• Member Since 6th Feb, 2020
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I like violence, heavy metal and talking multicolored ponies


Comments ( 23 )

I not happy with the ending she should shot him into the chest then shot Long Shot in the crouch before finishing him off.
Others shots tot he head were good.

i do want so see this continued after this I'm sure every girl that was raped and hurt by Long shoot will come forth, and a full investigation be launched the school board facing a mega scandal.
Sure they resign or be kicked off or jailed.

Thanks for reading. I am thinking of doing a sequel(nothing concrete yet) where Principal Celestia faces trail, she walks because the jury refuses to convict, she's still fired though. Blueblood's political career is over when it comes out that he used his wealth and connections to ensure his son would always walk. Sunset wakes up from the coma heavily traumatized, reliving the attack mentally almost constantly in her head and becomes nearly non-functional and prone to slipping into catatonia whenever she has a panic attack. The whole mega scandal thing is a good idea, though one complication could arise, because in the world of EQG Sunset is technically a minor, when it comes to rewarding settlements, would she be considered legally emancipated or concerning that she has no known family in that world, would she become a ward of the state and placed in the foster system until she's eighteen?

Not sure....She could be sent back to Equestria to recover thou, or Adopted By Luna.
Or Sci Twi's family take her in, she need a lot of therapy thou.

this is dark and edgy crap this is a very serious subject not something to just write for click bait reads

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Principle Celestia gestured to a chair before sitting behind her desk. Propping her forehead in her hands, she ran her fingers through her pastel, multicolored hair and sighed. "Sunset, I'm sorry that you're being drug through this. I completely agree with you defending your friend yesterday, but Long Pass went to his father claiming you jumped him and Blueblood went to the school board." She thumped a fist on her desk in anger. "This isn't right, but the school board is breathing down my neck on this. I'm sorry that they're dragging you through this bullshit Sunset, I'm sorry but my hands are tied on this, you're expelled for a month for fighting on school grounds and after you get back you're going to have ninety day of detention."

Wait, how does that work?

"Do you know how long they've been there."

Does that matter?

The doctor adjusted his glasses. "Pretty severe. The worst of them is a ruptured spleen. It looks like she laid wherever you found for at least two days bleeding internally. Like I said she's lucky to even be alive. That's not the extent of her injuries. She also suffered a broken jaw, a hairline fracture to her left eye socket, a pretty major concussion, a broken nose, several shattered teeth and extensive tearing to her vagina and anus." He flipped through the chart. "She also has a pretty serious infection. We've put her on some aggressive antibiotics and had to place her in a medically induced coma."

Ok, that doctor ain’t making it no better.

"Long Pass.", Celestia snarled. Her anger burned away, leaving on grim resolve. She walked down the hallway, her every action a measured movement.

Measured movement?

Principal Celestia pulled the magazine out of the Walther checked it, then returned the pistol to the holster. She clipped the Pistol in its holster to the waistband of her jeans and pulled the tee-shirt over it, the git in the car, driving over to where Long Pass and his toadies were hanging out. Walking into the restaurant where Long Pass and his toadies were sitting, it made her stomach turn hearing them bragging about what they had done. "It ends here.", she growled softly to herself.

Damn, this girl packing.

As shot rang out, teenagers and employees ran out of the restaurant in a panic, screaming. Celestia stood trembling as she looked at the five dead bodies, each with a shot in their head, her body trembled with adrenaline. She spat on the body of Long Pass, "You can't hurt anybody anymore fucker!" Her eyes shot up as she heard police sirens and flashing blue lights in the distance, coming towards the restaurant. For a few seconds she contemplated running or putting the gun to head and pulling the trigger, she decided to take responsibility for this. Dropping the magazine from the pistol, she shucked the round from the chamber, slid it into the magazine and placed them both on a nearby table.

Principal Celestia calmly looked up as the cop cars screeched to a halt in the parking lot. She got on her knees, placed her hands on her head and closed her eyes, waiting for the police to come rushing in.

Gotta do what you gotta do.

Why does this story have so many dislikes? I mean, it can't be that bad, right? ...Right?

A lot of people didn't like it. I guess a bunch of people thought I had written edgelord click bait. I don't see it as a negative reflection on them if they saw it that way, it's one of the risks you take when putting a story out there that has such sensitive and dark subject matter.

Principle Celestia gestured to a chair before sitting behind her desk. Propping her forehead in her hands, she ran her fingers through her pastel, multicolored hair and sighed. "Sunset, I'm sorry that you're being drug through this. I completely agree with you defending your friend yesterday, but Long Pass went to his father claiming you jumped him and Blueblood went to the school board." She thumped a fist on her desk in anger. "This isn't right, but the school board is breathing down my neck on this. I'm sorry that they're dragging you through this bullshit Sunset, I'm sorry but my hands are tied on this, you're expelled for a month for fighting on school grounds and after you get back you're going to have ninety day of detention."

The correct term would be suspended for a month, expelled it permanent removal, suspension is temporary.

Yeah, it's been a hot minute since I was in school. Thanks for pointing it out.

Haven't read it yet, but I can already tell, I'm going to absolutely fucking hate this.

If you haven't read it, then how do you know you'd hate it?

I've read it now.

Weirdly, it wasn't badly written.
But I was right. I did hate reading it.

You still get a vote though.

Hanging up the phone, she walked over to the car and lifted the hood. She jiggled the battery connections and readjusted the distributor cap. Lowering the hood, she stepped back in the car and turned the key, with a couple of sputters, the engine came to life.

As a mechanic, I can tell you that it isn't always that easy.

Yeah, I know it's kinda dumb, you can't adjust the distributor cap with the proper tools, but I figured for narrative purposes to add it in. It's kinda like how many hacker scenes in movies and TV shows some guy sitting in front of a computer spouting tech-tech while pounding away on random keys, then looking up all dramatically and saying "I'm in!"?

True. Just thought I'd throw that out there. I am busy working on a car that does exactly that at the moment, and I just wanna say, it ain't pretty.

Comment posted by Speedingninja deleted Jun 14th, 2021

worthless skank

Oh one of you is that all right and it's not sunset

It is a dark and serious subject matter and so far I think you handled it pretty well. While some might not like it because it seems to be a complete opposite of the whole love and friendship thing that seems to be canon in MLP and extension EG, the fact is that scenarios like this are far too common and you have done a good job handling it so far. I really wish setups like this doesn't happen, but they do and there is nothing wrong with writing about it as it brings the subject to light more when done right and can even help victims some when they read how the characters have real struggles yet find the strength to get through them. Might I make one suggestion though? Maybe in some author's notes for the story maybe leave a message that victims are not alone and leave some phone numbers that they can call to talk to somebody about everything. I know that it is simple to look up, but some victims may not really know about them or where to start. For example the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network is a great place to start getting help.

RAINN: National Sexual Assault Hotline: Confidential 24/7 Support (www.Rainn.org) 800.656.HOPE (4673)

Thanks for the comment and sharing the link and number. Part of the reason I wrote this is because back in high school, one of my friends was gang raped by 5 starters on the football team in the girl's locker room just off the gym, they messed her up so bad she couldn't walk for weeks and they shoved her into a stall when they were done with her, one of the janitors found her that evening, the guys who did it, the judge decided to drop the charges because he didn't "want their lives messed up with a criminal charge". You see stuff like that happen when you grow up in a small southern town and the people who commit the crimes are part of the local team or are related to someone of influence, like a lot, not always sexual crimes, but crimes in general.

The world can be cruel; you wrote the grimness well, communicating your message. The open ending seals it, as well.

Thank you kind reader.

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