• Published 2nd Mar 2021
  • 1,561 Views, 134 Comments

The Displaced Tournament - Presented By Hetap - Uncle Iroh

Displaced! We all are familiar with these anomalies, their stories are told throughout the multiverse, but, what would happen if all of these big shots fight in a tournament? Who would win? We're about to find out, right here, right now!

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Namekian Got Talent!

Namekian Got Talent!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkNTpANHwh0(Fight, Fight, Fight!)

(Fight, Fight, Fight!)

Our Blood Is Pumping, Ready, Lets Go!
To A New World To Test Our Strength!
Now’s The Time To Push Ourselves!

Holding Back My Tremendous Strength! (Go!)
What’s The Wait? C’mon Let’s Start! (Go!)
Katakuri’s Got No Satisfaction!


Nerves Taking Hold!


Chaining Down Our Hope!
We Can’t Let It Break Our Dreams Of Winning

(Let’s Finish The Fight)


So, Let's Stop Our Plans!


See what This Tournament Brings, Joined As One, We Can Win The Fight~!

Just See What We’ll Achieve, With All These Possibilities!
You Can Beat Us Down, (Hey!) But We’ll Rise Again! (Hey!)
Our Breath Will Not Be Our Last!

We’ll Surpass Our Limit Break, This Tournament Will Be A Challenge!
But We Cannot Lose! (Hey!)
We’re Bulletproof! (Hey!)
Come Show Us All Your Strongest!
Cause This Is The Displaced Tournament, And Even Ryker Will Be Blow Away!

Everyone had arrived at a room, the room was the size of an auditorium. There were four chairs and a big desk with four X's on it. On one of those chairs is Piccolo.

"Oh, hello, and welcome to… Uh, your next challenge! It's a talent show! Namekian Got Talent if you will." Piccolo said before frowning, "Oh shut up you two, it's a good name! Anyways, as you see I don't have any judges… So I'll pick them." Piccolo then stood from his chair, walking over to the group.

“Well green chu-chus, this will be an easy challenge then if we’re just judging.” Link said with a confident grin as there’d be no fighting this time.

"Racist!" Piccolo cried out.

“Fuck…” Eric cursed

“Who were thou talking to?” Luna Black asked the Namekian with a raised brow, setting Black onto the ground softly before sitting next to him. Kodo sitting next to them as the young pup continued to heal the Saiyan.

“He fused with a dying man and Kami, now they’re in his head, just like how Thanos and Thanos are in my head. One is the actual one, the other is the one that turned to dust.” Thanos said, tapping his noggin.

"So you mean you have two people inside of you?" Elia asked the Titan.

“OOOHHH!!!” Zarbon moaned in the background.

“You just ask it that way?” Link asked with a shake of his head.

“Y- Wait a minute,” Thanos frowned, looking at Elia, she began to snicker at him. “I will do bad things to you, woman.” Thanos frowned, popping his knuckles.

"So I'm not the only one? Oh thank the Angels…" Piccolo said, rubbing his forehead.

“Black had… We mean he has Zamasu in his head.” Luna Black corrected herself.

“I don’t know if it counts, but… a side effect of the pack link is that I was always hearing the thoughts and memories of my pack as long as I was connected to them,” Shiva interjected. She looked away. “Not that it really matters…”

“Even the really dirty ones?” Link asked half jokingly.

Shiva reluctantly nodded. “Even the real dirty ones,” she replied.

"OOOHHH!!!" A certain green haired alien moaned.

“You’re learning well young Padawan, good Luna, good…” Entity said in a Palpatine like voice before clearing his throat, “Right, you said you needed judges for a talent show, right?”

"You would be correct, and I will choose. Those judges will be…" Piccolo looked at the Displaced and their comrades, "Black's Luna, Sombra, and Shiva. Now, to your seats, do not touch the seat I was on. Or I will Hakai you." Piccolo grunted out, pointing a thumb to the desk and the seats. A big red button for each judge and a yellow button in the middle of the desk.

“...Isn’t Hakai for the more stronger beings?” Link whispered to the group.

"I'll Hakai whoever I damn well please!" Piccolo cried out, his ears weren't for damn show.

“No arguing with that, they’re all good judges of character and talent. Notably Shiva.” Lucci said before pulling out a nail file and beginning to sharpen his nails/claws.

Luna Black turned to Kodo, the pup still healing the one-arm Saiyan to an extent. “We trust you’d keep thou’s eye on him?” Luna Black asked the Diamond Dog.

“Yeah, I got him,” Kodo assured her, grinning softly.

“We thank you.” Luna Black thanks with a soft smile, standing up and walking over to the judge's seats.

As she left, Kodo blushed, his tail wagging. Goku Black hand shifted slightly, the pack link allowing him to see Kodo’s thoughts.

“Don’t forget, you got your own Luna back in your world,” Black’s thoughts reminded the pup.

Kodo twitched. “Y-Yeah, of course,” Kodo replied back. “I wasn’t…”

I know, just reminding you. It makes me happy, you finding someone you like.” Black thought.

Kodo’s tail wagged. “Thanks.”

Luke chuckled at his son’s reaction. “Interesting choice in mates,” Luke noted.

Kodo yipped in shock. “What?! I…” He stammered, before turning away. “S-Shut up, I’m healing here!”

Shiva snickered. “Nothing to be ashamed of, Kodo,” she replied, wandering over to the judge’s stand.

“You know,” Thanos said, leaning on a wall. “I just don’t get it, why do people love Princess Luna out of everyone? I mean no offense, while yes she’s adorable and a tragic pony… Celestia has good qualities! She’s a nice pony, she’s fat- Wait, she’s stern, she’s… Uh…” Thanos was failing to conjure up some words.

“Different strokes for different folks.” Link said with a shrug of his arms.

“She’s fine but a little uptight” Eric said to the Titan. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m uptight too but not every hour of every day, You have to know when to take a break and have a little fun. Luna has that perfect balance.”

“DO NOT MENTION THE B WORD!” Link said nervously.

"Balance?" Thanos asked, creaking his head towards Eric, a purple aura flowed around him.

“Actually, I think Celestia’s okay,” Shiva replied. “At least, my version of her was one of the few ponies willing to give me a chance back when most of Canterlot was convinced I was a monster. A little manipulative, but hey, when you’re trying to keep all of Equestria safe, you kind of have to be.”

“Honestly, Black loves Luna, Eric loves Luna, Kodo loves Luna, WHO ELSE FUCKING LOVES LUNA!?!?!?! Celestia is fucking adorable when she wants to be!” Thanos said, putting the emphasis on adorable.

“Tia’s cake diet doesn’t help her be ‘adorable’, just makes her fat.” Luna Black commented with a laugh as she took her seat.

“Second that,” Sombra said, knowing he was safe to say that.

Shiva hummed. “‘Adorable’ and ‘fat’ aren’t really the words I’d use to describe her,” Shiva said. “‘Fair,’ yes. ‘Approachable,’ definitely. But I’ve yet to see her as ‘adorable’ or ‘fat.’”

“Oh, ho, ho! When you get to know her better she is a bundle of pure unadulterated cuteness. When she was young she used to puff her cheeks when angry, oh wait… She was young… Damn it!” Thanos cursed before punching the wall, “I feel left out…”

Shiva chuckled. “Well, I’m sure I’ll get to see more of her ‘adorable’ side when I get back,” she replied. “No doubt my daughter Celine re-opened communication between ponies and diamond dogs. She’s always been interested in…”

"Can we stop with the talking and get on with the judging?" Piccolo asked, frowning.

“Sorry,” Shiva said, settling back in her seat.

“My apologizes” Sombra said sitting next to Shiva

“Thou art grumpy.” Luna Black muttered.

Though his Namekian ears heard that, "I fucking heard that, when you have a dying jackass and an old coot stuck in your head you tend to be grumpy. Especially after standing there alone in a wasteland FOR HOURS TRYING TO GET A FUCKING FRIEND!!! Sorry, I just get a bit… Emotional sometimes." Piccolo said, his frown not disappearing.

Link wondered if the Song Of Healing would be of great use, just turn the two extra voices into masks, problem solved.

Luna Black smirked, “How about having a psychotic nightmare bent on making night eternal in thines head yelling, ‘Revenge against Celestia’ over and over again in thous subconscious for a thousand years. Experience that, then we can talk about who’s grumpy.” Luna Black ranted against the namekian.

"Oough, she's got ya there." Nail said to Piccolo, Kami then chuckled.

"OH HAHA!!! Very funny!" Piccolo cried out.

Hello there,” Shiva’s voice added to the trio in Piccolo’s head. “So, I’m confused. Which of you is the dying one? Are you ‘still’ dying, or are you all better?”

"That would be me, and yes, I'm all better." Nail responded to the Diamond Dog.

Ah, excellent,” Shiva said with a grin. “You seem like a friendly sort; I’d be loath to see you suffering.”

"The old man would be me, would you like to play some pool?" Kami spoke, they then heard a clack and some balls rolling.

"You know, you still haven't explained to me how you got that here, Nail." Piccolo told the "Dying" Namekian.

The benefits of an open mind and a creative imagination,” Shiva replied, followed by another clack and the sound of balls rolling. “Whatever you wish to have, your mind can make it real. At least as long as it’s in your mental plane. Don’t expect it to come out and into the physical plane.”

"...Well that is not how I got it in here, all I did is…" Nail then proceeded to tell the tale of having to slay the jabberwocky and save Narnia. Shiva listened in intrigue until...

"GRAH!!!" Piccolo shouted, interrupting Nail, "Let's get on with the damn show already, and get out of my head. I already have two idiots in my head, I don't need a dog in there as well."

Shiva shrugged, and withdrew her link.

“...I only heard what Piccolo said, and that makes it fucking hillarious.” Entity laughed, before shaking his head, trying to get back in the game.

“We can agree,” Luna Black said with a smirk.

"Ahem, I'll give you about… Ten minutes to decide what you'll be acting, in the meantime- NO! We will not pet Shiva! I don't care if she looks fluffy, we're not doing it!" Piccolo snapped, talking to his mind-people er… Mind-Namekians? Shiva smirked at his outburst, and stretched, looking like an actual dog.

“Dew it…” A Palpatine like voice echoed across the room.

"Nail! She has a husband, and with all the weird cultural differences here, that might be sexual assault. I know we don't have a reproductive organ but we can go to jail for that! Think, Nail, think!" Piccolo said, pointing at his head while frowning, which he always does.

Shiva perked her ears and looked to Luke. “Wait, is petting sexual?” she asked.

Luke hummed. “I… think? Other species don’t pet us back home. They usually just want us to go away and stop digging up their lands.”

“For us ponies, it counts as affection. But not sexual harassment.” Luna Black pointed out.

“Still, Luke pets me,” Shiva added with a coy grin.

Luke chuckled. “Yeah, well...”

“...So it’s sexual assault… You are her mate, only you can do that. Wait, Entity, remember the time Shiva pounced on Arkham Knight?” Thanos asked, trying to hold some laughter in before turning to Entity.

“I remember him saying, ‘That’s a little suggestive, don’t ya think?’ YOHOHOHO- Wait, I’m not being a part of this shit! Thanos, ya almost got me.” Entity said, pointing his blocky hand at Thanos.

Shiva sighed. “So, Piccolo, it’s been ten minutes, right?”

"No it has- Wait it has? How in the hell has it been ten- Wait, I forgot to specify which ten- GRAH!!! Fine, it's been ten minutes." Piccolo then went to his chair, unlike the others it had wheels.

"Alright, who wants to go first?" Piccolo asked, "We'll be judging by the performance, the skill, and the… Come on! Ergh… Fine, and the hype…" Piccolo finished rubbing his eyes.

Luke glanced around, before stepping forward. “So… what exactly counts as talent?” he asked.

"Whatever that impresses us," Piccolo shrugged, putting his feet on the desk.

“Careful, Luke,” Shiva cautioned. “I’m easy to impress, but I get the sense they aren’t.”

"Well? Who volunteers as tribute?" Piccolo asked, "I need to be there to save Gohan when he calls my name."

Luke glanced around again, before sighing. “Looks like I’m first,” he replied. He cracked his knuckles. “Welp…”

For a moment, he breathed, his claws in front of him in a martial arts pose. Shiva leaned forward with a grin.

Then, with a bellow, Luke punched into the ground, and was gone from view. Dirt briefly exploded into the air like Johnny Depp’s death in Nightmare on Elm Street, before the dirt suddenly changed into diamonds. The diamonds stabbed into the roof, embedding themselves into the ceiling and each other.

And as the others watched, the diamonds slowly began to form an image, like a 3d printer at work. Arms - No, wait… tendrils - appeared. Attached to claws. A canine head that was quickly pushed up between the arms. A chest.

“Oh, my goodness…” Shiva whispered, as a diamond statue of herself, almost appearing to be holding up the ceiling with her pack link tendrils. Regal, yet also alluring. Sexy, yet powerful.

As the last diamonds sealed up the hole from which they were spawned, Luke burst out of the ground, covered in dirt and panting, but did a low bow, before grinning up at Shiva.

Shiva chuckled, before glancing at the others.

“Neat,” Luna Black said simply as she had her arms crossed, her face being neutral. “Flattery can only get you so far though…” The Alicorn concluded as she hit the big red X, being followed by a blaring sound.

"Okay, now I notice what you did. Trying to win over one of the judges, but that's not talent, it's flattery. So, that is a no for me." Piccolo then pressed the red button, making a big red X show as well as a blaring sound.

Luke scoffed, glancing at Shiva, who simply shrugged. “Probably shouldn’t have gone for me, love,” she replied, before hitting the red button as well.

Luke turned back to his statue with a hum. “Okay,” he said, sharpening his claws. “So, someone a little less near and dear to my heart.” He hummed again, sharpening his claws, before lunging onto his statue. A burst of dust rose into the air, hiding his work, and at first, it looked like he was destroying it.

"WE'RE NOT DONE YET!!!! You can still win the others, but not me! Also with that sore loser attitude you might have just blown your second shot!" Piccolo cried out.

“What ‘sore loser’ attitude?” Luke asked, genuinely confused as the dust cleared to reveal a statue of Thanos. Just as big, just as imposing, and - somehow - just as sexy. Flexing with the infinity gauntlet in hand.

"..." Piccolo just blinked, before shutting up.

“Don’t question it, don’t try and figure it out, just roll with it.” Lucci said, before he suddenly had a top hat. “Wait, my top hat! I lost it when I fought Golden Horn!” Lucci said, laughing as he admired his long lost possession.

"...Well, you still get to pass IF someone can impress me, trust me, I'm a tough egg to crack… Why didn't I say cookie? Because Cookies are for pussies!" Piccolo shouted to the people in his mind.

Thanos was just sitting there eating some cookies before quickly turning them to ash because peer-pressure is a bitch.

"Alrighty… Does anyone want to join in?" Piccolo asked, looking at the audience, though while this was happening. Something awful was happening in Black's mind...

Black was in a dark hallway, some light was above him. He laid there on a wall before he awakened from his slumber.

“Wha… where am I?” Black thought, as all he saw was darkness.

“Still breathing, don’t worry,” Kodo replied, as the young pup became visible. Though his fur was bristling, and his tail lowered as even he sensed something… off.

"Hi…" Mr. Popo said, his face now being visible from the dark.

“Holy Shit!!” Black screamed.

“Who in the nine circles of Tartarus...?!” Kodo barked, rapidly trying to back away into the shadows as he stared in fear at Mr. Popo.

"Bye…" The face of Mr. Popo vanished, the light above him then went out. Then from the darkness at the end of the hallway was Click Elae, he had a red light emanating from him.

"Ebola." Elae said before charging at Black. A hellish screech following after.

Link’s mind fired off. “Murder the meme-Murder the meme-Murder the meme!” he mentally repeated as he gently started grinded his teeth in annoyance.

“OH HAY-ELL NO!” Kodo howled, grabbing Black and racing away as the demon charged them. Though the Ugandan Knuckles caught up to them in a matter of seconds.

“AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!” Black and Kodo screamed in sync. Black’s eyes shot open, the Saiyan lurching forward as he accidentally head bumped against Kodos snout. Black put a hand on his forehead as he winced at the pain. “Dear Kami, that hurt!” Black exclaimed.

“Eh…” Kodo whimpered, staring up at nothing. His fur pale as snow as he held his snout.

“Kodo?” Luke asked.

“By everything sacred, Kodo!” Shiva yelped, racing over to the pup.

Black glanced at the pup, “Oh, I’m sorry Kodo… I didn’t mean to headbutt your snout!” Black apologized.

“I’m fine,” Kodo insisted, even as Shiva and Luke grouped around him. “Just…” he shuddered. “Was that… Mr. Popo?”

The mere name sent a shudder through even Shiva and Luke. She glanced at Black. “Mr. Popo’s in your head?”

“I don’t know? He goes as he pleases, you don’t question why.” Black complained.

“Damn straight you don’t,” Luke replied, lifting his son up. “We’re lucky he’s never bothered with our universe.”

"Hello my bruddas!" Elae said, next to Black undetected.

Black jumped at the sound of Elae’s voice, while Shiva yelped, instantly snaring the four together in a pack link.

“Dear Kami, don’t scare me like that.” Black complained.

"What happened my brudda? U seem jumpy, literally." Elae said, clicking afterwards.

“We saw Mr. Popo,” Kodo replied, his fur still pale and resembling Shiva.

Black glanced to his left shoulder, seeing his missing limb. Black frowned, “That sucks…” Black growled as he put a hand on his shoulder.

“Yeah, it’s gonna take me a while to regrow the thing,” Kodo admitted. “And we’re gonna need like… twice the amount of food you normally consume to get the necessary mass needed to regenerate the arm.”

"I can help u with dat my brudda! I have a lot of fud in Uganda!" Elae said enthusiastically.

“You don’t have to, I can think of something eventually.” Black assured the group, “For now… I guess I’m Future Gohan.” Black said as he then went into thought.

“Question, was that your good arm?” Thanos asked, turning towards the Saiyan.

“No.” Black said simply.

“Good, because you won’t be able to- oh wait, you have Luna for that.” Thanos said before putting on a pair of sunglasses.

“Shut the fuck up, cause I will beat your ass, with or without my arm.” Black threatened the Titan.

“OOOHHHH!!!!” Zarbon moaned in the background.

“Shut up Devilartimes Zarbon!” Black shouted.

“And even still, when you first fought me, you saw how you were failing to take me down a couple notches…” Thanos said, pointing out.

“And I recall that you didn’t even win that fight, neither of us did. But now with this Zenkai Boost, I’m at least a hundred times stronger than a few minutes ago.” Black claimed.

“Oh, no…” Shiva moaned.

“Now who do you think would win now? A good fighter who fought someone to a draw that has now one arm or a seasoned fighter who has the raw strength to pick this whole tower up and throw it to the kingdom come?” Thanos asked Black, sipping on some Hetap.

“We’re both seasoned fighters! But I recall Future Gohan holding off Android 17 and 18 over and over again, even with one arm!”

“That was just recently his arm was cut off, and you don’t think they were holding back? Toying with their prey, watching him suffer? I’m sorry Black, but you need to face the facts, without that arm you can’t fight me like we did beforehand.”

“That cockiness is getting to you, just because you're the strongest fighter of the new generation doesn’t mean you're unbeatable!” Black argued as he stood up, staring into Thanos’s eyes. The Saiyans hair flaring up with his eyes turning grey.

“Guys…” Shiva started to say, trying to get between them, before Luke wisely pulled her back, shaking his head.

“I know that! I’m weak compared to Ed, Katakuri, Ryker, and the others! I’m not being cocky I’m just putting some logic into this, you just got your arm blown off recently! You have to get used to it before we can fight each other on equal ground!” Thanos said, taking a full step back.

“DON'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CANNOT DO!!!” Black roared as he bursted into Super Saiyan Rosé and struck Thanos across the cheek, sending the Titan onto his back. “You have no right to say that!”

Thanos simply got up, rubbing his chin. “I’m just saying man, you need to get used to fighting without your arm before we can fight fairly again. Okay, let’s put this in perspective, what if you had your arm cut off and you were racing against an old rival racer. Would you still be able match his speed?” Thanos asked the Saiyan.

Black stared angrily at the Titan before turning away, scoffing as he reverted back to his base form, ripping off the pack links from Kodo as he walked to a dark corner of the room and leaned against a wall. “Jackass…” Black muttered.

“I… don’t get it,” Kodo muttered. “What does arms have to do in a race?”

Elia winced, looking at the two before looking at Thanos angrily. "What the fuck was that, Thanos?"

“I don’t know, okay? I finally got a rival who can match me to an extent.” Thanos said clenching his fists.

"But you can't go saying things like that, his arm was just blown off a few minutes ago." Elia frowned at the Titan.

“YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE!!!!” Thanos cried out, slamming his fist into a nearby wall. “I have the body of a Titan, one of the strongest races in the universe. I was taught by the strongest Minotaur known to Ponykind and I surpassed him, I have too much power. I’m too damn strong, everyone that I fight. Every. Single. One. Has either died or been too aggressive when they fought me, Black, Black here is the only one that can keep up with me. He’s the only one, my only rival… And now that… And now that his arm is gone… I don’t know what to do… My wish before I met Black, was to find someone that can fight me, no one with hacks, no one that can destroy a universe with the tap of their fingers. Just someone like Black, someone who I can enjoy company with, someone who gets me, someone who gets my jokes, and makes me want to grow. But now… That’s gone.” Thanos said, looking at Elia, struggling to not let his tears show.

“...Then seek out more tokens and summon them for fights until you find a strong warrior.. Seriously, Goku Black here isn’t the only dragon ball character in the multiverse.” Link said with a roll of his eyes at Thanos’ over dramaticness.

Thanos then points a palm at Link, a Hakai ball begins to form. Expanding to the size of a beach ball. “This. Does. Not. Concern you.”

Expression-wise, Link showed no fear, mental-wise, he was deeply regretting even speaking up.

"T-Thanos… I…" Elia said, looking at Thanos, Thanos turns away from both of them and destroys the Hakai ball.

“I need to take a walk… “ Thanos then turned around and began to walk back down the stairs, “Just call me when it’s time for me to show my ‘talent’ which is messing up EVERYTHING!!!” Thanos slammed his fist against the wall before he vanished from view.

"Uh… Thirty minute recess anyone?" Piccolo said, looking at everyone. "Hold on, Gohan's calling me, I'll be right back." Piccolo then vanished into thin air.

“Hylia damnit.” Link said as he allowed his head to hit the back of his chair. “Is this nightmare ever going to end...” Link asked no one as he let out a groan.

Shiva heard him, and pat his shoulder. “Hopefully soon,” she replied.

Black watched both the Titan and Namakien leave the room, the Saiyan scoffed as he turned away. “He has no right to say that… telling them I’m no longer his rival…” Black growled as he clenched his fist, a smidge of blood escaping his palm. “He thinks he’s better than me, just because I’m down an arm… I’ll show him…” Black hissed as he sat down in the dark corner and began to do image training.

Luna Black looked worried as she stared at Black. She turns to Entity, “Thine knows thou friends is an ass,” Luna Black said as she put her hands on her hips.

"Well, after that rant, I really pity him. No other rivals. It must suck having that much power." Entity said, leaning his new royal scythe on his shoulder.

“Thous friend hurt Black, by saying thous no longer thines rival because of a missing limb hurt Black.” Luna Black argued. “Just because Black lost thous arm isn’t the end of thines rivalry.”

"Well, it will take a while for Black to get used to having no arm. Thus they won't be able to fight for a small amount of time, but I have faith that the Saiyan will adapt to having no arm. Hopefully they'll be rivals again, wait am I saying the exact thing Thanos said?" Entity raised a blocky eyebrow, before putting his scythe down. It then stood from the ground, Lucci then whistled and walked over to it.

“Did thou forget how adaptive Saiyans are in battle?” Luna Black asked as she crossed her arms. “When Black learned under Master Starswirl, thine adapted to masters fighting style in a day. A Day!” Luna Black argued.

"Hm, I guess Thanos is scared that he'll kill him. I believe that Saiyans are adaptive, but Thanos must have forgotten, even still, his fear of going all out and killing someone is still there…" Entity said, before hearing grunting, Lucci tried to pick up his scythe. "Good luck trying to pick that up, only those deemed worthy by Odin can pick that shit up." Entity said with a laugh before filling his hunger bars up with steak.

Luna Black sighed as she glanced back at Black, seeing a godly aura surround the Saiyan. “Black’s already going back to training, probably learning a new fighting style with one arm.” The Alicorn said.

"See? All he needs is to learn and Thanos will recognize it, then things will be back together again!" Entity said, looking at Black before continuing to look at Lucci struggles.

“But we wonder who he faces… thines past… thines present?” Luna Black muttered as she watched Black wince. Black growled and a moment later, spit out a bit of blood.

"...I'm not gonna ask how that happened…" Entity said, before turning to Lucci who was now in his Leopard form.

"HRRR!!! How?!" Lucci asked in a near shout, still trying to get the scythe out.

“We do believe thine said ‘only who is worthy can lift it?’”Luna Black said with a shrug.

"How am I not worthy?! Is it because I'm black?!" Lucci said, now giving up and turning back to his human form.

"Hey I'm Asian and I can still do it." Entity laughed, smiling afterwards.

Luna Black walked up to the scythe with a raised brow. Shrugging, she grabbed the handle and tried to lift it, only to fail. “Well, was worth a shot.” Luna Black said with a shrug.

"Now let's-" Entity turned around, then he turned towards the scythe and there stood Elae with the scythe in hand.

"I kno de wey." Elae said simply, as if answering Entity's question.

"Nigga how the fu-" Lucci asked before Piccolo teleported back, a couple of bruises were shown and his clothes were ragged.

"Don't ask, I had to fight a Legendary Super Saiyan." Piccolo said, before walking over to his chair.

Black winced a little at hearing Broly’s title, a second later, he spit out a little more blood. Luna Black watched with worry.

"...Who is he fighting? Could he be fighting somebody else?" Lucci asked, leaning on a wall.

“It could be him…” Luna Black shivered a little at the last part.

"Perhaps, how about Thanos? That would be interesting." Entity chuckled, leaning on his scythe.

“Not likely, when Blacks pissed and does image training. Black usually fights against opponents thine hates. Discord, Sombra, him.” Luna Black explained as she watched Black earn a scratch across the cheek. “And doesn’t stop until thine loses thous concentration or earns too many injuries.”

"...Good to know that nobody hates em," Entity said before hearing footsteps coming from the staircase.

There was a silhouette of a familiar squid-bearded Pirate, walking up the stairs.

Shiva suppressed a growl at the sight of Davy Jones, her pack link pulling Kodo behind her.

Out came Thanos, Mr. Perfect Cell, Yamcha, and Davy Jones, Davy Jones had buckets of water glued to his feet. "Hello everyone, here is my crew for my act. Don't mind me," Thanos said with a smile before dropping the smile and seeing Black train and seeing the blood and scratches. Like any normal rival would watching a rival trying to one-up him, he then proceeds to image-train.

"Alright I'm going to be calling names… Luna Black!" Piccolo said, thinking of a random person.

“Wait, aren’t we a judge?” Luna Black asked with confusion.

"Oh, that's right… You had the most interaction out of… ALL OF THEM!!!!" Piccolo cried out, looking at everyone. "Okay, eenie, meenie, miny, mo, catch a- You." Piccolo points at Lucci.

"Nigga what the fuck?" Lucci asked, opening his arms wide as if asking, 'why me?'

"...Honestly, I believe Black is going through the five stages of grief. There's Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and finally Acceptance. Or that could be just me." Lord Twigo shrugged.

“Definitely agreeing with the first two.” Luna Black commented. “But we fear what thine will bargain.”

“Who knows?” Lord Twigo said with a shrug, Lucci then dragged his feet to the stage.

“Hello, alright so I’m going to roast someone… That’s my talent, insulting somebody to the point they catch on fire. That someone is… Entity.” Lucci groaned, Entity just walked up begrudgingly.

“Alright, shoot me,” Entity said, opening his arms.

“Ahem, they say having sex is like running six miles, so that means Entity can run six miles in ten seconds.” Lucci said, covering his mouth to hide his grin. Yamcha then laughs at Entity, Entity stood there unflinchingly before he caught on fire, he then began to turn red as he got knocked backwards as he says, ough.

“Ough, ough, ough, ough.” Entity then put water on himself.

Shiva lifted an unamused eyebrow, her claw hitting the red X button. Sombra soon followed after with Luna Black not hesitating as she hit the red X button. Piccolo then slowly hit the red X button.

"Ha ha! Yes! I can get out of here now!" Lucci cheered before doing a moonwalk off the stage, tipping his hat downwards.

"Alright, let's see here…" Piccolo then pulled out a stack of paper, "Let's get… Uh…”

“Psst!” Lord Twigo said, nudging Kodo.

Kodo jumped, still remembering Mr. Popo, before realizing it was Lord Twigo. “Oh, Master, uh… what’s up?”

“Would you like to see something hilarious that is centered around Thanos?” Lord Twigo asked with a mischievous grin.

Kodo’s ears flattened at the mischief in his eyes. “I feel like I should say no,” Kodo noted.

“Don’t worry, it will be fine,” Lord Twigo said before dropping the mischief.

Kodo didn’t say anything, but he merely tilted his head, watching Lord Twigo with intrigue.

“Well, I’m going to do it anyway!” Lord Twigo declared before conjuring a portal in the center of the room, out came Celestia.

“Where in the bloody he-” Celestia then spotted Thanos “THANOS!!!!” Celestia roared in her royal Canterlot voice, making Thanos jump.

Blacks eyes opened, revealing his eyes of a silver color, his pupils like a reptilians for a second before reverting to normal. He looks up to see Thanos’s Celestia. “You’ve gotta be shitting me.” Black groaned as he stood up, wiping a little blood off the corner of his mouth.

“OH HELL NO!” Luke shrieked, Daybreaker flashbacks shining in his eyes as he went for Kodo… only to find him with Shiva already in hand.

“NOT AGAIN!” Kodo agreed, burrowing with his father into the ground and out of sight.

“Oh no…” Thanos said, looking at Celestia. Thanos then gets up. “This has gone far enough Celestia!” Thanos said, pointing at Celestia.

“THOU MAY HAVE ESCAPED US ONCE BUT NOT THIS TIME!!!!!” Celestia cried out, summoning a flaming warhammer, surprisingly to everyone, this Celestia was extremely fit.

“Well uh… Nice abs bro.” Thanos said backing away from her.

“THOU SHALL NOT SWEET TALK US OUT OF THIS!!! THY DEATH IS NIGH!!!!” Celestia then summoned her armor before flying towards Thanos as fast as light, Thanos screamed in pure fear. Thanos then runs away and with a combination of her powerful wings and her Devil Fruit she gave chase to Thanos.

“AAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!” Thanos cries out, looking behind him and seeing Celestia there. Thanos then disappears, Celestia then stops in her tracks all the while Lord Twigo was laughing.

“COME ON OUT YE COWARD!!!!” Celestia roared, causing everyone to hold their ears to block the noise.

“You already took my virginity, what more do you want?!?!?!” Thanos cried out, still hidden.

“You were a virgin?! How? You’re attractive, you should’ve had no problem getting mares.” Celestia said, looking up to the skies.

“...You have a point but fuck you!” Thanos said before slamming a barrel down upon her, Celestia’s head stuck through it. “Ha ha!” His laughter soon turned into fear as Celestia bared her teeth and hissed at Thanos, her hair flared up, almost akin to Daybreaker.

“AAAA!!!” Thanos yelled before turning around and ran, then Celestia burst from the barrel and began to beat Thanos’ ass. “Doh! Ourgh! Gaugh! Boh! BRbrbrbrbrbrbrbbrb!” Lord Twigo just smiled as he watched the mayhem, Entity was struggling to not fall into laughter. Elia and Lucci are rolling on the ground laughing at Thanos.

“No one interfere, this is actually the best actual talent I’ve seen so far. Lord Twigo is responsible for this… He passes for me if I’m being honest.” Piccolo leaned back on his chair.

Shiva poked her head up from her hole, staring at Piccolo and at Celestia’s beatdown of Thanos in disbelief. “What is wrong with you people?” she whispered, before Luke and Kodo yanked her back down into hiding.

“Everything!” Lucci cried out to Shiva.

“Thanos!” Davy Jones shouted.

Thanos then rolled to that somebody, looking up to the being. “WHAAATT?!?!?!” Thanos cried out as Celestia just stood there, waiting for Thanos to roll back to her.

“Ye best be apologizing for whatever ye did to her… A… What do they say? A scorned woman is more dangerous than your worst enemy.” Davy Jones asked, turning to Shiva’s hole.

“SHE IS MY WORST FUCKIN’ ENEMY!!!!” Thanos cried out, Celestia just rolled her eyes.

“Square up,” Celestia ordered looking at Thanos, the Titan proceeded to get up.

“Okay… Celestia, Tia, Sunny, my Ex-Wife, listen-” Celestia then decks Thanos in his face, making his face… Go into his face? Picture Thanos as Hades and Celestia as Hercules. Thanos’ face came out, “Okay I deserved that… Now can we just talk over some hetap?” Thanos asked, raising a can of hetap. Celestia proceeds to slap the beverage away.

“Do you realize, you destroyed half of Canterlot with the bucking Power Stone… Right?” Celestia asked Thanos.

“Excuse me…” Black growled, his voice sounding distorted. The others turned around to see that Blacks hair was a mess and had a light silver aura around him and he had silver eyes. “You did what, Thanos?”

“Did not! S-Shiva… You’re a dog, you can sniff out lies, tell her she’s lying!” Thanos said, looking at the hole. Shiva cautiously poked her head out, her nose twitching.

“I mean…” Shiva started to say, only for her family to yank her even deeper.

“DO NOT INVOLVE US!” Luke cried out from the hole.

“We’re good diamond dogs, Queen Celestia,” Kodo whimpered as well. “Please don’t break every bone in my body again!”

“O-Or disintegrate me into ash and then do weird things with the ashes!” Luke added.

“The only bones I want to break is Thanos’, you need not worry about your own well being.” Celestia said stoically, Thanos just deadpanned at Celestia.

“I don’t want to raise my blade against you Celestia but I will,” Thanos said, frowning at the Solar Princess.

“Well you certainly didn’t want to raise your sword after the incident.” Celestia snapped at Thanos.

“DO YOU FUCKING REALIZE THE PTSD YOU GAVE ME IN THOSE TWO DAYS?!?!?!?” Thanos cried out, looking at Celestia. And soon after they began to argue like a married couple.

“You are built like a fucking eggplant!” Celestia insulted the Titan, earning some chuckles from the audience.

“Well at least I’m not built like you with your fat ass!” Thanos said, pointing at the perfectly fit Celestia.

“Do you believe this man?” Celestia turned around and pointed a thumb to Thanos. Thanos then begins to run away, screaming as he runs back down the stairs.

“Thanos…” Luke started to say, before Kodo hushed him.

“If we’re very quiet, maybe she’ll go away,” he whispered.

“What about Thanos?” Celestia turned her head to the diamond dog’s hole, looking into the darkness quizzically.

“Nothing!” Luke yelped, as the sound of further digging emanated. Kodo briefly poked his head up and sealed the hole over, leaving only a smooth patch of ground in the hole’s place.

“...” Celestia said nothing and crossed her arms, looking down at where the hole used to be. “Well okay then, Than…” Celestia turned around and found Thanos gone. Suddenly the whole room began to heat up.

Celestia clenched her fists as her hair was lit ablaze for a split second, “THANOS!!!!!!” Celestia roared, a pillar of fire shot from her hair and nearly pierced the rooftop. Snapping her fingers Thanos was suddenly there, covered in alcohol.

“...Listen here you little SHIT!!! If you keep running away from your problems, I will shove my warhammer when the sun doesn't shine, and that’s coming from me.” Thanos then nodded rapidly, “Good, now can somepony please explain WHERE THE BUCK AM I!?!??!”

Carefully, Shiva’s pack link poked up from the ground and twined around Celestia’s leg. Instantly, information surged into Celestia’s head: Ryker, the tournament, Ryker’s betrayal, Ryker’s claim that he needed to find his daughter, and more importantly, their journey up the tower. She even included Luke getting fried by Day Breaker as the reason why he and Kodo were so scared of her. As Celestia’s head was filled with the information, Shiva withdrew her link and pulled it back into the earth.

“Yeesh, and I thought my Celestia had anger problems.” Link whispered while covering the side of his mouth.

“My Celestia was actually quite calm,” Shiva’s voice noted in his head. “But it made her anger all the scarier to behold when she had enough of my son and husband’s antics.”

“Her anger is an annoyance, like listening to Rainbow Dash ranting about how she's the best or the fastest.” Black interjected. “Oh, hello Celestia , your hair seems to be on fire?” Black chuckled as he mocked the Alicorn.

"Oh ha, ha, very funny…" Celestia rolled her eyes, "I am only after Thanos' head, not any one of yours. However it seems that you need this purple retard." Celestia said, looking at Thanos.

"That was uncalled for!" Thanos frowned, Celestia then stares at Thanos. Her eyes half closed, Thanos just stands there. "DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT!!!"

“Nice one, I’m not exactly… what’s the word…” Black put a hand on his chin. It felt weird for the Saiyan as he had no other arm to support his other arm. “Oh yeah! I’m not exactly jovial with the mad titan.”

“That would seem to be the case, I know that we had an encounter but… If Thanos runs away, I will do bad things-” Thanos then proceeds to run away laughing in victory. “Hold on one second.” Celestia then follows after Thanos and what followed after was a scream of pure agony.

“WHY CAN’T I WIN FOR ONCE!?!?!?” Thanos roared, before a large WHACK was heard. Black tried to cross his arms, only to remember he only had one. He instead balled his fist and put it on his hip.

“Ah… that’s hilarious…” Black chuckled before sighing.

“...Should I send her back?” Lord Twigo asked, turning to Black, “Because this is a sight to see.”

“I don’t think so, but you can if you wish.” Blaxk said with a wave of a hand.

If you want Luke and Kodo to let me go, yes please,” Shiva’s voice echoed from the ground. “Nothing personal, Celestia, but the version of you from my world really traumatized my pack.” She paused. “Wait… that is actually pretty personal, when I think about it.”

DO NOT ATTACK HER!” Kodo insisted. “I had the power of Umbra on my side, and it did NOTHING against her fury!”

“I will attack her.” Lucci said with a shrug, “HEY FUCK FACE!!!” Lucci cried out, making Celestia turn her head to Lucci.

“What is it Lucci?” Celestia asked the feline man, standing over Thanos and having his arm in a lock.

“...You’re beautiful.” Lucci said with a thumbs up, Celestia just smiled.

“Why thank you,” Celestia then let go of Thanos, “I appreciate the-”

“That is what I would say IF YOU WEREN’T A FUCKING THOT!!!!!!” Lucci yelled, Celestia sighed.

“I’m not going to get angry because of you, I already exerted most of my anger out on Thanos. Sorry but you just don’t piss people off, you’re a chill person, unlike Thanos who is an asshole.” Celestia said with a shake of her head.

“OH FACK OFF YE FACKING BITCH!!! No offense Shiva.” Thanos said before he shot up from the ground and into the air. He promptly lands as Celestia just stands there, looking up at Thanos.

“...I’m tired, I’m going home.” Celestia blinked before turning around with a yawn, “That’s enough Thanos-Abuse for today.” Lord Twigo forged a portal next to her.

“Bye everyone, have a good time wrecking Ryker’s shit.” Celestia waved farewell to everyone before leaving. Lord Twigo then closes the portal. Thanos then collapses and wheezes. Luke cautiously poked his head up from the ground.

“She’s nice,” Black chuckles before turning to Thanos. “You also kinda deserved it, you did kinda offend me after all.”

"You… Don't fuggin… Say?" Thanos said before jumping to his feet, "So, we cool?" Thanos said, holding a hand out.

Black looked at the hand, “We’ll see after this whole debacle. But for now, just don’t say anything that’ll deserve a punch to the jaw.” Black explained.

"I'll do my best." Thanos said with a nod, putting his hand back to his side.

Black sighed, “look, I’ll just say this out loud.” Black said as he took a deep breath. “Thanos, the mad titan. Your a dick, a jackass, and sometimes really annoying. But your a good friend, my ally, my rival. Nothing will change that, but I just need some breathing room after you… insulted my pride.” Black explained as his silver eyes stared into the Titans.

"Correction, it's comrade." Right after Thanos said that the Communist anthem starts blaring.

[Insert thing here.]

"YEEEAAAHHH!!!!!" Thanos said as he was suddenly wearing red and yellow clothes. Black mearly rolled his eyes and turned back to the diamond dogs.

“Is she…?” Luke started to ask, before Kodo covered his mouth.

“Don’t jinx it!” Kodo hissed, glaring up at Lord Twigo and Thanos and all the others. “The minute you say it, these guys are gonna bring her back just to watch us freak out again! No offense, but I’m right, aren’t I?” he quickly added, before ducking down into the earth again.

"My poor heart, even after I trained you the ways of the sword..." Lord Twigo said holding his chest, dramatically.

"I'll ignore that insult…" Thanos said, crossing his arms.

Black laughed. “None taken Kodo… but wow, after the special training I gave you.”

"I taught u de wey!" Ugandan Knuckles gasped, turning his head away from the hole.

“I got EVERY! BONE! IN MY BODY! BROKEN! By Celestia!” Kodo snarled from the ground. “Again, no offense, but I do not want to be around ANY version of Celestia!” He ducked back into the ground.

“Even the ones that have done nothing wrong?” Black asked with raised eyebrows, looking down the diamond dog’s hole.

“Nothing wrong?” Kodo demanded. “She was already angry! That was the first sign of Day Breaker coming out!”

"What about the ones that give you fried chicken… For free…" Lucci said, his voice echoing.

“Oohh, he’s got a point young pup… think of it. Free fried chicken!” Black exasperated with a laugh

“And you think about having Every! Bone! IN YOUR BODY BROKEN! Skull, arm bones, ribcage, pelvis, foot bones, teeth…”

Black got a mischievous smile. “You wanna talk about injuries with me?” Black had a short laugh. “How about being impaled both in the chest and stomach, having a mangled arm, dislocated arm, scars that’ll scare you. And to top it all off.” Black took a deep breath. “And a missing arm. With some broken bones… should I list any more?” Black asked.

“List all the injuries you want; it’s not getting us out of this hole!”

“She’s… she’s been gone for about 3 minutes now… and I don’t believe Twigo is gonna bring her back…” Black said as he pointed a thumb over his shoulder.

"AND THE FRIED FUCKING CHICKEN!!! You think you'd know someone…" Lucci said, disgusted at Kodo.

“DON’T CARE! TOO SCARED! WE’RE NEVER COMING OUT!” Kodo and Luke howled in sync.

“Oh, for the love of…” Shiva appeared out of the hole, dragging two pack links behind her. “Help me haul them up…” she said as she pulled on the link tendrils, eliciting screams from inside.


Black rolled his eyes as he helped the queen pull out the scared dogs. Thanos did the same, assisting his comrade. “You two are more stubborn than Nightmare in dodge training.” Black said.

"Does someone need to train someone to dodge? Because I am good at that shit." Piccolo said, looking at Black.

“Yes, she’s terrible at it.” Black explained to the Namekian as he finished helping Shiva pulling out Luke and Kodo.

"Just say my name and I'll be at your doorstep. Er… I'll be at your house." Piccolo said with a shrug.

“For the love of everything sacred,” Shiva chastised the shivering males. “Have some dignity, you two!”

“I swear, don’t make me slap you two…” Black growled.

Luke and Kodo grumbled, but settled down. Shiva let out a long sigh.

“I am so sorry for their behavior,” she said.

“It’s alright, just seeing them from being brave and willing to go against Ryker, only to be reduced to squirming pups at the sight of a different Alicorn.”

"They're like me when I see an Avian…" Thanos said, shivering.

“Celestia killed me,” Luke reminded them. “She is our version of your avians!”

“She made me watch as she tried to kill the other members of our pack,” Kodo added.

"Well I forgave an old enemy, what is your excuse, fucking donkeys." Thanos said before pulling out a can of hetap. "You all must forgive and forget, it is the only way people can move forward." Thanos then walked off.

“Easy for you to say,” Luke snapped. “With your power level and your experience and-and… everything that makes you better than us! Celestia kicks you around, and it’s funny. She pulls the same stuff on us, and it kills!”

"I'm talking about Kaido, Kaido is a fierce monstrous enemy and as you heard… He destroyed and pillaged Equestria. Yet, I forgave him, why? Because I believed he could change." Thanos said before taking a swig of hetap.

“Celestia isn’t the one who needs our forgiveness,” Kodo said. “We’re the ones that need forgiveness from her! We’re the ones who almost got Equestria screwed over, just because we chose to trust S-Umbra over her.”

“And don’t even start with how stupid that was,” Luke growled. “We know it was stupid. I died because of that stupidity. So just stop lecturing us on how we’re both stupid dogs and GIVE US A FREAKING BREAK!”

"Alright, I apologize, tch, it seems like I can't get a break. I always piss off everyone… Guess that's my 'cutiemark' welp, farewell. I'm going back down." Thanos waved them goodbye before heading back downstairs, Mr. Perfect Cell and Yamcha followed the Titan. Davy Jones stood in the far side of the room with a heart-thing in his hand.

Shiva sighed. “Luke…”

“Shiva, I love you with all my soul,” Luke said, before pointing at Thanos. “I owe him everything for letting us get back together. But please… I really don’t need to have it hammered in ‘again’ about how weak and inexperienced we are compared to them, so just give me some time to calm down.” He walked in the opposite direction from Thanos, settling against the wall with a grimace. Kodo glanced between them, before following after his father.

"Ye know," Davy Jones spoke, eliciting a growl from Shiva instantly, "It would seem that ye should talk to someone about this whole… Scuffle.” Shiva merely glared at him. “I know you do not trust me. Given that me and me crew nearly killed ye all. But trust me on this, ye should never leave someone else to solve their problems. Ever."

“You don’t think I know that?” Shiva asked snappishly. “I’m a dog - a pack animal; I’ve never gotten anywhere without friends. And if that’s seen as pathetic by some people, well that’s just their problem.” She turned away, and went to her family. “We’re not adventurers like all of you. We don’t thrive on combat. I don’t know what Ryker saw in us to bring us here.” She touched Luke’s shoulder softly. “But the Celestia in our world killed him. And there’s no afterlife for us; not like it in whatever worlds you come from. So don’t mock them - especially my husband, who just got back from being killed by her - for being nervous around any version of that alicorn. It’s not funny.”

Davy Jones sighed, "Alright, I bid ye kind canines farewell." Davy Jones tipped her hat before walking off.

Shiva didn’t reply, her pack link glowing as she and her family comforted each other.

“I’m terrified of Spiders, what’s your point, you’ll have to eventually get over your…” Black went silent as he spotted something out of the corner of his eye.

A spider…

“AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Black roared as a water like aura bursted around him. Black threw his hand forward, shooting a devastating Ki blast.

Shiva glared at the Saiyan with a raised eyebrow. “You were saying?” he asked.

“Hey! Leave me alone! They’re fuckin creepy…” Black complained as he let out a shiver.

"Yeah, he may be a bitch, I'm a…" Thanos turns to his left and sees Kaido in his human form. "LEAVE ME ALONE KAIDO!!!!" Thanos cried out, he then ran away from Kaido.

Shiva huffed. “You think you’re so funny…” she muttered, focusing on her family. “But trauma isn’t something they can just ‘get over.’ Not without time.” Her ears flattened. “Time we don’t have…”

"Alright because Link is a fucking pussy, Eric, go up." Piccolo asked the Shadow Man.

“I refuse to go up there,” Eric said in a stern tone. “And there’s nothing you can do to make me.”

Unfortunately Eric was grabbed by Thanos and was thrown onto the stage. "YEET!!!!"

Finally it was Eric’s turn to present his talent, which everyone knew was his music. However the moment he recovered from being thrown by the Titan, he immediately ran from the stage causing Sombra to get from his seat.

“I’ll go talk with him,” Sombra said to the Namekian.

"Fucking better…" Piccolo grunted out, crossing his arms.

Sombra ran to find his comrade only to turn up nothing, Closing his eyes Sombra began to sense the Shadow Man’s presence with his Observation Haki. Sensing the entire floor the dark unicorn found his friend leaning against the walls a few feet away, running ahead Sombra found nothing but a dark shadow against the walls.

“Eric you need to show the alien your talent,” Sombra said

“Sombra I can’t and I won’t,” Eric said, leaving the shadows to face his friend before putting his back against the wall and sliding down.

“Yes you can.”

“Sombra, my music isn’t for stuff like this,” Eric said banging his head against the wall. “I’ve been through that once and I won’t feel that again”

“Eric I know how you feel about playing for others in this kind of setting, trust me I’ve been in your head,” Sombra said to the Shadow Man. “But if we want to get to the next floor…”

“My music is special, it isn’t for personal gain or even a fucking talent show” Eric said before exhaling. “I can’t. Please don’t make me do this,” Eric said, almost begging.

“Eric, if you don’t get out there and start playing, Ryker will kill everypony here,” Sombra said, putting a hand on the Shadow Man’s shoulder. “Including Luna”

Eric’s eyes widened before he exhaled. “Fine,” Eric said before standing up. “But I’ll need some instruments.”

“Which one’s?” Sombra asked

“A piano, guitar, bass, and drums” Eric said to the unicorn

“Consider it done,” Sombra said, returning to the Namekian before using his transformation magic to turn various objects into the instruments Eric needed.

Eric walked out onto the stage only he wasn’t alone, he was followed by three clones each one grabbing hold of an instrument while the real Eric took a seat at the piano. Eric placed his hands over the piano however he hesitated to physically touch the instrument.

"You can do it buddy! I believe in you!" Thanos said with a grin, giving him a thumbs up.



“Iiiiiiiiii… Remember” Eric said, playing a few keys on the piano. “When rock was young,”

“Me and Luna had so much fun...” Eric said hitting more of the keys. “Holdin' hooves and skimmin’ stones”

“Had an old Silver Chevy and a place of my own,” Eric said, slamming his hands on the piano as his clones began to play their instrument.

But the biggest buck I ever got

Was doin' a thing called the Cragadile Rock

While the other foals were rockin' ’round the clock

We were hoppin' and boppin' to the Cragadile Rock

Eric sang with a wide smile on his face as he jumped from his seat and continued to play the piano

Well, Cragadile Rockin' is something shockin'
When your feet just can't keep still

I never knew me a better time, and I guess I never will

Eric sang before kicking his chair away from him

Oh, lawdy mama, those Friday nights

Eric sang before bringing his foot onto the end of the piano

When Luna wore her dresses tight
And the Cragadile Rockin' was out of sight

Eric sang kicking his feet up, before standing, a shadow double taking his place on the piano as he stood in front of his clones as they all sang in unison

La, la-la-la-la-la
La, la-la-la-la-la
La, la-la-la-la-la
La, la-la-la-la-la
La, la-la-la-la-la

But the years went by and the rock just died
Luna went and left us for some foreign guy

Long nights crying by the record machine
Dreaming of my Chevy and my old blue jeans

But they never kill the thrills we’ve got

Burning up to the Cragadile Rock
Learning fast as the weeks went past

We really thought the Cragadile Rock would last

Well, Cragadile Rockin' is something shockin'
When your feet just can't keep still
I never knew me a better time, and I guess I never will

Oh, lawdy mama, those Friday nights
When Luna wore her dresses tight
And the Cragadile Rockin' was out of sight

La, la-la-la-la-la
La, la-la-la-la-la
La, la-la-la-la-la
La, la-la-la-la-la
La, la-la-la-la-la

I remember when rock was young
Me and Luna had so much fun

Holdin’ hooves and skimmin’ stones
Had an old silver Chevy and a place of my own

But the biggest buck I ever got

Was doin' a thing called the Cragadile Rock

While the other kids were rockin' ’round the clock

We were hoppin' and boppin' to the Cragadile Rock

Well, Cragadile Rockin' is something shockin'
When your feet just can't keep still

I never knew me a better time, and I guess I never will

Oh, lawdy mama, those Friday nights
When Luna wore her dresses tight
And the Cragadile Rockin' was out of sight

Eric and his clones sang as their voice now went higher and softer


La, la-la-la-la-la

La, la-la-la-la-la

Eric and his clones sang before singing normally

La, la-la-la-la-la

La, la-la-la-la-la

La, la-la-la-la-la

"..." Piccolo was silent after it ended, all eyes were on him. "This… Is the most talented I've seen so far you pass! All of you pass!" Piccolo slammed his fist down on the golden star and the door slammed open. "Go, off you go! Leave!" Piccolo ordered.

Eric dispersed his clones as he made his way to the door being followed by the others, all but Thanos. Shiva, Luke and Kodo spared the doorway to the previous floor, which held Thanos, a brief glance back, before following after the others.

"Finally, they're gone…" Piccolo said with a sigh, "I'm going home now.

"We have lost a brudda…"

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