• Published 11th Jan 2021
  • 1,967 Views, 225 Comments

The Rise Of The Cobra Kai - Dragon-In-Black

Spike Draco has been bullied in school at Canterlot High. A man sees this, and decideds to teach him karate the Cobra Kai way.

  • ...

11 - Expelled

Hawk woke up and immediately started doing his morning workout. He was still angry about what Sparkle had done the other day, but he did not care as much as he thought he would. he did grin at the prospect of what Sunny Flare had said the other day. Future Husband. He cackled at that. He had no idea if she was serious or not. It did not matter to him. She was attractive and did have the right attitude that he was looking for. She was quite violent when she wanted to be and she could break anyone with her vocabulary. Hawk was smitten by her and he was not afraid to admit it. He remembered the first time he had seen her.

It happened when he was taking a jog in the city when he passed by Crystal Prep. He decided to sneak around the school and found the gym. He had seen Sunny Flare hitting several students without trying. She was a natural fighter and when he had introduced himself when he found her alone, he noticed that she knew who he was. When he allowed her to join Cobra Kai, she looked like a little girl who had gotten Christmas early and immediately joined along with Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest.

“It was a good day indeed.” Hawk voiced to himself, as he got up from the floor and headed for his bathroom to shower. He was wondering what would happen at school but he had this feeling that it would be big. He was looking forward to it and prepared himself for anything. He finished his shower and he headed for his room where his clothing was. He would wear a t-shirt and jacket that was Cobra Kai themed while he would wear soft black pants. He put on his shoes that had the Cobra Kai logo. He packed his school bag and he walked down the staircase and saw that Sunset was already prepared and was sitting down on his couch and looked tired.

“Did you not get any sleep?” Hawk asked, as he walked in and saw Sunset look up at him. She nodded happily. Hawk simply shrugged. “Shall we prepare for school?” She nodded yet again and they walked out and away from Hawk’s house. Sunset was wearing a red hoodie with the dojo’s logo and wore white soft pants. She wore the boots she used to when she was the bully of CHS. It suited her quite well and her hair was the same it had always been, firery. Her eyes seemed cold but sharp. Sharper then when she was a bully and she had a feeling that it would indeed attract attention. They walked towards CHS and bumped into Snips and Snails. They exchanged their pleasantries and they continued towards the school. They then met up with Pipsqueak who looked tired but he still looked sharp. Together, the gang headed for the school and did not notice that the Rainbooms were looking at them with hate, specifically a cowboy and athlete.

The students glared at Sunset but when they saw the company she was with, they immediately became scared. No one dared mess with the Cobra Kai students. Flash and his gang were looking at anything but the guy that beat him in the cafeteria and has bullied him for a while. He was simply too ashamed to feel all that pain again. The way he managed to beat him was simply terrifying. He was afraid that Sunset would become someone like Hawk. A monster. He saw how Hawk walked towards his locker and got the books that he needed for his class and walked with Sunset towards her locker and went towards their separate classes.

Hawk was sitting in his math class and was going over the same question for what felt like the millionth time. He just did not understand what the actual fuck he was gonna do to solve the question. The other students in his class struggles as well except for the nerd of the class, Sparkle. She was doing her work and did everything in he power to not look at Hawk. She did not blame him for what went down yesterday, but she could not help but feel a little betrayed. He allowed one of her old bullies to attack her and he did nothing.

The class continued for another forty minutes until their break came and Hawk searched for his friends who were all hanging outside of the school with their books ready for their respective next classes. Sunset looked exhausted and tired but she still contained her smile. Hawk was getting concerned for her. She looked like she was trying to hide something, but he did not want to press her. he decided to let it go as “stress because of school” as it might have been the case. He had seen it happen to her on more than one occasion.

When the bell rang, Hawk was walking with Pipsqueak to their science class and they bumped into Rainbow Dash who looked angry. Hawk smirked at her as he knew that she knew what happened at the mall. he would never deny it as it would prove that Cobra Kai was without a doubt, the superior in every sense of the word. “Well, hello Rainbow Crash. fancy seeing you here.” Hawk said, making Rainbow’s blood boil. He spoke to her as if she was an outcast. It was the opposite way around!

“This is a school, and don’t you dare call me crash! I know what you did to my friend. You better apologise to her for it asshole!” Rainbow Dash said, making Hawk look at Pipsqueak with a raised brow. He simply shrugged as he was very conflicted when it came to Twilight Sparkle. He did believe that Twilight was trying to find the real culprits but she did not seem to be doing a very good job if Rainbow Dash was confronting them like this. Hawk then laughed his butt off, making Rainbow Dash angry. She punched him hard in the stomach, but she had not considered the fact that Hawk had serious abs there. She felt how her right hand was in throbbing pain.

“It is cute that you want to hit me, but you do realize that I am well trained?” Hawk asked, in an innocent voice. Rainbow Dash glared at him with hate but suddenly received immense pain in her left leg. She fell to the ground and looked up to see the “good” version of Hawk looking proud at what he had done. Hawk cackled as he looked at Rainbow Dash who had a look of surprise, shock, and betrayal. She felt angry. She was right about Sunset Shimmer, she had never changed and here she was, proving her exact point as well, if her friends were doing this and saying these things, then it proved that the whole bunch had not changed. Hawk then walked past her, but not without spitting at her as if she was filth that belonged to the ground. Pipsqueak did the same, but this one was more heartbreaking. She did not know why it hurt so much that Pipsqueak did it, but it was like she knows deep down that Sunset Shimmer was not the culprit, but that she was lying to herself to believe it. . . but there was this look in pipsqueak eyes that suggested that he knew something she didn’t. She wondered what that was, but she could not exactly be spying on them to see what it was that he knew, then again, perhaps she is stopping herself again as if she knew deep down that she did not want to know the answer. Why that was would have to wait until later in a few weeks.

Hawk and Pipsqueak headed for their class and when they reached the door they saw that the class had yet to start which was great for them. They had become a little bit late because of their run-in with Rainbow Dash. They sat down at their respective desks and pulled out their books. What surprised them minutes later was when their teacher had yet to reach the class. Pipsqueak and Hawk looked at each other. It was one of ‘those’ days again when he would not show up to his class. Hawk and Pipsqueak then nodded to each other as they took up their bags and left the classroom.

There were days when Discord would not even show up in class. It had happened many times in the past, but no one ever did anything. Who were they to say no to some extra free time? Hawk and Pipsqueak walked through the hallways as if they owned the whole place. It was pretty funny unless if you knew what they were capable of. They were the one’s who ruled the school and everyone knew it but never said anything. There had been three new people that started the school and head learned very quickly to not anger the Cobra Kai’s, but one of them had to learn it the hard way.

The bell rang and they looked at each other before they headed towards the cafeteria. They would meet up with their friends and ask how their day was going. They reached the cafeteria and they saw how the students flinched when they saw them enter. They did not want to get into trouble. Saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing could lead them to get punched in the face. They were not to be messed with. They did not want to get on their bad side or even irritate them the slightest.

Hawk and Pipsqueak sat down at an empty table and they saw that their friends were coming over to them. Pipsqueak waved them over, while Hawk grinned at them until he saw sunset seriously bruised on her arm. There was a large gash on her arm and he felt his blood boil. Pipsqueak noticed this as well and got a dark look on his face. He was usually the diplomatic one in the group, but even he had his limits on what he allowed and did not allow. Sunset reached the table and simply sat down as she cried into her arms. Snips and Snails looked downright pissed as they sat down.

“Gilda?” Hawk asked, making Snips and Snails nod and they immediately knew what had happened. They knew that the attack would happen, but they did not think that they would have the guts when she wore Cobra Kai clothing. it meant that she was a part of the groups of students that “bullies” them. But now, Hawk realized that Gilda really did not give a shit.

“Shall we jump her?” Snips asked, making Sunset look at him in shock and confusion. Why would they do that for? He sounded like he had done it before as well. She did not know how to reply, but she did not have to. It was Hawk that replied in her place.

“Yes, we wait until after school and beat the fuck out of her. We will make sure that she knows to never cross a Cobra Kai.” Hawk said, making the others nod in understanding. When Hawk said that they were gonna do something, then they were gonna do something. That is how they worked. They saw Hawk as their leader while they were his friends that listened to what he told them to do and did it. They all sat down and saw Gilda talking to her goons as they laughed. She looked over to where Sunset sat and froze when she saw Hawk staring at her with such intenseness that she thought that she was gonna die from him staring at her. Her goons saw this and looked over and froze themselves from what they were seeing. The other Cobra Kai’s looked at them with hatred. The room felt the tense raise up in the room as they saw the two groups look at each other.

Hawk then in his fury rushed up to the student and punched the teen. She fell face forward towards the table she was seated at with her goons. hawk saw her goons prepare for the battle but he easily punched them all and sent a few kicks here and there. Pipsqueak then rushed up to Hawk to make him calm down. “Hawk! Hawk! Calm down bro, relax.” Pipsqueak said, as gentle as he could but also firmly to not make him talk back. He wanted to help him, not make him angrier than he already was.

Hawk looked at him and shrugged. He spits at Gilda who watched the exchange with a hint of fear. Hawk goes back to their table where Sunset watched the whole fight with a sense of happiness. No one had stood up for her that way before. Hawk only grumbled as he ate his lunch that he picked up from his bag. Pipsqueak sighed and sat beside him. He knew that Hawk was only defending Sunset, he did not fault him for it, if Hawk had not done it, then he would have done it himself. But here they were, the appetite that anyone had before was clearly gone.

“Sorry for ruining the lunch,” Hawk said, as he pulled out his water bottle and drank a few gulps of the cold water. The others simply gave him sad smiles and nodded at him. They did not fault him for what he did and quite frankly did not hold it against him. Snips had been ready to throw a few punches if Hawk had not gone so he was happy that someone did it.

The air in the cafeteria had dropped down as they felt scared for what Hawk had just done. Gilda was in shock that the little cry baby had punched her and her goons as if it was something he did every day. Sunset Shimmer then rubbed Hawk’s shoulder and she felt the anger and irritation in his body slip away from him and he looked at Sunset who gave him a weak smile in appreciation. Hawk did his best to smile but they knew that he was still angry at what the bitch Gilda had done.

“Sorry if I ruined your lunch,” Hawk said, trying his best to apologise to the amber skinned teen. She simply smiled at him and hugged him a little bit, getting strange looks in response from the others around them except for the Cobra Kai students.

“You did not ruin it, Hawk. Thank you, for standing up for me.” Sunset said, with happiness in her voice. It was clear as day that she meant it, and without realizing it, the other students heard the exchange. Gilda felt angry because Shimmer acted as if she was in the wrong while Anon-A-Miss was in the right. She felt like walking up to them and give them a run for their money with her fighting skills, but she knew that she would only fail in the end.

The bell rang, and Hawk walked together with Snips towards their English class. Hawk did not lose the feeling that something big was gonna happen. Fighting an idiot was not big enough for him, he had the feeling that he would have to face something that he never thought he would ever face in his life. He did not know what, but he knew it was coming. He did not like the fact that he had no idea. It was throwing him off guard.

The English class was boring and held no value in Hawk’s opinion and he still had the feeling that something big was gonna happen. The teacher went on and on about how poetry was the most important thing in the whole class. Of course, Hawk did agree that poetry was important, but their teacher was talking about it as if they are gonna get a whole fucking scholarship out of it even though they are in high school. Hawk was simply reading the book he had for the class and did not listen to their teacher at all. The teacher noticed this but did not call him out, he knew about the fight and did not want to anger him any further than he might already be. He had seen him angry, and he did not like it. He could probably fight the whole school alone if he wanted to and he sincerely hoped that it did not come to that. He fought his enemies as if they were his mortal enemies and showed no mercy. Absolutely. No. Mercy. He shuddered at the thought and did his best to teach the class.

When the bell rang, Hawk and Snips went their separate ways and they waved goodbye as they headed for their respective last classes. Hawk had gym class and he was looking forward to it. They were playing European soccer and he was going to beat the living shit out of anyone who tries to win against him. “Strike First Strike Hard No Mercy.” Hawk thought as he went to the boys changing room. The changing room was blue coloured specifically on the lockers and white on the floor while the ceiling was grey that had large long lamps that lit up the whole room that revealed the lockers to the walls and the benches.

Hawk went to his locker and changed into his gym clothes and headed out to the outside pitch where their teacher was. Spitfire was a woman with brilliant gold skin and firery orange hair that were two shades of light and dark orange. Her eyes were strong orange and she had a sharp look that did not work on Hawk. She had accidentally made him angry a couple of times and it had been brutal. They had not fought, but they were really close one’s when she had thought he cheated when he in reality did not cheat at all, it was just Flash trying to get back at him. He had the pay severe consequences after that. . .

“Okay class, we are playing European soccer and you will be split into two groups. The green and the red. I will be the one that dictates who goes where. Hawk, Rarity, Derpy, Featherweight, and Diamond Tiara, you are on the red team. Flash, Rainbow Dash, Rumble, Scootaloo, and Applebloom you are on the green team. Red to the right and green to the left.” Spitfire ordered as she saw Hawk and Rainbow Dash staring at each other and noticed that Hawk was maybe about the pounce.

She got a soccer ball that had white and black spots on it. She placed it in the middle and had Hawk and Flas meat each other. Flash was trying not to flinch but he saw the way Hawk was looking at him, it was as if he was reading his deepest darkest secrets. Usually, it was Rainbow Dash that was the captain, but because that this was a simple training exercise, it was not needed. Spitfire whistled for the game to begin and Hawk used his left leg to snatch the ball and ran towards the green teams' side of the field and immediately had Rainbow Dash trying to steal the ball but Hawk was simply playing with her. Scootaloo was the goalkeeper for this game, but she could never have predicted the shot he shot at her. The ball came flying through the air and almost hit her in the face. She caught the ball but dropped it inside of the goal giving the red team a point. Hawk smiled at his team while he sneered at Flash and Rainbow Dash.

The game continued for a good few hours before the game finally ended. It was the red team that won because Hawk had used some dirty tricks that made it harder for the green team to win the game. Hawk had shot the ball to Flashs’ part and was practically crying for a good sixteen minutes before they could continue. Hawk had made it look like it had been an accident but the others saw exactly what he had done, sadly, Spitfire had not noticed it this time and actually thought that he had accidentally done it.

Hawk was waiting for his friends outside and he was looking forward to hitting the dojo. He was on his phone, checking MyStable to see what Anon-A-Bitch had posted. What he saw made his blood boil. There was an old video of him getting beaten up by Flash and his gang and he had tears in his eyes from the pain he felt that day. The message read: “Hawk was one’s a baby that knew nothing but how to accept pain and now because he knows how to fight, he thinks he is above everyone. He is nothing more but a filthy bully.”

Hawk thought that he was gonna punch someone in anger. Or, he was, but was stopped when he felt someone grab his shoulder in comfort. He turned to see that it was Sunset who was smiling sadly at him as she was trying to support him. Hawk regained his senses and tried to think about something else. “Where are the others?” Hawk asked, her as he tried to pry his mind off from what he read on MyStable. Sunset knew what he was trying to do and thought that it was best if he did not think about it at all which was why she answered his question.

“On their way, some of them had extra activities today and our karate doesn’t start until fifteen-thirty,” Sunset stated trying to make Hawk calm down a little bit. Hawk relaxed and nodded as she was right. Their class did indeed not start until fifteen-thirty and he was already getting antsy. He had to do something other than just waiting so he decided that he should talk to Sunset and see how she was doing, but before he could do that, the loudspeakers revealed the voice of Principal Celestia.

“Can Spike Draco come to my office please?”

Hawk looked at Sunset who looked just as surprised. He shrugged and picked up his bag and told Sunset he’d be back. He walked through the hallways of Canterlot High School and wondered why he had been called to the office of the Principal. When he reached the room that had the letters Principal on the door, he knocked and waited a few seconds before he entered the room when he had heard a faint ‘come in’ and he did. He noticed that Vice-Principal Luna was not there and that surprised him but he did not question it. The room had a large wooden desk where Celestia sat behind off and she was looking at Hawk with a certain look in her eye that he was not able to make out. He sat down on a chair after he had been motioned by her to do so. The air was tense, but Hawk was more interested in why he was there. He had not been called to her office for several months. Celestia sighed as she looked at her student that once had been a victim but now had turned into the exact monster his bully was.

“Spike Draco, I won’t beat around the bush when I tell you this so I will be straightforward. You are expelled from Canterlot High School. Gather your things and don’t come back. Waiting for your friends on the other side of the street is fine.” Celestia said, making Hawk look at her as if she had finally lost it. Expelled?! That was something he did not expect. Celestia was the firmest believer in second chances and here she was, not even giving him a second chance. He did not know what to say. he was in shock.

“What?” was all Hawk could say, as he was not able to fully comprehend the situation at hand.

“You heard me, Mr Draco, gather your things and don’t come back unless if it is necessary,” Celestia stated leaving no room for arguments but she should have stayed in bed that day. Hawk was not backing down on this one. He got up from the chair he was sitting in and looked at her with a calculating look on his face as if to determine whether she was joking or not but she wasn’t which made him furious.

“Flash bullies me and others for years and nothing happens and when I do it back as revenge I get expelled? That was the most idiotic thing you could do!” Hawk stated as he looked at her dead in the eye of his ex-principal. Celestia herself was not intimidated by her ex-student. He was looking at her as if she was filth under his shoes and she felt a little angry at that but did not voice this. The air was tense and neither one was backing down from this fight until Celestia had the final saying.

“Get out of my office and gather your things.” Hawk felt insulted at that but took his bag angrily and left the room. He slammed the door shut as he seethed when he walked through the hallways. he went to his locker and threw everything into his bag and then he headed for the boys' locker room to gather the same thing but for gym class. He then took his locks and keys and stormed away from the building and saw his friends by the horse statue, talking and having fun with one another as if nothing was wrong.

They saw him walking towards them and they all waved him over. “You guys won’t believe what just happened. I just got expelled!” Hawk blurted out in anger. The others looked and gasped in shock. This was the first time it had ever happened at Canterlot High School under Celestia’s rule.

“You serious dude?!” Pipsqueak said, angrily and Hawk nodded and he walked towards the school presumably trying to get Hawk reinstated to the school but it was no use in Hawk’s opinion what was done was done. What was he gonna do?

Over at the Cobra Kai dojo, Sensei Sombra was reminiscing on the past and cursed himself for his stupidity as a child and teenager for the shit he had done in the past. Suddenly, he heard the bell ring and he walked out thinking that it was his students but was surprised when he saw a blue-skinned figure with yellow eyes and red pupils. “I always knew you had it in you Sombra. You were always my best students. They thought that Cobra Kai had fully disappeared when in reality it had not disappeared! You brought it back where it belongs: at the top.”

Sensei Sombra was shocked. It was his old Sensei. It was Sensei Grogar.

Author's Note:

Hello everypony! Thank you for reading this story. There will be as many sequels as needed for the many seasons of Cobra kai that it has. This is not the end guys, it is only the beginning!

Comments ( 118 )

I wonder why celestia expelled spike?

Thank goodness it is over.

Are you happy about it being over?

Yes. Any story that bashes Flash and makes him a villain for no reason is bad.
Edit: Your downvotes mean nothing! It only proves your ignorance!

Well, that was anticlimactic! And the CMC/Anon-A-Miss are so F******* DEAD NOW, IF Spike/Hawk finds out!!!!!!!

And Celestia made a stupid mistake too.

Flash bullies me and others for years and nothing happens and when I do it back as revenge I get expelled? That was the most idiotic thing you could do!” Hawk stated

He has a point. And I bet that in the Sequel. That the CMC/Anon-A-Miss, Rainbooms, Twilight, and even Celestia are gonna FRICKIN Regret this later on! :pinkiecrazy:

Ohh. Ok, that’s kinda understandable.

Comment posted by Pete100 deleted Apr 11th, 2021

I kinda doubt it. They would probably throw a party.

Grogar as Kreese... I can totally buy that!

I hope in the sequel. Spike learns to temper his rage and eventually grow from this.


That party would be crashing down soon, by somebody in Cobra Kai. Or a Guilty/Regretful party, because they should find out Anon-A-Miss Identity very soon.

What makes you think that?


Just my opinion. But, seriously?! Anon-A-Miss WON'T stay hidden for long. And I bet that they will feel remorseful for being such jerks to Sunset ( and probably Spike/Hawk). That's my wishful interpretation for the sequel.

I understand that, but spike was a jerk before anon-a-miss, so I don’t think they’re gonna feel remorse for him. As for sunset, yes they did abandon her, but she made her choice. You can’t use someone’s else’s actions to justify your own. But, I’m probably saying this because I’ve seen too many fanfics doing that, so who knows?


I DON'T blame Sunset for her choice. They forced her to join Cobra Kai for protection anyway. And I know that Spike/Hawk is a jerk. BUT, since I DON'T LIKE the Rainbooms, Twilight, Flash Sentry, and Celestia anyway for their Attitude. I prefer to root for the Main Character/"Antagonist" ( Spike/Hawk), and his Cobra Kai Buddies.

Don’t you think you’re exaggerating? I don’t think that’s how it works. They didn’t FORCE her to do anything. Yes, what the rainbooms did was wrong, but they didn’t point a gun to her head and told her to join cobra kai. You can say they LEAD to her joining cobra kai, but not force. It was her own choice.


Okay. It's just I read a lot of Anon-A-Miss Stories, and I always expect the worst.

It’s ok. Honestly, I read a lot myself, but the comment section just be taking the fun out of it.

Kind of wondering if Principal Celestia will get her asskicked badly?

What will happen in the next sequel?

Technically she had no choice or else is suffering more and more from the Rainbooms and other stuff.(so not much choice there really, or maybe this counts as "pick your poison" scenario?)
Pretty much either get stronger or get screwed/tormented further.

I mean, it might be one of those pick your poison scenarios, but I’m not 100% sure.

I kinda doubt it. Because, the only ones who might be able to are sombra and grogar.

Prefer if Luna was able to.

Didn't really like the whole "Celestia defeated her in the past" thing there honestly..

Comment posted by Pete100 deleted Apr 13th, 2021

It’s possible.

I mean, it’s not uncommon for the older sibling to whoop the younger sibling’s a**.

It just continues the issue of Luna being inferior to Celestia there really..

Maybe she, maybe she isn’t. We haven’t actually seen them in action or know if they still train or not.

The fact still remains given it stated she ultimately lost to Celestia there.
Which I felt like is just another case of the issue of Luna(no matter what world be in human-world or Equestria) being in Celestia's shadow there..

That’s what it’s sometimes like to be the younger sibling, but it can either make or break you.

Its really a aggravating problem though for Luna's case there..

Yeah, but that’s just one of the common tropes.

Doesn't make it ok though..

Yeah, that’s true. But, the sequel might change that.

seriously, this how it ends?

For each season that Cobra Kai makes.

Wow that’s a lot of work.

I know, but I never receive homework. I do the “Homework” all at school and turn it into the teachers, so I have more free time than anyone else in my school.

Oh. That’s good to hear.

Hey, I noticed Revenge of Cobra Kai is gone now.
Did something happened to it? :derpyderp1:

I’m planning on rewriting it. I’m not happy with the direction I’m taking it.

Great story my only complaint is how easily and quickly sunset friends abandon her putting spike in the right I feel like it would have been better if they stood by her despite all of the rumors making Spike begin to question himself but either way it is still a good story despite this

Me thinks she's gonna regret that one later.

Honestly, I feel like that wouldn’t be enough to question himself. Spike seems to be at that stage where he thinks he’s in the right no matter how wrong it is.

True but it is a start

Yeah, that’s true.

We agree that the story is not bad but do you think the story is is bending over too much to make Spike look good

Yeah, but I don’t really mind it too much because this isn’t the first story that’s done it. There are many stories on this site that would do that for certain characters. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Spike, Sunset Shimmer, and Starlight Glimmer being common ones. To the point wear some stories would even contradict themselves.

Yeah that's true and to be fair this story isn't the worst one doing that it's still doing that but it's not the worst and also another thing I love Spike as a character and I wish he got a bit more attention in the series but with spikes FanFictions not all but definitely a decent number of them make Spike too Op or or try to hard to make a sympathize with him to the point of making him a wimp, what's your opinion on those

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