• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 6,920 Views, 583 Comments

Through Changes - Symphony

When you lose who you are, what will you do to become yourself again?

  • ...


Eris shifted slightly, nervously glancing up at the solar princess who seemed to be less than friendly at the moment. She understood why she recieved that cold shoulder from the diarch, though. Eris closed her eyes and sighed. She never meant for this to actually happen like it did.

How was she supposed to know that Discord had relations with one of the Equestrian Royals? Let alone a child with her? She did admit that it was in slight panic she kidnapped Era as a last-ditch effort to make Discord come out on his own. She did not expect him to bring company, though. Especially a young dragon.

Her gaze shifted slowly to the statue of Discord. He stood up, back arched and his face twisted and frozen to a scream of agony. His scream was still ringing in her ears. The one detail that stood out to her, though was that even with his shifted posture and twisted face, he still held his arms forward protectively. Eris hadn't said a word after the fight in the garden. Even when a small part of her cheered and sang in utter joy that Discord was encased in stone, another part of her just felt empty and guilty.

Celestia cleared her throat. Eris' head snapped to her. ”Kidnapping a foal...” Celestia started as she stood up from her throne and started walking down the stairs to her throne. ”Sending threats, blackmailing and nearly killing Spike, who I consider to be my son...” Celestia's eyes narrowed. Eris gulped and shrank under the gaze of the princess. As soon as Celestia's glare had focused at the teenager, her eyes softened. ”What happened to you?”

Eris rubbed her eagle talon slowly, looking down at the floor and bit her lip. Celestia raised a hoof and placed it on her shoulder. Eris closed her eyes, took a deep breath and prepared herself recount her tale to Celestia.

Spike felt himself slowly waking up. The first of his senses to fully awake was his hearing. But at this moment, he'd honestly take being unconscious.

”Honestly darling!” Rarity exclaimed, ”Spike's been interested in me since he first came to Ponyville! Therefore, I should by all right have first dibs on him!” Rarity huffed.

”Oh yeah?” Fluttershy answered, Spike almost curled up in a ball as the tiny yellow pony snarled. ”What about all those times you just used him to make him do all your heavy lifting and small tasks around the room.”

Rarity huffed. ”Oh come on...”

Fluttershy didn't back off her assault. ”And now you only visit him in the hospital because you saw him fight that other draconeequs and became interested in him, only because of his strength and looks!” Fluttershy breathed heavily. ”You don't see Spike for who he really is, his personality. You just focus on his looks...”

At that, Spike decided to crack his eyes open. The first thing he saw that on his left, laying a hoof on his hand sat Fluttershy, glaring death at Rarity who was sitting on the right, staring down on the floor with her ears splayed back.

On the other side of the room, Big Macintosh sat and shifted his eyes between the two mares, obviously too scared to say anything unless he would suffer the rage of the ususally quiet yellow pegasus. He had a bandage wrapped around his head and a tiny, pink band-aid with Hello Filly marks on them on his right cheek.

”Hey Fluttershy...” Spike coughed a bit. The two mares gasped in unison and turned to Spike. ”Don't be that hard on Rarity. Yeah, I know she may have done some bad stuff in the past. But that's just the thing. The past.” Spike scratched at the bandage on his back, but his talon was swiftly slapped away by a yellow hoof. Spike pouted.

”Don't scratch them...” Fluttershy said, very relieved to see Spike conscious so soon. ”A-are you sure you can just let that go?”

Spike nodded. ”She's obviously regretting all of that, and seeing me injured must've triggered that.” He shrugged. Rarity agreed.

”That's what I was trying to say, I just couldn't find the right words for it.” Rarity added. She stood up from the chair. ”I'll leave you two alone... You know, just to give you some privacy.” Rarity walked away with her head hanging. She heard some whispers from the two, obviously directed at her.

”Rarity!” Fluttershy called at her. Rarity paused and turned her head to them. ”There's a lot of him to go around... So, you want to share?” Fluttershy said, her entire face burning red. ”I-I-I mean... We both c-can be in a relationship with him...” There was the Fluttershy Rarity knew. The seamstress smiled and joined them by Spike's bed.

Spike's grin had never been as big as it was right now. 'I thank all the deities, holy or unholy for the gift I am about to recieve.' He thought, nearly giggling in glee.

Meanwhile, Big Macintosh stared at the situation unfolding with his mouth hanging open. The wheatstalk he had been lucky to find, dropped from his mouth and to the floor. His eyes were as wide as plates. The curtains to the dragon's bed closed with a blue shine of magic.

”That ain't fair...” Mac muttered. ”Lucky son'uva gun...”

”What were you thinking going to an unknown jungle with Discord, of all ponies?!” Cadence shouted at Shining Armor as she paced back and forth in front of the bed he was sitting on.

”Duty, dear.” Shining answered simply, holding his thousand yard stare he had learned from being a guard.

”Did you even think about what could have happened to you out there?” Cadence stopped in front of him, glaring at him.

”Yes, dear.” He replied, still holding his stare.

”Well, would you mind telling me why you left on such a short notice?” Cadence huffed as she sat on the bed next to him.

”Era got kidnapped by another draconeequs, Discord asked for help. With 'asked', I mean teleported into my office, grabbed me and teleported away.” Shining glanced at Cadence. He smirked. ”Don't worry, Era is back safely and is currently sleeping. The draconeequs is contained. Not a problem...”

Cadence sighed in relief. ”Oh, that's good to hear...”

”There kinda is one thing though...” Shining scratched the back of his head. Cadence turned to him. ”Discord is uh.. a statue again...”

Complete silence. That was, until Cadence found her voice.


Shining Armor shook his head to clear himself of the ringing. Yeah, this is gonna hurt... Bracing himself, he put on his best charming smile.

”Yes, dear?”

Celestia sat quietly, listening to Eris as she was talking about how she survived on her own and dealt with being one of the two last draconequi when the other was an insane beast at the time. Celestia had to admit, Eris had valid reasons to loathe Discord.

As her tale had finished, the Elements of Harmony, along with Luna had gathered in the throne room. Eris stood still, staring at the floor and occasionally glancing up at the ponies.

”And do you regret kidnapping Era?” Celestia asked.

”I really do... I-I panicked when I couldn't just get a hold of Discord. So... So I had to resort to that. I'm really sorry.” Eris sniffled. Gone was the proud warrior, instead a mere child had taken its place. It's almost as if she had forgotten her own age when she had to force herself to be an adult from such a young age.

”So, I have decided on what we will do.” Celestia said. Eris bit her lip and looked up at the solar princess. ”First, we will release Discord.” Celestia turned to Twilight. ”Twilight, if you may?”

The lavender scholar stared at her teacher. ”Um... How do I do that?” Celestia rolled her eyes.

”Just use the Elements on him again, it's like turning on and off a lightbulb.” She said. Twilight nodded and focused her magic to the crown she was wearing. It started glowing, along with the necklaces her friends were wearing.

The standard massive rainbow of magic erupted from the six ponies, twirled in the air and shot down to the statue of Discord. The rainbow surrounded the statue and started circling it faster and faster, creating a rainbow tornado. Bits and shards of stone flew in every direction and as the rainbow faded, Discord stood there, hunched over and panting heavily.

”Oh boy, that certainly is an experience...” Discord snarked. ”Honestly, couldn't you have done that a bit sooner? I enjoy being stoned as much as everypony else, but there is a limit you know...” He pouted and stuck out his forked tongue at Celestia, who already had second thoughts about releasing him.

”You do realize I almost considered leaving you as a statue, right?” Celestia raised an eyebrow. Discord grinned, teleported to her side and gave her a hesitant one-arm hug.

”Oh come on, you wouldn't leave your beloved brother-in-law in stone for longer than necessary!” Discord patted her on the back, then floated over to Luna, who had a small, relieved smile. Discord looked around the room, until his eyes rested on the now very withdrawn Eris.

”Eris, was it?” Discord said, gaining the attention of the younger draconeequs. Eris looked up at him and nodded. ”Would you like to have a word in private about this?” She nodded.

Discord floated down to the floor next to her and walked out of the throne room, holding the door open for her with his magic. As the door slammed close behind them, an awkward silence ensued which lasted for almost ten minutes.

Eventually, Eris broke the silence. ”...Why did you do it?” She looked up at him, tears threatening to fall.

Discord sighed heavily. ”I... I was broken mentally. The first actual friend I had was ripped away from me. I never fitted in with the other draconequi. I was shunned and pushed aside because I wasn't noble or had clean blood in me... Not... Not even my mother wanted me to hang around. Not to speak about my father, the abusive waste he was.”

”So... When my only friend left, I was all alone again. And something... Something just snapped in here.” He tapped a claw to his head. ”I still suffer from it, trust me. And the regret that I carry on my shoulders as well. It just... Hurts.” Discord finished with his eyes closed. A sudden weight to his midsection brought his attention back to reality.

”I-I'm sorry... I didn't know what happened to you... After you left...” Eris said as she hugged him even tighter.

Discord hesitantly brought down his talons and patted her on the back. ”You know...” Discord said. ”If you want to, I can arrange for you to stay at the castle so you won't have to be alone anymore.”

Eris looked up at him with a small smile. ”I'd like that... Uncle.”

Meanwhile in the throne room, Luna and Celestia were alone. Twilight and her friends had retreated to their respective rooms in the castle. A comfortable silence reigned over the room, until Luna spoke.

”You know, I did know that you weren't serious about keeping Discord in stone.” Luna smirked.

”Oh come on, Luna. If I would have deemed it to be the only option I would have done so.” Celestia answered calmly. Luna's smirk grew even wider.

”You're so full of it, I can see it on you when you lie. Admit it, you like Discord.” Luna's smirk had grown into a grin. Celestia huffed and whispered something. ”What was that, I didn't quite catch that...”

Celestia's ears splayed back and her face turned a bit red. ”Okay. I find Discord acceptable.”

”Mmhmmm...” Luna raised an eyebrow.

”Okay, alright! I like Discord. He makes life at the castle a bit more interesting! Are you happy now?” Celestia asked her younger sister with a huff.

”Oh yes, very.” Luna's grin never faltered.

The door to the throne room opened and Shining Armor walked inside, nursing his right eye which now had an interesting shade of dark purple around it.

”What happened to your eye, Shining Armor?” Celestia asked, genuinely concerned.

Shining sighed miserably. ”...Marital counseling.”

Later that evening at a Canterlot pub, four patrons sat next to the counter, each holding a beer in their respective claws, talon, hoof and magic. Spike sat at the far right, a dopey smile plastered to his face and an empty look in his eyes. Big Mac sent him an occasional glare.

”What happened to your eye, Shining?” Discord asked. ”Trouble in paradise?” Discord smirked. Big Mac chuckled.

”The joy of being married to a princess.” Shining said, rubbing the shiner he recieved.”So...” Shining Armor started, taking a swig of his beer. ”What's up with Spike?”

Discord glanced over at the dragon, who sighed and his dopey smile got bigger. Discord brought his talon in front of the dragon's face, waving it back and forth. He then snapped his talon four times right next to Spike's ear, but no reaction came from the drake.

”Ah know what's up with him...” Big Mac muttered. ”He bagged Fluttershy an' Rarity at th' same time.”

Complete silence emenated from the group. Discord and Shining's eyes widened significantly. Discord whistled. Shining gave Spike a strong pat on his shoulder. ”Atta boy, Spike!” Shining grinned.

After another few minutes of silence that was only broken when someone tapped a hoof or a talon to the counter to get a fresh beer, Spike had finally composed himself enough to speak without a drawl.

”So...” Spike rubbed the back of his neck. ”What do we do now?”

The group glanced at eachother, until Discord stood up and made his way to the door. ”I have an idea... Come on. On your hooves, chop chop!” Discord teleported behind the rest and pushed them to the door.

”Where are we going?” Shining Armor asked, choosing not to protest.

”Gentlemen... Tonight, we steal a Titan class Royal Airforce airship and go to Griffhalla!” Discord said bravely, thrusting a claw to the giant ship docked to the mountainside.

”But... We're drunk...” Big Mac said with a raised hoof and to make his point clear, he hiccupped.

”Oh come on, as if that isn't the worst thing we've done...” Discord said with a lazy wave of an arm.

”True...” Shining shrugged.

”Sounds awesome, actually.” Spike agreed.

”...Ah need another drink...” Big Macintosh groaned.

Author's Note:

Oh holy freaking crap this took way too long to write sorry.

Well... that's that story. This really does mark the end to the story I got slightly popular from, doesn't it? I mean.. Holy shit, WTWC started about two years ago and now, almost two years later, it ends.

Oh well.

Comments ( 25 )

Whoa... Uncle? I was not expecting that.

Heh... drunken road... air trip. Awesome.

That was a pretty sweet ending, wrapping up all the loose ends.

I'd love to see another side story of more of Era growing up, especially with her cousin Eris around to help get her into mischief.


Fucking finally aswell.

"But... We're drunk..."

That's the point! There's no way we'd do something this insane if we were sober.

Ohohoho! Finished! Time to get my reading groove and finish that thing from the start all over again. :pinkiehappy:

I kinda want more Eris and Discord after that last conversation...oh well!


To be honest I was hoping this story would of been a little bit longer. It felt like there could of been more but I read your last blog. So kinda understand why this story is ending now.

Thanks for the good read.

So... Another story afterwards?

There won't be another story to this. My latest blog post explains why.

Best manly MLP BFFs possible. :eeyup::moustache:

:raritywink: Spikey.... :yay:


It ends here. My latest blog post mentions why.

4399198 I get why some times i need a break also, but man, you are one of the best Discord writers on this site, myself and many other people would love to see you continue to write on this site about the joys of Discord.

You wrote Discord flawlessly and I hate that this has to end.

My youngest sister was borderline hyperactive. These kids are sort of reversed in their reactions. Stimulants help them focus & help to calm them down. She had to drink 5+ cups of strong coffee a day. What would freak her out would be artificial sweeteners. THOSE would have her bouncing off the walls worse than sugar. (Put honey in the coffee)

Kids at school thought it was cool, a 6 year old got to drink coffee. The teachers did NOT think it was cool. My parents had to bring a doctors note and a lawyer to the principal's office & threaten a lawsuit to get them to give her coffee.

”He bagged Fluttershy an' Rarity at th' same time.”

They banged, hard.

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