RE: The Doom That Comes To Canterlot · 3:06pm May 20th, 2022
As with a lot of artists on this site and many others, the end of MLP:FiM led to a reduction in my enthusiasm for this fandom and its content, which is strange to consider, since I stopped watching the show around season 6 or 7 and have no desire to follow the newest series. That isn't to say I don't still deeply appreciate MLP content, but I find that it takes a much stronger personal connection to elicit a desire to engage with it these days, whether that's for purposes of humor, visual art
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
When will chapter 17 be done????
Pls let us know
I see. I'm afraid your mention of it has been the first time such a concept has entered my thoughts. Sorry
No not a shipping as in Applejack is a werewolf styled timberwolf called timberjack. she basically is the concept of werewolves but with a timber wolf
As in Timber Spruce x Applejack? Nah, I'm not much into shipping haha