“Hmm mm mm hmm.” Grogar hummed. The day had been relatively quiet for the ram, a few clouds passed overhead as a cool breeze passed over his fur. He stared down toward a set of smooth stones on a table. Etched on some of the stones was a symbol from a long-dead language that very few would be able to translate. Grogar picked up an unmarked stone and began to slowly carve a rune into the stone when the buzzing of wings caught his ear. “Ugh, what is it now changeling? I’m very busy at the moment so if you could just-”
“I don’t care! Cozy is hurt! She needs medical attention!” Chrysalis shouted as she flew into camp. Landing quickly she ran toward the ram and pushed aside his work off the table. Gently she placed the filly on the table, Cozy groaned as she was laid down.
“What the?! How did this happen?!” Grogar demanded.
“Explanation later, heal her now!” Chrysalis stomped as she looked down at Cozy with worry. Grogar shook his head as he turned to the foal. His horns lit up as a box was pulled from his tent, carefully he pulled out some herbs, water bottles, rags, alcohol, and bandages.
“Hold her down, I need to remove the fangs and clean the wound. She’s going to squirm from the pain.” Grogar said, Chrysalis nodded and held the filly down as the ram pulled out the fangs. Cozy screamed in pain as Grogar poured the alcohol on a clean rag. Pressing it against the wing, Cozy groaned and tried to get up.
“Come on girl, you're stronger than that. A little pain won’t hold you down.” Chrysalis reassured, though if it was for herself or Cozy, Grogar couldn’t tell. Pulling away the rag he brought up some herbs and with his magic crushed them into a paste. Applying it to the wound Cozy began to calm down.
“Chrysalis how is she?” A voice shouted from behind them as Tirek ran over the hill to them. A terrified pegasus in his grasp. Grogar ignored him as he wrapped the bandages around the fillies wing. Grabbing another rag and a bottle of water he cast a spell, warming the water slightly before pouring it on the rag. Gently he placed it on Cozy’s head.
“Replace the rag every two hours, we don’t want her running a fever. Take her to her tent and help her rest.” Grogar said to the changeling queen. Gently she picked up the foal in her hooves and flew off to the small pink tent. Grogar sighed before turning to the centaur. “Care to explain why I had to stop my work and play doctor?” Grogar said in annoyance.
“Ask this one,” Tirek said, dropping the scared pegasus in front of the ram. Swift Wing could only shake in fear as the two stared at him.
“Let me guess, you got lost, disturbed some creatures home, and got injured. Fled in terror and ran into my associates?” Grogar said before the pegasus could speak.
“This fool led a herd of manticores right to us,” Tirek growled. Grogar's face hoofed and sighed.
“Ugh, manticores. I forgot they migrate south of this place around this time of year.” Grogar groaned.
“How could you forget something like that?!” Tirek yelled.
“I was preoccupied with babysitting three morons!” Grogar shouted. Tirek huffed and said nothing. Turning back to the pegasus Grogar asked, “Now what were you doing out here?”
“I was going to visit my sister for her birthday,” Swift said cautiously. “I was flying to her home when a rogue thundercloud came out of nowhere and knocked me off course. I landed in the forest and sprained my wing. Please I’m not a spy or anything! I didn’t even know anyone was out here!” The pegasus whimpered under the ram’s gaze. Grogar stared at him for a moment when his eyes widened. Grinning he leaned down to the cowering equestrian.
“Now I believe we’re going to need some proof that you're telling the truth,” Grogar said as his horns began to glow. Over on the ground, several stones with runes floated over to the ram. Tirek looked to the ram with confusion as he began to sort through the various rocks. “Ah, here it is,” Grogar said with a grin, as his collar began to glow. Holding the rock in front of the pegasus the magic runes etched into his collar shot out beams of magic into the rock causing its rune to glow. Pulsating with magic rock cast a wave of magic onto the pegasus who flinched in terror. When Swift opened his eyes he saw his body was glowing the same as the rock.
“Wha-what did you do to me?!” The pegasus panicked.
“Where were you born?” Grogar asked, ignoring Swift.
“What does that have to-” Swift suddenly stood up straight as his eyes glowed yellow, “I was born in Rainbow Falls, I moved to Cloudsdale when I was six, and moved to Fillydelphia when I left home.” The pegasus spoke. Tirek was startled by the pony’s sudden change in demeanor, Grogar laughed.
“Another successful experiment!” Grogar said looking at the floating stone. “A truth-telling stone. Anyone who is affected by its magic is forced to tell the truth. Now, on to the matter at hoof. Why were you out in the middle of the woods.” Grogar demanded.
Swift Wing stood at attention and spoke, “I was traveling to the town of Hayston to visit my little sister for her twenty-third birthday. She likes flowers so I thought I would get her some from this forest. When I flew to leave I was caught off guard by a rogue thundercloud and crashed into the forest spraining my wing. My crash disturbed a herd of Manticores and they chased me to this meadow where I ran into your associates.” The pegasus said without hesitation. Grogar nodded and deactivated the stone freeing the pony from its spell.
“Ugh, my head feels like it was in a blender.” Swift groaned.
“Hmm, slight nausea after usage. I’ll need to patch that.” Grogar muttered.
“So this pony wasn’t lying to us.” Tirek surmised. “Still doesn’t excuse him for bringing a herd of manticores into our camp!” Tirek said, beginning to crack his knuckles. Swift gulped as he started to back peddle away from the centaur.
“Let him go, Tirek.” Grogar said, holding out a hoof. “He’s no threat to us and my deal with Celestia still stands.” Tirek turned to the ram in frustration.
“Your deal? You said the ponies wouldn’t bother us! This one clearly has!” Tirek growled.
“The deal was that Celestia and her allies wouldn’t bother us if I kept you lot in check. If you harm this pegasus then our deal is off! Or would you rather I release you from my care, free for Celestia and Twilight Sparkle to imprison you again?” Grogar explained, the two had a silent stare-off. Tirek gritted his teeth in anger while Grogar narrowed his gaze, both waiting for the other to make a move. Relenting Tirek threw up his arms in defeat before stomping off in a huff.
“So does this mean I’m free to go?” Swift asked cautiously.
Grogar rolled his eyes, “Yes you’re free to go pony. But I’d like you to spread the word that this meadow and the forest surrounding it is MY territory. Any who dare enter with ill intent will face my wrath. Is that clear?” The ram said, looking back at the pony with an evil grin. Swift Wing nodded as he backed off. “Good, now leave.” Without a word, the pegasus spread his wings and took to the sky.
Sighing Grogar wandered up the hill and looked down at the construction site. The trio had done a fair decent job despite the interruption. The foundation of the building was in place and outer walls were nearly done. Looking over to the battlefield nearby Grogar ignited his horns and repaired the damaged area. Within seconds the land had looked like it was the day before.
“For a bunch of idiots, those three did a decent job keeping the beasts away from the site. Perhaps there’s hope for them after all.” Grogar paused as the wind passed over his body. “I think they’ve had enough for today.” With that Grogar trotted back to the camp as the sun started to dip set before diving beneath the horizon as the night came.
Nice work! I still wonder what Grogar’s real intentions are. Looking forward to the next chapter!
Nice to see a new chapter.
Hope my comment from months ago wasn't weird or anything.
good chapter
let's hope the next one comes along much swifter
probably make a villain enclave? being an actual father while simultaneously doing research? return to tambelon (if it exists) and resume he's rulership? I have no idea!
So wierd to see Grogar being such a nice guy. Poor Cozy though.
I need MORE
Yes. This pleases us.
We await for more.
Next update is when?
I hope this continues
You were saying?
He should become fluttershy's sex slave
It's 2023.....and I still need more
It's 2024.....and I still haven't lost hope