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[hide message]Just your average chef with a small passion for Displaced stories. With a very crazy sleeping schedule to work my crazy schedule.
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And Thus our third newcomer has arrived. What will await for her in her journey in Equestria and to finding her friends?
I like Fairy Tail, I am intrigued by this story, you have my attention now
Yep. is an interesting fic, hopefully you don't abandon it XD.
i like the story please continue but take your time
I'm surprised they didn't overreacted when Lex demonstrated the "Dark Ecriture" to the main-six, I assumed that they would've call it "Dark Magic" based on the name, what it can do and the fact that it's forbidden in Equestria. I guess this one gets a pass, until the princesses appear and gives their Judgement.
It would be perfectly ironic for Spike to learn Dragon-Slayer magic.
This looks good, and since its a girl this time around it interests me more, since its hard to find Displaced stories like this with a good OC. Keep it up!
Also, I agree with the guy below me, Spike learning Dragon Slayer magic would be priceless
9160814 Yeah, Garble and his goons are screwed, and Ember will share Spike with Rarity.
he does in one story, buuut... that story been put to the wayside for a long time, until the authors second story is done.
loving this. can't get enough fairy tail.. most are discontinued, without ever being marked as canceled.
Careful Lex, you have the purple one's curiousity
Interesting. OP as all heck (always fun, if handled right), but at least they don't seem to have knowledge of a certain show.
At least that avoids the whole "ooo, can't mess up the timeline thing." (And why do such people always seem to think their mere presence won't do it, or that the similarly-OP enemies (or the ones from their own character's franchise!) that would not have been beaten without their help would not have changed it?) I mean, it's up to the author whether it's an AU or not, so why does the character need to have angst about it? :D
So, like I said, glad to see that avoided.
Though, I think there was one fiction where the residents found out that they WERE a TV show, and had amusing reactions (i.e. arguments about most popular princess, etc).
After reading that last bit...
Look out! The purple one's gaze has been attracted to you! :P
Hmm, this one will be interesting.
Maybe later on if lex makes her own fairy tail branch some of the originals make a appearance and i'm not talking ponyfied versions but the real deal.
I think that would make a interesting story arc, especially wen the original levi is coming as well.
hmmm... smart as lex is, she could be the GM
Hm. I would have thought that the ominous-named ones would be corrupting, but then I don't really know the source material for that.
Also, didn't he say that he knew the death magic...?
Dark Ecriture does have a death spell, but it has only been used as a last resort by Freed in Fairy Tail and even then, it isn’t a corrupting spell
What was the one he learned then? He just mentioned that the Dark Death spell was corrupting, but he (or was it she?) got one from the scroll from the Merchant.
She and Death magic is entirely diffrent from the Death spell for Dark Ecriture. The scroll she got actually held info on wester and eastern Solid Script as well as Dark Ecriture
seems like celestia is.. biased, toward dark magic.
it also means ponies only encountered corrupting type of dark magic, and completely ignored the fact luna used dark magic.. hmm. i knew ponies were oblivious but gee
So far I’m really enjoying this story. Keep up the great work!
Especially when considering that Celestia specifically questions on the types of NON-corrupting dark magic in that very chapter, after refusing to believe such exist. Yet she seemingly knows that there are a few, otherwise how could she ask for a certain number of kinds?
Indeed, hypocrit thy name is Celestia
exactly. she knows full well that luna' magic is a type of dark magic.
this gives you options however. like, she knew sombra's magic was dark type naturally? what would this imply, seeing as she has been in 'control' of the 'joint decisions' between her and luna the whole time. let's not forget, knowing there are non corruptible types, and lo and behold- twilight doesn't know this. which means celestia is outright choosing not to teach twilight all she could in such a way, that makes twilight growing up to think dark magic is inherently evil.
control is the point here. (i may be a little biased at this concept, as i have a theory celestia did all this as a plan to be in 'absolute control' of luna, under the guise of a loving sister)
You see that kind of attitude in her a lot in some fanffics. For example in thedarkitty's cracks in reality, twilight shows that she is more than capable of controlling her self and even helps stop night mare moon but Celestia comes within an inch of killing her when she's unconscious. As well in clockworklich's the beating of my heart she tolerates it sent's Ren can't use anything ells but it's still stated that she hates it. Even thou its said in that wold its possible to use safely and even Luna is shown using it in the beginning.
in 'going back home' the ending makes it clear, in that version- celestia is manipulating twilight to keep her from her destiny in truth. cause it goes against her ideals (order) twilight breaks all the seals that celly put on her own mind, releasing celly' other half, forcing her to get along with daybreaker. sealing her made celly a 'order' type ruler.
You are wise Lex
How does she know how to do that ?
She hasen't meet an alicorn yet and should not know how to alter it to allow an alicorn to teleport past it... unless the Books she read earlier had information on the magical signature of the three only known alicorns written down, which just seems unlikely
This makes a lot more sense than "Dark magic" driving someone nuts
Especially when you consider that Dream Magic involves invading someone else's mind and altering it however you please when they sleep
Yeah, they don't seem to have that many variations of singular categories in this world and they have probably labeled things that are harmful or corrupting as "Dark magic"
Careful Lex, you have the purple one's obsession
Heh, she dosen't like it when her "perfect" view of the world is called into question does she ..... and Lex is teaching her student so there might be some jealousy there
looking good, and nice lore too.
Where can I read Equestria’s Strongest Wizard?
Here ya go
good choice. that's a great story... too bad it's on hold until 'star eater' is done
Okay, so TvTropes tells me that his mother was actually poisoned. :P
Because enchantments can be OP in the right hands
When dealing with royalty an nobilty, "Unknown disease" becomes a codeword for "Poison"
[INFORMATION: Stall King Sombra while Twilight & Spike find and retrieve the Crystal Heart!]
This part is a Reminisce of the aftermath of Mira vs Freed.
seeing Mavis was cool but that power up feels a little out of left field and OP at this point in the story but there's a difference between "knowing" how to use magic and "mastering" it. Lex has a lot of training to do if she want's to fully master her new powers.
oh please give me more. i want to see sunbutts face when she see's Sonbāsutā
There's so much bulding material for this ship
Lex... you're doomed
As do I
Eh just give Twilight archive and memory make magic and she is set for life
so... she has fairy law now as well as fairy glitter? sweet...and that sheild will come in handy.
unless they had a spy in the empire that COULD communicate... and seeing as they were 'narrow minded' towards dark magic.. they may have marched before it was too bad, but it took them time to march their. what with no trains
Would make sense
I did not see that coming
fairy law would make the invasion too easy though... probably why our fem fatale is there AFTER it.
You meant that "he" (Adam) tracked down Ray and beat the crap out of him.
Ah, yes. There's the OP!
I do wonder if her friends are going to show up at any point or they got banished elsewhere? I'd kinda dislike if this were like the other Displaced stories where it has continual crossovers with other stories and then dies after a month and a half, but I've seen no sign of the others, so that implies multiverse after all. That said, I don't object to the first part of that idea so long as it's actually a real enemy that needs fighting (and isn't nearly every chapter) -- I am firmly of the opinion that with the level of OP that quickly accumulates on MCs in such crossovers that they really should be able to handle most goings-on. Perhaps if it's a really difficult one like buffed Tirek it would work.
I never saw all of fairy tale, i know of fairy law and fairy glitter but what was the third master spell? And for that mater what dose fairy glitter do, i never saw beyond the s rank tests when ti was first introduced.
fairy law is a wide scale bombardment of allwho the caster thinks of as enemies.
Fairy glitter is a shot of magical power that destroys a target
Fairy sphere uses the bonds between people to make a protective sphere.
Thank you.