• Published 15th Feb 2020
  • 4,362 Views, 66 Comments

The Evil Bunch - Puzzling Frost

The ending of the end, but what if wasn't the end, but the beginning of something new?

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Prologue: A different ending and a new beginning.

“This is bad, right?” Cozy Glow said staring up toward the sky at the large rainbow laser beam of death. This day was meant to be an important moment in equestrian history. The transfer of powers from the old to new. The princesses of the Sun and Moon, Celestia and Luna were going to give up their eternal rule over Equestria to the young Twilight Sparkle. A former unicorn apprentice turned national hero, turned alicorn princess/school head mare and world hero. She was a powerful magical being in her own right. But not in the way you’d think. No, she had the power to unite the creatures of the world under the banner of friendship and harmony. Truly she is a pony worth writing about.

But I’m the author here and I choose who to write about gosh darn it!

No, our story is of the three evil villains said hero is facing! Meet the Mean Three, a group of villains who attacked, disrupting the ceremony and nearly conquering Equestria. First, among them we have Lord Tirek, the evil magic eating centaur from a distant unknown land. He was imprisoned in Tartarus after being betrayed by his brother who sided with the ponies when they came for Equestrian magic. After escaping Tartarus over a year ago he went on his merry way gaining power and strength. Biding his time till he could gain enough power to take over Equestria. Using his cunning and sly silver tongue he convinced the power being Discord to side with him. With the chaos lord at his side, he was able to absorb the magic of the equestrian citizens with ease. Even banishing the princesses to the very same prison he was sent to. He betrayed Discord after absorbing the draconeques' friend's magic, stealing his powers for his own.

Tirek then went on a one monster rampage to find Twilight sparkle, the last and only pony who could stand up to him. After destroying her home the two clashed in a battle the likes of which have never been seen before, (unless you watch dragon ball but I digress). The two were evenly matched, Tirek having absorbed the raw magical energy from every being in Equestria and Twilight who had the combined magical powers of all four alicorns. Tirek had nearly won the day as he forced the young princess to give up her magic in exchange for her friends. But Tirek ultimately let his hubris get the better of him. Instead of destroying them there and then assuring his victory, he’d let them escape to the Tree of Harmony where it awoke the harmony magic within them. Using their newfound power, Twilight Sparkle and her friends banished the fiend back to Tartarus. Having been foiled the fool had been forced to live out the rest of his days within his dark prison. Until a letter reached his jail cell.

Enter Cozy Glow, a former student of the School of Friendship. This little one was just your average everyday pegasus filly. However she had a dark secret, she was power-mad and wished for nothing more than to rule Equestria as the Empress of friendship. In secret, she contacted Tirek via mail and became his protege. From him, she learned the means of how to drain magic from others, and in a scheme many called insane, she plotted to drain all of Equestria of its magic, rendering the magic reliant world magicless. She was unfortunately discovered by a group of fellow students who undid her plan, exposing her as the power-mad filly she was. Ultimately sentencing her to a permanent field trip to Tartarus. There she became neighbors to the evil centaur, where she tried to befriend him in hopes of using his friendship to aid her escape from the prison. However, whatever plot she had was rendered pointless when she and the old centaur found themselves freed from the prison by an unknown being. There at the place they were summoned, they met the illustrious Queen, pardon me, former Queen Chrysalis.

Chrysalis the master of deception, queen of mean! A changeling with a heart as empty as her stomach. As a changeling, she needed to feed off the love of others to survive, and as Queen, it was her job to find food for her subjects. She discovered Equestria, a buffet of love that could fill her and her changelings for generations! After kidnapping the bride to be, Princess Cadence, she transformed into a copy of the mare and plotted to take the capital during the royal wedding. Her plan was working until an annoying little unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, saw through her disguise! Can’t seem to get away from that mare, can we? After trapping her in the mines beneath Canterlot, Twilight freed herself and Cadence just in time to stop the wedding. Fortunately for the queen, her plan was already in action. Her changeling drones descended upon the city in mass! Attacking everything and everyone on site. After defeating Celestia in one on one combat, her children had invaded and captured Twilight and her friends preventing them from saving the day. However, it was Princess Cadence and Shining Armor who saved the day. With the power of their love combined, they banished Chrysalis and her changelings sending them flying off into the sunset.

But that bug horse must have been part cockroach because she returned with a vengeance. This time improving her previous plan, she kidnapped all the royalty including Twilight and her friends and replaced them with her loyal drones. However, she underestimated the abilities of Starlight Glimmer, the student of Twilight Sparkle. Gathering a ragtag group of side characters, she along with Discord, Trixie ‘the great and powerful’ Lulamoon, and rogue changeling Thorax they stormed the Changeling hive. But what should have been an easy task with a being as powerful as discord on their side turned sour as they soon learned that only changeling magic worked within the hive. Thanks to Chrysalis’s throne which negated all other magic.
What? The ponies aren’t the only ones allowed to have a magical MacGuffin.

Together they ventured forth, with no plan, no magic, and stormed the hive. After many shenanigans, they arrived at the throne room. There Chrysalis was waiting for them, in all her terrifying glory. Ultimately, Starlight with the help of Thorax convinced the rest of the hive to turn on their oppressive queen. Where they transformed into pastel-colored beetle bug horses. Chrysalis was offered the chance to befriend the ponies, but rather than become a child’s first art project given form she escaped swearing vengeance not only on the ponies but on Starlight Glimmer herself. Fleeing off into the distance, she would later create evil clones of Twilight and her friends. In an attempt to take the power of the Tree of harmony for herself. But it seems she did too well in making evil doppelgangers, who turned on their creator in an attempt to take Equestria themselves. Until in a terrifying surprise twist, the Tree destroyed the evil clones rendering them to colored logs. Having her latest plot foiled she fled off into the wilderness and began to lose herself to her anger and slowly began to give in to madness in her isolation. But this was not to be her fate.

No these three fiends were brought together by an even worse being! The evil Grogar! ….Who was Discord in disguise. He planned to use them to boost Twilight’s confidence as a ruler by having them attack during her coronation. But as a surprise to no one, they backstabbed him using the power of the real Grogar and his Bewitching Bell to steal his power for their own. Together these three evil-doers attacked Equestria and divided its ponies against each other. They nearly succeeded but thanks to the teachings done by Twilight at her school the youth of Equestria and the six who stopped Cozy united all the races together to stop these evil fiends. Giving Twilight the strength she needed to defeat these dastardly three where we find ourselves now conveniently!

The trip could only look on in horror as the Rainbow of Friendship dispelled the windigo’s brought forth by the division of the ponies. As it arched up and down toward them they could only brace themselves for the attack. However, just as they were to taste the rainbow, a voice cried out in defiance.

WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS NONSENSE?!!!” A voice boomed across the valley. Light exploded from the bell behind the three, a magical shield extended forth around the three villains shattering the rainbow upon contact. With a boom, the heroes were sent flying back toward the crowd of shocked creatures. The villains opened their eyes in confusion as they looked around them.

“What happened? What is this?” Tirek asked confused.

“Chrysalis did you do this? Why didn’t you warn us!” Cozy yelled annoyed staring down the queen.

“Don’t look at me! I didn’t do this!” The changeling hissed in anger.

“What...I don’t...how?!” A voice cried out, drawing the three stooges' attention. “The rainbow should have defeated them! It always defeats them!” Twilight gasped in shock and horror. Her friends and allies rushing to her side in visible worry but hiding it under a mask of concern and anger toward the villains.

“HA! Fools! We cannot be stopped!” Chrysalis laughed taking advantage of the change of events. All stared at her in fear or her allies' case, confusion. “Your pathetic Rainbow of friendship couldn’t harm us! Now you fools will know the true meaning of pain and suffering!” She laughed her muzzle contorting into a sinister grin. Tirek, and Cozy following her lead and laughing. Whatever had happened could wait, they had enemies to defeat and a kingdom to conquer! The three charged with a war cry toward the crowd of creatures all preparing for another assault.

“Raaaaaaa-*BANG*Ow what the?” Only for the three to run headfirst into the yellow shield still surrounding them. Tirek shook his head and looked back to the shield. He raised a hand to it and found it as solid as rock.

“What is this?!” He began to bang his fist against the shield in a fruitless effort to break free. “I will not be trapped again!”

“Let me out of here!! I want to wail on some ponies!” Cozy said blasting the shield with her magic.

“I am a Queen! No prison can hold me!” Chrysalis roared transforming into a large mole and started digging under the shield. “Blast it all it goes through the ground as well!!” The three fruitlessly attempted to escape their surprise imprisonment as the elements and citizens of Equestria looked on in confusion.

“Um...what the hay happening?” Rainbow asked perplexed.

“I don't quite know darling?” Rarity said taking this brief moment of pause to fix her mane and coat.

“Are you doing this Twilight?” Pinkie asked scratching her head.

“It’s not me! I’m not doing this!” Twilight said her mane starting to stick out of place from her confusion.

“Discord?” Fluttershy asked looking to the draconequus.

“Don’t look at me! I still don’t have my magic!” He said waving his claw and paw up in defense.

“Are any of y’all doing this?” Applejack asked looking around. All the gathered creatures shook their heads and began looking to see if someone was casting a spell.

“That would be my doing.” A voice called out, everyone turned their head in the direction of the voice. A cloaked figure walked out from the trees carrying a travel bag. The being appeared to be slightly larger than Celestia as it trotted forth. Its voice carried annoyance, it coughed clearing its throat, sounding like an old bagpipe exhaling air. “Now, I’ll only ask this once.” He said lifting a hoof to all in attendance. “WHY DO YOU HAVE MY BELL?!!” The figure shouted with force startling all.

“Your bell??” Cozy asked looking back to the Bewitching Bell to see it glowing above them. The shield radiating from it. Her eyes widening as she put two and two together. “Wait you’re!!” She gasped hopping on top of Tirek’s head trying to hide behind his horns. The figure lifted his hood, as the cloak fell everyone’s jaw fell at what they were seeing.

“Of course it’s my bell! I made it you fool!” The old blue ram shouted, his long curled horns hanging over his head glowing with magic. His gaze showed annoyance and anger.

GROGAR?!!!!” Shouted the three fiends shouted in shock. This was gonna be a long day.

Author's Note:

Yay first time doing a thing! :pinkiecrazy:
I have no idea what I'm doing. XD Hope, you enjoyed it!