• Member Since 6th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


If an ass goes traveling, he'll not come home a PONY - Thomas Fuller


This story is a sequel to Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart

There are many other stories in the Shimmering Heart Verse… Here are a few…

Note that Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart should be read before these stories, as there will be spoilers.

There is hope, there is love, and there is a reason to live. You are NOT alone. And Friendship REALLY is Magic!

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 6 )

These are the side stories in what I am calling the Shimmering Heart Verse. I hope you enjoy them. :twilightsmile:

As I stated in the Authors notes, Sunset Shimmer - Six Friends One Heart should be read before these stories, as there will be spoilers.

I will try to keep these stories in chronological order with the following exception.

To keep things simple for FIMfiction readers (like myself :twilightsmile:) who like to follow ongoing stories by just skipping to the end and reading the new chapters, I will be initially posting new stories to this collection as the last chapter.

That means the latest story will always be the last chapter in the book. When I add a new story to this collection, I will move the previous last chapter to its correct place.

That should make it easier to read. I hope. I figure, because this is a collection of related but disjoint stories, it seems fair to keep it simple for readers and clean up later.

So… Thank you for journeying with Sunset through this, the Shimmering Heart Verse.

As is stated in the notes to the main story, if you find yourself thinking of taking your own life, I BEG you to get help. NOW. Make that call, send that email. Reach out! You are NOT alone!

Visit the https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ website, or call their hotline at 800-273-8255. Don’t put it off. Your life MATTERS! There is hope, there is love, and there is a reason to live.

is there gonna be another upload soon? This is too good to cancel

I do have more chapters in the works, as well as another follow on story... but IRL has been kicking my flank. :facehoof:
So between work, family life, and health not much traction has been happening. Sorry. :twilightoops:

I said it before,and I'll say it again: "take all the time you need.":trollestia:

lol! And then there is a rush to put this fic on the Author Died pile. :rainbowlaugh:
Yeah, been working on the actual sequel to this story, so the Side Stories, they kind of fell to the side. :facehoof:
You aren't wrong though. 2022. Yeah, that happened. :moustache:

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