• Member Since 17th May, 2021
  • offline last seen July 5th

This User Loves Luna

A lady who thinks you're never too old for mlp. Also an author and amateur artist who loves the night because of Princess Luna. ACCOUNT INACTIVE. ONLY READS STORIES SOMETIMES

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  • 15 weeks

    So I want a new start on this website. I will log in occasionally on this one to see if anyone has PM'ed this account but other than that I'm started anew with a brand new account!

    I PM'ed some people but let me know if you want my new account. Otherwise, this is the last time we shall see each other as I am now.

    Signing off for the last time as NS!

    New times await me!

    3 comments · 96 views
  • 15 weeks
    I never follow through do I?

    Reading through my old blogs where there has been like, 5 new stories I promised but never got around to. Some I actually did start but haven't touched them in awhile while others were a one time thought.

    So in short my writing seems to be non existent as well as my story progression :twilightblush:

    3 comments · 96 views
  • 33 weeks
    New story in the works!

    Alright, so the original story I talked about in the past blogs, about the daughters of Flurry Heart, is officially on hold. I lost the chapters I was writing all the way down to chapter 3, so I only have 3 chapters and that sucks so right now I'm not in the mood to try and rewrite everything. However, I have a new story in the works that is something completely different than anything I've written before.

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    3 comments · 95 views
  • 61 weeks
    Story In the Works

    Soooo, it's been a while since I gave any update on the story I announced about a month ago. I just wanted to let you know the story isn't dead by any means. My primary editor has been busy with life and work, so they will be able to help me with my chapters in June and July. I'm already working on writing out the 4th chapter (first draft right now) but I'm thinking of publishing the first chapters until I'm at least working on chapter 7 or 8.

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    1 comments · 88 views
  • 69 weeks
    Story Character Updates!! (No not a prank)

    If you remember, about two weeks ago, I promised some character art and basic descriptions, along with an update on the story's release.

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    1 comments · 123 views

LEAVING · 1:35am April 11th

So I want a new start on this website. I will log in occasionally on this one to see if anyone has PM'ed this account but other than that I'm started anew with a brand new account!

I PM'ed some people but let me know if you want my new account. Otherwise, this is the last time we shall see each other as I am now.

Signing off for the last time as NS!

New times await me!

Report This User Loves Luna · 96 views ·
Comments ( 36 )
  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36

Thank you for adding my story to your shelf! :heart:

Saw your cry for a Luna Emoji on one of your stories. I actually tried to start a petition for that back in like 2019/2020 and it got some traction, but unfortunately the moderator it reached explained that the emoji's were designed allllllll the way back in like 2011, so the orignal artist wasn't avaliable anymore and it would be a pain to add it anyways. So basically, the answer is no (Sadly cause a luna emoji would be awesome! Like, imagine her doing the royal canterlot voice or something!)

Thank you for adding New Moon to your tracking list! The next chapter should be out sometime next week (It could be sooner, but I'm not gonna promise that and then be unable to deliver :twilightblush:)

My art Gallery is on my userpage towards the top so my user is fine thanks!

Your beautiful and unique coverArt is now published on the site and the source for it references back to your profile.

[Adult story embed hidden]

But perhaps if you’ve also published the picture in any of your art galleries, I can link the reference to that instead if you want.

  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36
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