”

Flurry checked the diaper. “Oh, she’s only a little wet, I'll change her when we get back. Now come on, don't want to be late on your first day, Shining.”

Once at the small school Flurry waved as Shining hurried inside. The princess then looked to Cadence and cooed. “Well, how about we go to the train station to welcome your Auntie Twily?” She cooed.

Twilight was rubbing her face. She swore she’d come to the Crystal Empire to babysit Flurry...but she was a princess, so of course she came to babysit Cadence, her favourite little niece. She had a diaper bag strapped around her and looked around the platform. She then spotted Flurry Heart with little Cadence on her back and she came over with a smile. “Hello, Flurry, so good to see you!”

“Yes, it’s great to see you as well!” Flurry exclaimed as the two princesses hugged each other.

Then Twilight looked around and asked. “Where’s Shining?”

“Oh, he’s at his first day of Pre- I mean kindergarten.” Flurry replied. “So glad he finally learned his ABCs, but he still has trouble remembering his shapes.”

Cadence flapped her wings, starting to hover as she babbled. “Twilight, snap out of it!” But it was useless as Twilight just cooed at her.

“Aww, are you glad to see me?” Twilight asked, pulling the foal into a hug and nuzzling her. “Who’s the cutest little niece? You are, yes you are.''

The nuzzling did feel nice, Cadence had to admit, as she stopped struggling for a moment to take it in. The few diaper pats she received made her blush again, but Twilight’s body warmth was nice to cuddle against.

As Twilight, Flurry and little Cadance were heading back to the palace they came by the Kindergarten to check on Shining. He was sitting down next to little Sunburst who had a little gold sticker on his chest.

Shining looked up and squealed. “Twilly!” He ran over and hugged her as the alicorn ruffled his mane.

Cadence sat back with a blush. “Okay, this is actually pretty cute.” She spotted Sunburst and waved a hoof. The little colt waved back, then showed her a cute picture he drew of her and the orange colored colt.

Cadence then turned to see Shining heading back to his desk and Twilight replied. “Looks like they’re doing arts and crafts. I loved doing macaroni art as a foal!”

“Guess it runs in the family, that’s all Shining makes for me.” Flurry snickered as Cadence rolled her eyes. Clearly, Discord had added some touches to this little prank because she’d never seen Shining make macaroni art before. She was then picked up by Twilight. “Oh dear, Cady is quite soggy. Can I change her diaper?”

Flurry turned towards the teacher blushing and asked. “Is it ok if we do it here?”

The teacher threw up a hoof and chirped. “That’s a great idea! Let's make this a learning moment!”

The little filly squirmed and tried to shout at them but the class was now all watching as Twilight laid out the changing mat. Cadence whined “Nooo!” The whole process was rather quick despite her wiggling and her complaints going unanswered. It did feel nice and soft once the fresh diaper was secure around her bottom, the sweet scent of the foal powder hitting her nose.

“There! See, it’s not that hard!” Flurry exclaimed to the class. All the foals started asking her questions about where foals came from as a few looked at Cadence.

The small foal felt happy as she flapped her wings before sitting back down much like she’d seen Flurry do.

The kids all dawwed and Twilight placed her hooves on her cheeks. “Oh, she’s so cute!”

Cadence found herself blowing out a raspberry at Twilight. “No, you cute.” She taunted. Then, focusing with a scrunched up face she found that much like Flurry she could cast some magic. She floated up a few crayons, finding herself drawing random scribbles on the nearby wall without much thought.

Flurry gasped upon seeing this! “Cadence, no!”

Cadance, however, just found herself giggling and finding it amusing for whatever reason.

After they came home it was lunchtime for the foals. Shining Armor and Sunburst were both eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches cut up into triangles, with milk to drink. Cadence was stuck eating mashed peas with Twilight spoon feeding them to her while making silly faces. The thing was that the silly faces were working as intended, making it hard to ignore the spoonfuls of foal food being fed to her.

Flurry, meanwhile, was all dressed up in a gown and her tiara. “Oh my goodness, I’m going to be late for my meeting with the other princesses. Twilight, you don’t mind watching the foals for a few hours, do you? I should be back before bedtime.”

“Don’t worry, Flurry. I can keep an eye on these three.” Twilight replied as she shoved another spoonful of mashed peas into Cadence’s mouth.

Cadence ate the mush, making a face but fooled by the faces Twilight was making. As she wiggled, she found her horn lighting up, sending the bowl flying up and landing atop Twilight’s head with a plop. She put a hoof to her mouth as Twilight scowled for a moment before wiping the mush off her head as the sight was rather amusing.

Once done, Sunburst got up and tugged at Twilight’s tail. “Ms. Twilight, can Shining and I go play?”

Twilight bent down and hugged the two colts before turning to their food making sure they’d eaten. “You can play after Shining finishes his homework.”

She took out a shape puzzle, making Shining groan. “Fine…”

“Don’t worry, I’ll help!” Sunburst cheered as he led him away.

Cadence smiled a bit, glad she didn’t have to do anything as she watched Shining stock out his tongue as he worked on the simple math problems, and struggled with placing the shapes in the holes. It made her smile remembering when she used to foalsit Twilight (and the filly’s endless thirst for knowledge).

Twilight, meanwhile, turned her attention back to Cadence.“Now for you! Your homework is to say Twily. Can you say it Tw-i-ly?”

Cadence giggled as she kicked about and she did try to say her name but it came out like “Twibleaboo.” with some spit.

“Hmmm, close enough.” Twilight shrugged as she then drifted the foal to a playpen she’d already set up. There she spotted the snail plush which Cadence recognized as Whammy.

Cadence took it and had the urge to hug it making Twilight coo. “Oh, you are so adorable! Why don’t you try using your magic to pick it up like this?” She lit up her horn and lifted a teddy nearby.

Cadence turned to Whammy and grunted as she lit her horn. It took all her strength to lift the snail plushie, then her eyes lit up as she had a sudden magic surge and shot a beam of power at the plush, making it grow to about the size of Twilight!

Shining and Sunburst both looked over with their eyes widening! “Wow!”

Twilight, however, got excited and clapped her hooves. “Wow! Look at all that raw magic!”

Cadence gulped. She wasn’t sure if she had all this extra magic from Discord’s prank. She turned to Shining and a smirk came on her face. Maybe she should try playing with this extra magic. Cadence squinted as she sent another beam of magic and Shining squealed as a diaper was now around his rump. “Hey! What was that for?!”

Sunburst burst into laughter as he helped take the diaper off.

Twilight then came over to Cadance and scolded her. “No, that’s naughty, Cadence. Don’t put diapers on ponies.”

Cadence grumbled. Twilight had changed her in front of a bunch of foals! Besides she was having too much fun! She then closed her eyes and aimed her horn, sending out another beam of magic. Twilight was now trapped in a giant version of Cadence’s playpen! Cadence stuck her tongue out as she trotted off even while Twilight was shouting at her to come back!

Cadence was going to have fun with this crazy newfound magic!

Flurry came back to find the entire castle looking like an oversized nursery! Diapers, plush animals and foal toys were everywhere! Twilight was trapped in an oversized playpen, Shining and Sunburst were running around and trying to get a squealing little Cadence, who was babbling happily as she fluttered about.

Cadance looked over and gasped seeing her “mommy” was back with a frown. “Alright, that’s enough.” She came over and took Cadence onto her back. Then she lit up her horn and all the foal toys and diapers disappeared.

Twilight was finally free, stumbling onto her rump. “Flurry, I’m so sorry! Cadance just started having these crazy magic surges! I’ve never seen a foal with that much raw magic?”

“Oh, she probably gets it from me. Sorry, I should’ve warned you that she’s started having these surges,” Flurry cooed and then turned to the colts. “Alright, it’s time for bed you two.” And she took the two to their bedroom. As Flurry tucked them in Cadence couldn’t help but laugh at seeing Shining still had to wear a diaper to bed. Discord had made him a bedwetter! She was then brought to Flur...well her nursery where she had her diaper changed again, then was given another bottle of formula.

After being burped, Cadence was tucked into the crib with a pacifier in her mouth. “You were quite naughty today,” Flurry told her. “We need to keep those magic surges in check,” Flurry then started to tickle the foal’s belly with a wing and made her giggle and coo, then snickered. “But you’re just too cute to be in trouble.”

Flurry then made sure to give Cadence the snail plush and turned on the mobile before slowly tiphoofing out of the nursery. Cadence just looked upward as the mobile spun around her head, wondering if maybe this was all some weird dream..

Cadence yawned as she opened her eyes, finding herself back in her royal bedchambers. She stretched, turning to her side to see Shining yawning too.

Shining smiled. “Good morning dear.” They both then jumped, startled at seeing Discord above them!

Discord waved. “So, what do you think of my little gift?”

Shining shouted! “You turned me into a toddler!”

“Yes, so?” Discord rolled his eyes. “No harm no foul.” He remarked while making a small duck flying across the room.“

Cadence cheeks flushed red. “Um..well...I thought it was fun, I think? But maybe next time let’s plan it.”

“Oh sure, maybe we can do something different? I could make Shining the baby next time.” Discord teased. “Or maybe Twilight the mother.”

“Now you’re just making things weird.” Shining frowned.

“Oh, I could make it really weird! I mean I could make you a little filly.” Discord laughed.

Cadence snickered behind a hoof then shrugged. “Ok, you can surprise us. But give us more notice next time.”

“Sure thing.” Discord replied as he snapped a claw and disappeared,

Cadence then got up and went to Flurry’s nursery and nuzzled her daughter. “Did you have fun playing mommy for a day?” Flurry seemed to understand babbling happily and throwing her hooves up.

Cadence then turned to see a little purple coated filly in the crib as well looking rather pouty.
“Oh dear, Discord’s at it again.” Cadence groaned facehoofing even as Discord’s soft laughter was heard in the distance.

Comments ( 12 )

I could definitely guess that Foal Star was involved. Whenever ABDL or AR is in play, you know he isn't too far away.

If you ever need me to edit or help with a story, you know where to find me.

so Discord turned Twilight into a filly?

I would like to see shining turned into a filly with cadence as her mother.

Pretty cute story, I loved it. :heart:

somehow everything worked out too well. Flurry did a too good job of being a mom. It would be funnier if Flurry behaved as good adults should behave in the minds of children (a child pretending to be an adult.) and at the same time made mistakes because she is not smart enough yet.

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