• Member Since 20th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


I wrote WFD and HSR on /mlp/


Your name is Anonymous, Anon for short. And your family just moved to the beautiful and peaceful city of Canterlot.
After all the problems you had at your previous school in Seacrest County, you decided to keep a low profile. However that plan had to change since Rainbow Dash, the captain of the newly formed team for the 1st Annual Interschool Sports Competition, a new program developed by the Ministry of Education, asked you to be in the team because of the situation she's in.
Your team to the eyes of others is a complete disgrace, even to your school's authorities...but you'll find the potential within your new friends and make your best efforts to advance!

Chapters (33)
Comments ( 115 )

Oh snap this story is on here
Love this story so it's great to see on here been wanting to reread it from the start
Love the music selection in each update.

So far this is a good story!

Poor Rainbow Dash! Is everyone aware of her future being at stake thanks to Celestia and Luna?

Is the romance tag for Rainbow and Anon?

It was from one of the story threads on mlp
Cant remember the name of the thread but this story I remember for how good it was.

No they don't. Besides it's only between Principal Celestia, Vice-Principal Luna, and Rainbow Dash.

Great chapter!

Is Zephyr Breeze going to something to Anon that’ll make Rainbow Dash and especially Fluttershy regret in join8ng the team?

Great chapter!

What will happen to Rainbow Dash? Are Celestia and Luna not going to sabotage her future? Is there going to be a scene where Fluttershy releases her wrath on Zephyr Breeze?

Zephyr Breeze got off too easy...

Love the finale
Zephyr pretty much cemented his butt monkeyness
And seeing him get his beat up in the end was great.

Let's find out in the next chapters then!

Hell yeah, he's my favorite character to write. His shenanigans are fun,

Just you wait. He's not done for yet.

Oh yes and the music choices fit with him
I love it
Seeing him get into petty rivalry with anon and things biting him in the butt I could tell you love writing him

Great chapter!

Who should Canterlot High get to replace Zephyr Breeze if that happens? Maybe Adagio Dazzle.?

It's a great story, it deserves more likes. Really great effort. :eeyup:

Great chapter!

What kind of sabotage does Zephyr have in store at the pool?

Rainbow Dash, Anon, or the school should file a restraining order on Zephyr.

And Zephyr's still being a scumbag loser...

Here's hoping he gets what's coming to him eventually.

Great story pls keep update it pls so good to read it

I seriously can't believe Zephyr. Yes, I know he really liked Rainbow Dash and all but jesus.

Great chapter!

Perhaps Rainbow, Trixie and the rest of his teammates can defend him by speaking to Rarity and Anon when Zephyr unleashes his revenge.

Finally pls keep update it love the stories is one of my favorite stories

That bastard! Leave Anon alone! Villain! XD

But great chapter, love this story. :eeyup:

I absoultely agree. This is a hell of a story.

Keep update as fast you can pls the suspension is killed me :twilightoops:

Welp Zephry I'm gonna kill you

Great chapter!

Anon needs to find out fast and hope that Rarity understands and forgives him. How long will Zephyr stay hidden in the shadows?

“ You are useless! Why do you even bother coming to practice? How did you even make it into our team? Your mom must've slept with the coach to let your sorry ass join the team."

"Ha ha...maybe she had to do it twice to convince him!"

"No! That's not true! Leave my mom out of this!"


Me: I'll do this! *Proceeds to kick Anon's former teammates in the balls and beat them all up, except for him.*
Me: Anyone else that likes to talk trash on Anon and his family?! *Cracks his knuckles*
Silent crickets. . .
Me: That's what I thought!

I'm surprised there isn't an EQG shorts episode of Principal Celestia and Discord.

”I dunno, I kind of want to participate…” Tennis Match replies.

I miss playing the Mario Tennis 64 game. :(

Great chapter!

Is Flash going to lose his spirit for a while because of Twilight and Timber?

Is playing with an incomplete team allowed since Zehpyr is no longer competing? They still need to find a replacement.

I am really shocked this story doesn't have more likes, or views, it really baffles me. It is well written, it's funny, and it feels organic, that is just my personal opinion. It really deserves more attention.

I'm glad you think that way mate, I enjoy writing lighthearted stuff like this, hopefully more people will read it.

Great chapter!

Are we going to see the conversation with Rarity and Aunset?

I love the stories pls keep update it

Yay! Booty motivation always work!

I love this story. Please keep updating it. I especially can't wait to find out how bad Zephyr Breeze is gonna hurt when they find out what happened.

Can't wait for the next chapter

”We’re counting on you Rainbow Dash…so, about this little box, if you are able to form a team and win the tournament some of these papers might end up getting lost forever and you’ll enter a good university, perhaps an Ivy League one with the help of a sports scholarship, what do you say?” Principal Celestia says with a grin on her face.

Isnt this like the exact same thing that the one principle of Crystal Prep did to Sci-Twi to make her compete?

I must say comrade, i have read the story up to now and so far, I hope this goes on much longer because God damn is this an excellent fic. Hope to see more like it in the future.

Great job so far, honestly I'd date sunset in this story ngl.

Really want to see the next chapters, great story and hope it goes on for a while.

Great chapter!

Rarity should tag along to the practices to keep a good eye on Anon.

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