• Member Since 6th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


If an ass goes traveling, he'll not come home a PONY - Thomas Fuller


So... Still in the hospital... the End is in Site? · 2:52am April 15th

I am sure everyone is as sick about hearing it as I am experiencing it. Still apparently finding new and exciting ways to almost die but not quite.

And on a .... well not plus ... but I now know what my tendons look like. Buck my life...

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Report Babroniedad · 125 views · #Sunset Shimmer

Still recovering, and Story Update · 1:12am Aug 19th, 2023

Good news, I am still recovering from my injuries. Tentatively I will be released from the hospital next Wednesday to home health care (we hope) and will be able to continue recovery there. We will see what the morrow brings.

Bad news, I have used up all my backlog of chapters and am now at the pivitol arch of the story, requiring time to put all the subplots together. The next several chapters are all intertwined, and likely need to be written together.

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Stuck in the hospital for a bit (update the sequel). · 6:38pm Jul 11th, 2023

Latest Update: Loooong Recovery

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Report Babroniedad · 220 views · #status

Happy Father's Day! · 10:14pm Jun 18th, 2023

Spending Father's Day alone in the hospital.... hahahaha!
Sorry, no one can ever say that with a straight face. So many nurses in and out and therapies and take your pills wake up we need to draw blood please go to sleep now wake up I need your blood pressure there never really seems to be a time when you are alone.

But, without vistors (thank you covid) or family around, so that kind of alone. But lots of communications, phones work and facetime is a thing. :twilightsmile:

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Report Babroniedad · 114 views · #sunset_shimmer

Stuck in the hospital for a bit (update the sequel). · 8:16pm Jun 5th, 2023

Update: The surgery was a success, now for the possibly long road to recovery. While I am recovering I will work on my stories as much as possible, though there will likely still be some delays.
Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers. :twilightsmile:

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Report Babroniedad · 150 views · #status

Stuck in the hospital for a bit (update). · 10:28pm Jun 4th, 2023

Stuck in the hospital waiting on surgery so may be a slight delay in updating my stories. :facehoof:

Will keep you posted when I am back and recovered enough to kick them out again. Thanks for reading them! :raritywink:

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Report Babroniedad · 141 views · #status

Stuck in the hospital for a bit. · 4:01pm Jun 2nd, 2023

Stuck in the hospital waiting on surgery so may be a slight delay in updating my stories. :facehoof:

Will keep you posted when I am back and recovered enough to kick them out again. Thanks for reading them! :raritywink:

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Report Babroniedad · 159 views · #status

A Certain Scientific Twilight now released! · 11:39pm May 28th, 2023

Okay, I finally am ready to release A Certain Scientific Twilight, the sequel to A Certain Magical Sunset. Both are crossovers with the universe of A Certain Magical Index / A Certain Scientific Railgun of manga and anime fame.

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Story Art for Through the Looking Glass · 11:17pm May 10th, 2023

Okay, time for some more story art! :pinkiehappy:

This time, I have art for Through the Looking Glass and Into Wonderland, the sequel to Tales of an Equestrian Battle Mage.

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IRL chewing my flank, but hey! How about some story art! · 9:29am Mar 29th, 2023

So, work, health, and home life are chewing my backside hard, leaving me in the unhappy position of not having a new chapter ready for Tales of an Equestrian Battle Mage today as I had hoped. The notes and story are there, but the time to actually sit down and write it has not happened with all the drama going on.

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