• Member Since 26th Jul, 2020
  • offline last seen June 20th


I'm alive? I'm alive!

Blog Posts

  • 161 weeks
    Feline Fantasies update June 2021: the release of Southern!

    Hi guys, TAD here back again, once again! It's almost the end of the month, so as always, I bring y'all the update regarding the progress of Feline Fantasies! As most of y'all already know, Southern is officially finished, and so, it's with pride that I can officially announce that the game is done and ready to be played! :D

    You can head over here to play the game right now!

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    0 comments · 284 views
  • 164 weeks
    Feline Fantasies general update: May 2021

    Hiya guys, TAD here back again, once again! I hope y'all have been enjoying your weekend so far! It's the end of the month once more, so here I am with another update regarding the game's progress so far! Hold on to your horses (or felines, in this case), because the game is almost around the corner! :D

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    0 comments · 302 views
  • 169 weeks
    Feline Fantasies General Update: April 2021

    Hey guys, TAD here back again! It is the end of the month once more, so I am here to give y'all the update regarding Feline Fantasies and how far along we are currently with its development.

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    0 comments · 206 views
  • 173 weeks
    Feline Fantasies General Update March 2021

    Hey guys, ThatAverageDude here or TAD for short! I hope y'all are having a pleasant weekend so far! :3 It's the end of the month again so I'm here to give you guys another update on the progress of Feline Fantasies!

    So, currently, the animated portal sequence has been completed entirely and has been added to the game! It even features some voice acting and I'm really happy with how it turned out! :D

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    0 comments · 256 views
  • 177 weeks
    Feline Fantasies general update February 2021

    Hi guys, welcome back! From now on, at the end of the month, I've decided to create a general update for y'all so everybody can keep up with the progress of Feline Fantasies! But, if you want to support the game and get access to all of the art already and you are not yet my Patron, please consider supporting us! All of the support 100% goes to the development of this game! :3

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    0 comments · 214 views

Feline Fantasies update June 2021: the release of Southern! · 3:19pm Jun 25th, 2021

Hi guys, TAD here back again, once again! It's almost the end of the month, so as always, I bring y'all the update regarding the progress of Feline Fantasies! As most of y'all already know, Southern is officially finished, and so, it's with pride that I can officially announce that the game is done and ready to be played! :D

You can head over here to play the game right now!

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8

You're alive ?????????

It’s tremendously wonderful to have you back, man! I loved your previous stories, they were among my favorites and I feared we’d be bereft of their splendor. I hope you wish to continue writing and regale us with the lovingly lecherous creations of your mind. And I hope you had a Merry Christmas!


Im glad you are

  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8
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