• Published 16th Feb 2021
  • 540 Views, 24 Comments

Singular - Velocipede

On their first night together, Ellie learned that Maud was different from most mares. But that didn't matter to her at all. So there was no need to talk about it. But Maud wants to talk about it. (Mostly cuddling, tag's for interrupted foreplay.)

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Comments ( 24 )

Quinton Reviews is cringe

So, we now have the Rarityverse and Maudverse versions of this story? :twilightsmile:

Mudbriar [1] has grown on me a bit, but I still think Maud deserves better than a Sheldon Cooper knock-off with a random obsession (Rockology=Geology=an actual scientific discipline: "sticks" = no actual category of knowledge)

[1] Shouldn't that be two words? But I suppose he's problematic enough without his name literally being Mud.

"Maud Pie" is supposed to be a pun on "Mud Pie", so Maud's name is also mud when you think about it. And yeah, I needed this timeline split because I wanted Mudbriar to not be a factor because I, too, dislike the weird The Big Bang Theory character they inflicted on my stoic rock waifu.


"Maud Pie" is supposed to be a pun on "Mud Pie",

My goodness, I'm slow on the uptake sometimes. :rainbowderp:

Sticks = Dendrology, the study of trees

“If the way you said that was an element, it would be bismuth.” Maud said. “Bismuth has a lot of strange properties.”

Absolutely pitch-perfect! :rainbowlaugh:

Good story. The ending felt a little out of left field, but overall well done.


I dunno. There is no evidence that Mudbriar has interest in any other part of the tree, or bush, and he's also interested in petrified sticks. He complains about "stick abuse."[1] (BTW, the implication by the writer that Maud's obsession with rocks is as narrow-minded as his obsession with sticks is an insult to geologists everywhere. :pinkiehappy: )

In any event, if I may quote from wikipedia: Dendrology, as a discipline of industrial forestry, tends to focus on identification of economically useful woody plants and their taxonomic interrelationships.

This does not seem to be his field of interest.

[1] Which makes no sense for a tree lover, since a stick is not a discrete thing in itself., but something broken off a larger plant: a stick with live leaves on in is in fact prime evidence of tree abuse. :pinkiesmile:

What? I’ve been in the fandom since before season 3 and it’s only taken me till NOW to realize that THAT”S what Maud’s name is referring to? Good god, I need to brush up my reading comprehension


Thanks! Last bit was to establish what main timeline Ellie is up to/peek into her/their life before Equestria. But I also don't have a tumblr so this was also the only way to publish my sicc joke abt the similarities between the two shows' themes.

I agree. Rocktology is a legitimate field of science, and Dr. Maudileena Daisy Pie is a very knowledgable and dedicated scientist, which is one of the many reasons why she is so attractive. Stick Pony, on the other hand, is just some weird guy with a weird obsession.

It also makes viable my personal favorite obscure bit which is to make Rarity screaming "I love being covered in mud!" in the Trenderhoof episode to be about Maud instead, which I used as a pun "candy" name in my random comedy fic. (Image found on derpibooru, not by me.)

Everything that can happen does. It just doesn't all happen to you.

Lovely alternate route for Ellie, and an intriguing explanation for why Maud was conspicuously absent from that Season 1 flashback.

"This is me coming out as a 100% Dr. Maudileena Daisy Pie simp."
...Uh. I think you might want to check that closet for holes? Possibly one-way mirrors? :D

"If I were, why wouldn’t I have changed it?"
Ah! So that at least implies answers to a number of questions I had about, hm, what might be broadly described as processes of body modification to better suit gender in this Equestria.

"as the mare who bares it"
"as the mare who bears it"?

"I got the potion. I never got too big and my voice never deepened. My teats grew in. The growth plates in my face rounded out my muzzle."
Ah, and there's a bit more detail regarding answers to those questions!
(Though I do still wonder whether male-sexed ponies in this universe have nipples, or whether the potion produced the teats from an earlier starting position... Not really a vital question, though. :D)

"Then they might treat me like I’m special or important."
Ah, and an interesting cultural detail.

Ah, and I see you're going with a "hidden genitals" system in this Equestria, though it sounds like in this case it's a magical effect rather than a more physically mechanical factor. Interesting; I wonder where it comes from, and why?
...Huh. Though, checking back, I see that this was mentioned in A Night at Carousel Boutique, if not as explicitly. I don't recall consciously noticing it there before, though, and apparently I was still surprised to see it here. Oh well; I'm aware now, at least. Still, sorry for missing that.

"“If the way you said that was an element, it would be bismuth.” Maud said. “Bismuth has a lot of strange properties.”"
Great line. :D
(Though I don't actually know that much about the properties of bismuth, I suppose...)

"Still thinking herself as a mathematician"
"Still thinking of herself as a mathematician"?

"wonderful qualities adding up to really make"
"wonderful qualities added up to really make"?

And interesting and nice as usual; thank you for writing. :)

Yeah, I was really happy to find how well that fact fit in with this headcanon!

Ah! So that at least implies answers to a number of questions I had about, hm, what might be broadly described as processes of body modification to better suit gender in this Equestria.

I wanted to leave that open since I was afraid of implying that there was only one way to be a trans mare in Equestria, which the original draft of this story seemed to imply.

"as the mare who bears it"?

The rhyme messed me up, I guess! I'll fix these later.

(Though I do still wonder whether male-sexed ponies in this universe have nipples, or whether the potion produced the teats from an earlier starting position... Not really a vital question, though. :D)

Yeah, I intended for the potion to essentially be something that switched Maud's gonads into producing estrogen, allowing her to experience estrogen-driven puberty and letting the greater changes induced by pony puberty take care of the rest (they grow, what, by 200%?). But her teats growing in from "nothing" is probably just bio-magic or something, I dunno. Magic!

Ah, and I see you're going with a "hidden genitals" system in this Equestria, though it sounds like in this case it's a magical effect rather than a more physically mechanical factor. Interesting; I wonder where it comes from, and why?

I originally tried to conceive of a mechanical factor, but couldn't figure out a feasible one, especially since it would also have to hide the anus perfectly as well. My idea is actually this visual distortion effect being part of something like a "magical autoimmune" system, which covers manes being not easily manipulable with magic and cutie marks being so crisp and visible from all angles despite being imprinted on coats of hair. There's also less emphasis on sex in general in my/the actual canon show's Equestria (see Deviant),

Ahh. Yeah, I can see how that might have happened with the wrong wording. I do think you avoided it in this version, though, so well done there. :)

Ah, heh, sorry. :)
And righto.

Ah, and thanks for the additional details on both the process and the base biology!
And yes, magic! :D
Really useful stuff, sometimes.

I've seen (descriptions of) attempts, but it's tricky.
And regarding the magical autoimmune system factor, interesting! Thanks. Though I do still wonder why it evolved and/or was made that way.
...Hm. Are Deviant and... uh... huh. Okay, well, new question: did you unpublish that story where Sweetie Drops, then Lyra, "marry" Celestia, or am I more tired than I thought and just not seeing it even on multiple passes through your stories? Or am I even more tired and getting that confused with something else? I'm pretty sure the story I'm thinking of was published and by you, though...
Anyway, assuming you have any idea what I'm talking about (Sorry if not!), are that story and Deviant set in alternate timelines of the same Equestria, then, rather than alternate Equestrias? If that makes sense? Or, hm, is Celestia a special case due to... well, being Herself? Actually... [checks back in Deviant] Yeah, could be; quote: "She’s not imagining me or some crush or Princess Celestia as a human!" Sounds like it might just be the case that most ponies already have enough of an emotional connection to have sexual desire for Princess Celestia under that system... or, at least, that's how Bon Bon views things, buut she might be slightly biased. :D
Anyway, thought, broader question, basically: is something like the system in Deviant common to most of your stories here, then, whether it comes up or not?
(Though, that said, I don't see any particular in-universe reason just having most ponies walking around with exposed genitals most of the time wouldn't be compatible with less of an emphasis on sex; there are multiple different ways in which that could just be not seen as a sexual thing, and I in fact tend to assume that unless it's mentioned to be otherwise in a story, I think (the "cartoon resolution/censorship" explanation for why the show doesn't show anything). However, here, of course, we've brought an adult human from modern Earth, Western civilization specifically, into the mix -- which means that "there's no point in going out of the way to mention that ponies are going around with their genitals exposed any more than there is in going out of the way to mention that their fetlocks are uncovered, because nopony thinks anything of it unless it comes up for a particular reason" no longer holds as an explanation for it just not being mentioned; the cultural and/or biological factors that lead the ponies to not think it worth comment don't apply to the human.)

(...Also, sorry if that got a bit rambly; as I mentioned, I'm somewhat tired at the moment.)


Or am I even more tired and getting that confused with something else? I'm pretty sure the story I'm thinking of was published and by you, though...

I was unsatisfied with the quality of that story so I pulled it. I might rework and republish it later.

Sounds like it might just be the case that most ponies already have enough of an emotional connection to have sexual desire for Princess Celestia under that system... or, at least, that's how Bon Bon views things, buut she might be slightly biased. :D

Yep, the way "one-way" demisexuality works, most ponies certainly can be attracted to Celestia/their rulers, but most ponies are not. Weirdly devoted ones like Bon Bon, though... But thankfully, it's a two-way street, so the Equestrian rulers wouldn't have the desire to take advantage of it, not that they would anyway due to their strong ethics.

Though, that said, I don't see any particular in-universe reason just having most ponies walking around with exposed genitals most of the time wouldn't be compatible with less of an emphasis on sex;

I agree! It is more convenient for Ellie's life, though, and lets me port over the Western society attitude of the sight of genitals being considered an intimate and private thing. It's also another fun way to take the canon depiction seriously.

Ah! Thanks! Glad I wasn't imagining and/or misremembering it. :)
Sorry you found yourself unsatisfied with it, though; good luck.

Ah, thanks!
Though, uh. Considering Celestia in the story in question, and Twilight in Companion, I think "take advantage of it" might be needing to get into some more complicated definitions there for that last bit to be true, at least based on the information I currently have.

"I agree! It is more convenient for Ellie's life, though, and lets me port over the Western society attitude of the sight of genitals being considered an intimate and private thing."
Right. Though, from the sound of that, is said porting something you're doing for more than just convenience? If you don't mind me asking, of course.

"It's also another fun way to take the canon depiction seriously."
Glad you had fun with it. :)

“I’m not uncomfortable, either, with anything about that part of me. If I were, why wouldn’t I have changed it?”

I feel like this second sentence is supposed to be, "If I were, wouldn't I have changed it?" The "why" is kinda throwing me off. Maybe it's just me.

This was an interesting piece. I like the continuation of you adding backstory/explanation to different canon events and characters in your own way. Explaining why Maud wasn't present in the Season One flashback was a nice touch. Also interesting how your headcanon for gender-affirming procedures in this 'verse is similar to what I came up with in Cloak And Daughter.

I have to admit that the ending was a bit too meta for me. I honestly feel like the story flows better as just a small, intimate character piece between Maud and Ellie. Additionally, I feel like this could have been rated down to T with some minor tweaks. The interrupted foreplay feels more like spice sprinkled on top rather than flavored in. Unfortunately, I'm not sure it would have helped this story's stats. :/ Sorry that Fimfic was being Fimfic yet again... :facehoof:

In any case, a nice showcase of your writing and headcanon, and worthy of a fave regardless. :twilightsmile:


Explaining why Maud wasn't present in the Season One flashback was a nice touch.

Thanks! I was really proud of that bit of canon recycling.

Also interesting how your headcanon for gender-affirming procedures in this 'verse is similar to what I came up with in Cloak And Daughter.

Oh I had so many more sentences there, but couldn't get them to fit in a natural conversation. As is, "the potion" just seems so handwavy, since it's not quite the analogue for HRT that what you came up with for Cloak and Daughter is (if I interpreted that line correctly).

Unfortunately, I'm not sure it would have helped this story's stats. :/ Sorry that Fimfic was being Fimfic yet again...

Have to admit, having a run of such poor reception was a bit discouraging! It's been a very long time since a story of mine failed to hit Popular, much less two.

I honestly feel like the story flows better as just a small, intimate character piece between Maud and Ellie.

In retrospect, I agree with you there. I just wanted to get that line about She-Ra in, but maybe it wasn't as clever as I thought. I also originally used they/them for Ellie in the passage, but I felt really uncomfortable like I was misgendering her, so I changed it.

In any case, a nice showcase of your writing and headcanon, and worthy of a fave regardless. :twilightsmile:

Phew! I'm glad the weird and bad decisions didn't break your streak of faving! :twilightsmile:

I don't think Mudbriar would like humans very much due to our deforestation.

Opening up her takeout biryani, Ellie started Season 4 [...]

I just want to say I really enjoy this ending, every time I read it so far (at least twice.)

Really glad someone does! (Seriously, I do worry about how it's too out there for it to make sense to anyone.)

Cutie patootie.

Is that last Ellie supposed to be you, in this timeline?

Neither is supposed to be me, though she does share my opinions about SPoP

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