The manticores roared as the trio charged. With a flash, Chrysalis transformed into a tiger leaping toward a manticore and began swiping at its face. Tirek rammed into two charging felines extending his arms out catching them on their necks before spinning and tossing them at a third. Cozy laughed as she launched spell blast after blast at the oversized cats making them dance to avoid the attacks. Swift Wing could only look on in shock as the trio fought off the pack.
“I really did cross into the wrong neck of the woods didn’t I?” The buried pegasus gulped.
“Yeperoonie!” Cozy laughed as she forced another manticore to slap another with her telekinetic magic. Two more leaped toward her flapping their large wings flying toward her. She dodged as they chased her across the sky.
Chrysalis growled in her tiger form as her claws dug into the manticore’s face. The manticore roared as it charged toward a tree to try and slam her against it. Shapeshifting into a snake she slithered off the beast's face just as it slammed into the tree. It walked away with stars in its eyes as a large red bump appeared on its forehead. Chrysalis chuckled before being grabbed by another beast. It growled as it threw her toward the ground. Hissing she transformed into a Cragadile, the manticore thrust its scorpion tail toward her only to recoil in pain at hitting her rock-like scales. With a snap of her jaw, she grabbed the manticore by the tail and flung it toward its still dazed companion.
Tirek lifted one of the beasts and tossed it away, another charged behind him. He reared his forelegs and gave a mighty buck backward, only for the beast to catch one of his hooves in his mouth. Biting down Tirek yelped in pain trying to kick it off with his other hoof. After three kicks and a black eye the beast let go, shaking its head it roared leaping toward him. With a blast, Tirek sent the beast flying off.
Up above cozy continued to fly circles around the two manticores that chased her. Grinning she began to spin around them causing a draft of wind to catch them and send them spinning. Cozy laughed as she watched the two catch themselves while looking a bit green. A roar from behind her drew her attention as a manticore flew past her into the other two. The three went crashing down with a thud. Cozy snickered at their stupidity before three more flew around her in a circle. Rolling her eyes she feigned defeat in a mock voice, “Oh no! I’m surrounded! What will little old me ever do?!” The three beasts roared and charged.
Cozy ignited her horn and teleported away causing the three to collide headfirst and fall into an ever-growing pile of defeated felines. She reappeared above them with a smug grin. “Oh, right I can teleport! Heh, dumb cats.” She laughed. But before she could think another appeared behind her and smacked her with its paw. “Wah!” She shouted in alarm as she was flung toward another, who proceeded to slap her back toward its partner. The two proceeded to perform a midair tennis match with Cozy as the ball. Grunting her horn glowed as she bathed herself with electricity. Before the manticore could stop itself it hit Cozy causing the creature to ignite with electricity. Its fur burnt black as it floated in the air for a moment before falling with a wheeze to the ground.
“I am not a toy!” Cozy huffed dusting herself off. “I am an Alicorn! The future Empress of friendship! I will not be some flying feline’s plaything!” However, her rant was cut short as the other manticore took her by surprise and bit into one of her wings.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” The screams echoed across the meadow. Tirek and Chrysalis immediately paused as the sound of Cozy’s painful cry filled their ears. They turned above and looked on in shock. As the manticore dug its fangs into her wing, bloody feathers fell from her wing as she struggled to break free. Acting on pure instinct Cozy aimed her horn at the beast's face and unleashed a torrent of magic. The beast was sent flying off her however the fangs of the Manticore remained embedded in her wing blood from being ripped out of the beast’s mouth. Cozy wobbled in the air for a moment before the pain overtook her and plummeted to the ground.
“NO!” Chrysalis yelled, transforming back into her original form and making a beeline for the filly. She flapped her insect wings as fast as she could before swooping in and grabbing hold of Cozy. The two went tumbling as they rolled across the ground. Chrysalis took the brunt of the damage as she held the filly close to her body, trying to ensure no more damage met her small frame. Shaking her head Chrysalis looked down to the foal, she was unconscious. A roar drew her attention as a manticore charged toward them.
“Enough!” Tirek shouted leaping over the two and grabbing the beast by its torso. Using his moment he pulled the feline over his head and suplexed it face-first into the ground. Standing up he grabbed the monster by the leg and tossed it toward the last two pair standing. One of the beasts roared a retreat and the herd fled into the forest, mostly limping. Tirek stomped his hooves, blasting a line in the ground nipping at the tails of the retreating beasts, “Stay out! You foul pests!” He yelled as an act of dominance. Huffing he turned back toward his allies. Chrysalis winced as she set the unconscious filly down on the grass. Her left wing was a dark red as blood poured out from the wound where the fangs still remained.
“Of all the foolish-grah! What do we do now?” Chrysalis said.
“We need to get her somewhere more secure. Ugh, Grogar will have our heads for this!” Tirek groaned as he checked the wound.
“It wasn’t our fault! She was doing fine up until then!” Chrysalis hissed as she checked over herself for injuries.
“You need to get her to a doctor!” A voice called out. The two looked up to see the still buried pegasus speak up. “If you don’t the wound will get infected! A wing injury is serious!” Swift Wing added.
“Oh right, I forgot about him.” Chrysalis groaned, putting a hoof to her face. “What do we do about him?” She asked.
“Why are you asking me?” Tirek said as he picked up the filly in his arms. Trying not to hurt her wing.
“Well, as much as I’d like to devour his love for dragging those things here.” She hissed. “He’s a pegasus, and probably knows a lot more than we do about how to deal with a broken wing.”
“Fine! Take him with us! We need to get Grogar either way!” He said as he began to trot forth only for Chrysalis to snatch Cozy with her magic. “What are you-” He was cut off as she put a hoof to his mouth.
“As the only one here who’s had the most experience with children, I shall take her. You take the terrified moron over there.” Chrysalis said, Tirek motioned to argue but she had already begun to fly back to camp. Tirek groaned and wandered over to the pegasus. Grabbing him by his head he yanked him out of the ground like a carrot.
“Now you better not run off or I will make you wish the manticores had you for lunch,” Tirek warned, pointing a finger to Swift’s snout. The pony nodded as Tirek held him in his arm like a bag. Pinning his wings between his body and arm before trotting after the Changeling.
As much as I enjoyed this chapter, don’t you think a manticore biting off Cozy’s wing with actual blood added is a bit much for a rated E story?
Just a nitpick. Great chapter!
True, but I think this may be one of the few times I ever do a fight scene (that isn't for comedic effect). That and I wanted a way to actually show that the three wouldn't just one shot the manticores. I probably could've done it in another way, but I had been sitting on this thing for over two-three months? And I was drawing blanks. Plus it served as a segway for something to come. ;) But thanks for the critique anyway.
Edit: Added a forewarning, probably should have added that earlier but hey its there now.
Ouch, poor Cozy. I wonder how Grogar's gonna react.
Yeah ı know im annoying but im just a curious
When will you update
When do you update?
I feel nervous, I want to know what else is going on.