• Member Since 25th Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

The Voice in the Water

Listen to the crashing of the waves, the flow of a stream, the roar of a waterfall, or the patter of the rain.

Comments ( 10 )

I really loved this! It was so majestically romantic to read. The intimate parts were full of love and emotion (via the dialogue), so it was so enjoyable because it wasn't just straight up sex. Too bad those fantasy's couldn't be real though. Dx

I also think your 'flower' scents for each character are so fun. Any chance for that sequel with Sci-Twi?

Overall, love this story so much!


Thanks Nysa, I'm glad you liked it. I started writing this back in Febuary, and wanted to polish it as much as possible before I put it out, because the intimate parts are very much outside my normal wheelhouse.

I did have an idea for a Sci-Twi chapter/sequel, but if I do it, its something that's going to take time, because it involves Sci-Twi dealing with the effects of Timber being very selfish sexually / sexually abusing her, with her fantasies focusing more on how she wishes Sunset would help her get out of her situation. It's something I want to handle as carefully as possible, because I've got quite a few friends who've lived through abuse, and its a subject I feel needs to be treated properly.

That was really cute and sweet and I loved it! I'd love to see how they'd finally admit their feelings for each other and how that would play out.

As for the sequel/third chapter you mentioned, I may or may not read that, just because it's not really my cup of tea. But you should definitely still write it if you feel like it.

But I'd absolutely read the shit out of Sunset and Twilight getting together.

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Re: the third chapter / sequel. I understand if you'd want to skip it. It's a heavy and complicated subject, and not one that a lot of people are comfortable with. If I did eventually write it, it'd very likely be a couple of chapters long, because I don't think I could do it justice in just one chapter. Portraying trauma correctly is difficult, and the effects of said trauma on a person vary greatly. If I don't feel that I can depict it properly and with respect, then I won't write it.

That's a good sentiment to have for the subject.

Thank you. I have friends that've been through that sort of trauma, so its something that I feel needs to be given its proper due if I try to write about it.

I kind of want to ask if they would ever slip up in the others presence and reveal that they both did essentially the same thing. The heat from that revelation might just melt some screens...

I loved this story and felt a bit of gut wrenching sorrow that these two can’t get past their doubts and just ask.


I kind of want to ask if they would ever slip up in the others presence and reveal that they both did essentially the same thing. The heat from that revelation might just melt some screens...

It would be a catalyst to get them past the whole "I don't think she could ever love me" thing.

I loved this story and felt a bit of gut wrenching sorrow that these two can’t get past their doubts and just ask.

That was exactly what I was going for.

Ooh ooh I want a third chapter/sequel. As sad as it may be to see Twiggles hurt, I can't help but want to see her get a happy ending, maybe with the three of them all in a poly relationship together, or Sunset going back and forth between the two worlds for her two girls.

I'm glad you enjoyed this enough that you'd like to see it continue. With most of my writing efforts on my current project (which is very likely to eventually include SciSet), the chances are pretty slim at the moment. Not impossible, but slim. And, as I've mentioned, I have friends who've been abused, and have seen how it affected them, so its a subject that I would want to handle very carefully. If I can't do it right, then I'm not going to do it.

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