• Published 31st Oct 2020
  • 4,682 Views, 35 Comments

The Proposal Proposition. - ThatAverageDude

Fleur-de-lis and a human come up with a crazy plan that'll benefit them both. However, when unsuspected trouble arrives, will the two hold on to each other, or crumble under the pressure?

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Comments ( 21 )

This was a good story that i still remember, glad you reuploaded it and i can give it my upvote back

Was looking for this the other day and couldn't find it anywhere. Much appreciated!

Huzzah, it’s back!:pinkiehappy:

I knew I recognized this somewhere. Great story.

Nice to see this again. It is truly an amazing story


*chucks a hunk of wood onto the pyre behind me while ThatAverageDude sobs and proclaims their innocence*

-that's really all we need these days to burn the heretics. :twilightsmile:

*Editor's note: I have not read this story yet, possess no context, and retain my right to selectively edit my comment to retain some semblance of social fiduciary, just because I found your comment kinda funny (I'm so sorry).

**Editor's Note #2: I still have not read the story, but mere minutes after typing this I'm having buyer's regret and also suffering from the very real realization that I must have assumed your meaning from a very scarce internet comment, and the longer I type this edit the more sure I am that this endeavor is far less funny than I originally imagined. I can only hope that, after actually reading this story, all of my haphazard replies to you make some sort of sense and provide some degree of entertainment to whatever malcontents actually read story comments.

***Editor's note #3: I still have not completed the story, nor reached the point that Hamburgertime made a comment about, but I have read a sufficient amount that my preconceived notions will already provide a conclusion for me, and said conclusion is that Hamburgertime is opposed to me politically and thus must be set on fire. I have no idea what Hamburgertime's political views are, and no idea why I've embarked on this weird comment thread about Hamburgertime's innocuous comment (with heretical likes...), but I'm drunk and willing to let bygones be bygones so long as Hamburgertime fixes his/her/their ellipsis.

Three periods, bruh. Three!

Also, I'm a couple chapters in and the story seems wonderful, although very strange because I don't understand why random strangers would marry one another for green cards. However, I'm also very drunk.

Stay tuned for a very hungover fourth edit wherein I apologize for every opinion I've stated in the last seven years, assuming I remember tomorrow (ediotr's [sic]: no fcking way I remember this comment, happy Halloween! Alsp, I'm very sorry, DatAvgDude, I should really not be allowed on social media after getting rum.)

(Actual edit: ThatAverageDude, I'm really sorry that you've got a huge comment on your story that basically isn't discussing it at all. Just know I only made the comment because I like your story, got drunk, and found a comment that tickled my funny bone. I'm sorry you lost your original stories and wish you all the best!)

This was an amazing story! I was actually giggling like a madman for the majority of it. 9001/10, one of the best stories on this site.

Dude I had a feeling something from my favorite list was missing!

And back to my Fav list.

Not an uncommon one though, I hate it too.

I'm all for equality, but modern feminism is not. Nowadays it's genuinely used as a means to hate on men, thus why it is mocked and hated by a vast majority of people, women included.

Thanks for all the kind and positive words I have received so far, people! :pinkiesmile: Y'all are the best and I hope to upload my other two stories soon!

I loved this story when I read it on your old account. I look forward to reading it again :twilightsmile:

I so loved this story. Thank you for bringing it back.


This was good! Hope to read more of your creations. :moustache:

I remember loving this story. Was there a particular reason this was deleted, if you don't mind my asking?

Oh. Wait. I misread that bit in the description.

Флер де Лис просто красавица и она заслуживает быть счатливой!

A very sweet story!

Sitcoms never get old

That was a great fanfic. Keep up the good writing :raritywink:

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