• Member Since 7th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


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Comments ( 18 )
B_25 #1 · Apr 1st, 2018 · · 2 ·


Good question. What DID you do?

Saw the story name.
Brain: WTF
Me: Let's read it.
Brain: Good idea.

I meant I want some of it.

I'm working on that, actually.

It was supposed to be a quick five thousand words and now it's like triple that, so it might take some time.

Give me your drugs is what I'm asking.

Hey I have a question does this rag smell like chloroform to you?

Yeah, what about- bwuh...

I'll.... be taking THESE.

*Takes all of your drugs*

Vinyl laid there for a moment, still wrapped up in her blankets, her back against the floor and her ass above her head. [...] A clear drop of mare honey, a remnant of her nighttime fantasy, dripped from her pussy to land squarely on her nose. Vinyl wrinkled her nose and sneezed.

This is an interesting mental image.

That I did :raritywink:

I also loved the ending. In the words of M. Night Shamalamayourdingdong...what a twist :trollestia:

Edit: Or I guess "what a :twistnerd:" might be more appropriate



Coincidentally, I'd been listening to Elton John's "All the Young Girls Love Alice" while reading this. It didn't entirely dawn on me how strangely fitting that was until about halfway through the song...

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