• Member Since 12th Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen November 15th


Comments ( 105 )

Looks great so far. Eager to see more.

"Have fun bathing in my jizz, Fluttershy."

This alone is a good reason to follow

I was just joking about him pulling the shotgun trigger in the town but it was actually funny when he did

And it's going in my favorites

love it can't wait for more

No quiero imponer, pero, ¿Como vas con la próxima actualización de este fanfic?

Next chapter went up just now.

Hopefully, one of the girls calls for the royal guard.

Would be nice if they did something useful.

Oh, and to the Author, thank you for publishing a well written adult oriented story. My sanity has been highly taxed this week by having nothing but one bad story after another.

"I understand killin’ but I sure as hell don't understand you sheltered bastards.” -ThePhoton

Prepared to have your sanity scrambled, my dude. :D

Good story Can't wait for the next chapter.

Twilight wasn't buying it, either. She's lived with her elder twin siblings long enough to know when a heaping helping of bullshit was sitting before her.

Are you sure about that.

I'm assuming those vials contain Nightmare Moon and Sunset Shimmer? If so I'm assuming he'll end up reforming, and hooking up with them.

I NEED MORE!!!!!!!!!!

Very nice chapter.

Nate was caught off-guard as the yellow Pegasus got really bold all of a sudden. Her lips had connected with his, locking them together as Fluttershy engaged them in a surprisingly passionate kiss. This wasn't like a lip on lip sweet kiss. Fluttershy was showing gratitude in one of the most sensual experiences Nate has ever felt, and with her tongue ravaging all the nerves in his mouth, he could barely feel his body, much less stop her. What felt like an hour-long make-out was actually just a few seconds. As soon as Fluttershy was satisfied, she parted her lips with a small "pop", leaving Nate with his mouth agape.

I'm honestly just as shocked at Nate was.

Also, revolvers doesn't use clips. Instead, the thing that the revolvers have is called Cylinder, which holds up 6 rounds for the revolvers. In this case which is a Ruger Blackhawk Single-Action Revolver, which holds up six .357 Magnum rounds on its cylinder.

Clips is the thing that holds the rounds for the gun. There are two types of clips
En bloc clips was the clips that was loaded along with the rounds in to the gun's internal magazine. (Which, the famous M1 Garand was loaded with 8 rounds on an en bloc clip)
Stripper clips acts like a speed loader, but soon discarded as the rounds was loaded inside the gun's internal magazine.

Pistols and most other guns used magazines.

im loving this fic keep it up!

Loved the story hope you continue to update also love the way you pace and characterize everyone and give details about equestria laws

Very nice chapter.

Can't wait for more this is great 👍

I think you meant Daybreaker. :twilightsheepish:

I usually don't like stories like these, but I'm finding myself loving this one a lot. Nice work! :pinkiehappy: :raritystarry:

This... castle that sits in the Everfree Forest. Nate had been here before, always tip-toeing around the perimeter and only rarely entering the courtyard, but never actually going inside. The reason for that is the fact that the place was heavily booby trapped, and littered with monsters that settled in as age crumbled the castle to nothing but an olden structure infested with overgrowth.

Doesn't this contradict with something Nate said earlier on in the story? I thought he once said he entered a castle in the everfree to obtain ward spells for his weapons?

Or were these ward spells just laying strewn about the exterior of the Castle? Or do you mean only the Courtyard?

I might have misplaced some information. I'm going back to read and redact these pages for a better reading experience, but it mainly goes like this.

Nate is a survivor. He always has been for reasons that i can't go into if you don't want spoilers. It's why he lives in the Everfree. The unpredictability and natural phenomenon closely resembles Earth in many different ways. It's his comfort zone despite being dangerous to live in.

However, one place Nate had actively refused to enter before a certain chapter in this story is the Castle of the Two Sisters, as a presence of animosity and tragedy steers him clear from it. He takes one look at the castle and feels a danger hes not equipped to handle. Thus, hes only ever entered the courtyard and the front section of the building. Any further is No Man's Land.

Hope that cleared up the mistake.

When will the next chapter come out?

That makes sense, thanks for explaining that, I was a little confused when reading that part, but you cleared that up!

Jesus. This has to be one of the best stories I've read, if not THE best. I look forward to the next chapter!

I am beyond confused yet so interested.

aww man I was close to finishing it but had to put my phone down for a minute

Can't wait for next chapter ☺️

This is an interesting development

Great chapter I see I can’t wait for the next it makes sense why you took it down early so you can add the rest of the story that was cut out. This is really interesting

Yeah, I accidentally hit the publish button when I meant to hit the editing tool.

Me and my fat fingers...

I'm just hoping the guy gets a happy ending

Lol it’s fine take your time with your story’s no rush we understand keep up the good work

Very nice.

The only thing I hate about this chapter is that we have to wait and see how this unfolds. Great job and looking forward to more.

Here's my prediction for future chapters, since Nathan has now locked himself in his cave with no clear exit, he will stay in there for a long time. While he drowns in his sorrow and not even bother hiding his face anymore since no one will see him again. Unknown to him, Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon inside those bottles watch with pity and feel bad for him, even though they don't know what happened. Somehow they'll manifest themselves, befriend Nate and perhaps even use there magic that they had planned to use for revenge, to heal him.

I might be completely wrong but hey, I'm not the author for this story. Can't wait for the next chapter!

Some more great work


Comment posted by joElecTeen deleted Dec 8th, 2021

If there's were something left of the silver dragon 🐉 using it's bones and scales/skin as weapons 🗡🪓⛏⚒⚔🔨🛠⛓🪝 and armours 🪖 for better protection against coming danger.🤺

I think 2 or 3 chapters have been removed

They were. You'll see why here soon.

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