• Member Since 21st Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen Sep 3rd, 2019

Shadow SSS

Amateur writer trying to please the readers. You will find mostly human fics here. Avatar by iojknmiojknm

Favourite Characters

Favorite Pony:
Sunset Shimmer

( I know, I know, this is cheating it a bit, but hush, Sunset is bae)

Favorite Siren:
Sonata Dusk

Favorite Human:
Lemon Zest

Favorite Villian:

Latest Stories


Life can be a b*tch · 12:14pm Apr 17th, 2017

Hey guys, Shadow here.

Now you might be wondering where I've been this past few weeks. The answer to that is simple. I've been busy. IRL is not being too nice with me and it is quite hard to get down and write new chapters and stories for you guys.

Don't worry, I won't stop writting, I plan on going on for a while actually,cause this is fun, and some of you seem to like my story for some reason.

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Comment posted by Shadow SSS deleted Sep 26th, 2016
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