• Member Since 26th Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen September 10th

Buster Knutt Reborn

Welcome back to the cum zone

Comments ( 15 )

Should probably add the zebra tag.


I had no idea we had that.


Hey I remember this one, glad it's back Knutt-senpai.

Would be interesting to have a wholesome sequel where shining visits or something, but the end of the story pretty much wraps that up

Wasn’t this story already posted

Did you not read the description?

Whoops, missed that. Kinda skipped over it when I realised I had read this before

A pretty romantic piece I'd say. Still, I'd love to see how Flurry would react to her half-sibling. I know either Twilight or Velvet would blow her tops.

Terrible use of curse words. Or "sentence enhancers". It makes you and your story look like it was written by a 8 y/o who think it's cool to curse every other word.

Comment posted by Wolfsilverfang deleted Apr 2nd, 2021

“Should’ve become an officer, so I could sit with my thumb up my ass for my entire career and get paid way more than I deserve for being a glorified youth councillor, sir.”

I relate to this more than I should, did one enlistment thinking the entire time that I should've finished that degree lol

Until then, he had to work his way down the list of duty-shirking chores he could perform that weren’t actual work, but would make him look busy enough to prevent catching a boot in the ass from a superior.

Shining knows how to skate :rainbowwild:

It is true. Sex is the one universal thing among all cultures.

Shining was left to his own devices for a good while after this. Now that he’d had his own idiocy pointed out to him, he set back to work at a much faster pace, soon blitzing through the process of erecting fence posts and completing them. It was always a sight he enjoyed seeing: progress. He hated slaving away at tasks for hours on end only for there to be no visible improvement in the situation. Cleaning, building, organising, and all other kinds of menial labour were often a source of satisfaction for the large stallion due to him being able to pat himself on the back and admire the visible difference in the beginning and end of a task.

Bro would not survive at Amazon

Cadance’s tongue lolled from her mouth, eyes rolled nearly into the back of her skull as her father-in-law fucked her cunt raw and proper. The scent of semen and marecum hung in the air like a cloud, the tent itself being a boiling temperature brought on by the hours of womb-destroying fucking the two had engaged themselves in.

I mean it's not technically incest, but still, this family be wildin'

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