• Member Since 7th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Commissions are open, feel free to DM. Also maybe donate to my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/thewraithwriter


Pinkie Pie wakes up (which is normal), but she's really small now (which is not normal), and she's also just crawled out of her own ear (which is super duper not normal).

Contains Soft Vore

Commissioned by PonyThroat

Chapters (2)

After a crash leaves Rainbow Dash with the mental state of a child, her friends look after her. At the moment, It's Fluttershy's turn, but she's handling the situation well. Even though, and of course she would never admit it, the strain is starting to get to her. But just a little. Rainbow Dash is her friend, and Fluttershy would sooner die than let her suffer. She can take it.

She can take it.

Just a heads up, this is a might bit darker than my usual stuff.

A commission for Hoovier

Chapters (1)

As a filly, Vinyl listened to Octavia Melody on the radio. As a mare, Vinyl goes to meet Octavia in person. It goes about as well as you'd expect.

Edited by Curify

Chapters (1)

Spike wants the world to be a better place. So does Treehugger. They meet together to discuss how beautiful the world could be.

A collab with FamousLastWords

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Lateness of the Hour

It's bright and early. It is very, very bright and early. And all Vinyl Scratch wants to do is eat breakfast.

The good news is that Octavia isn't cooking.

The bad news is that her new... friend is.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to It's not a contest, Rainbow

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash exchange gifts.

Chapters (1)

It's late. It is very, very late. And Vinyl Scratch just wants to crawl into bed.

All she has to do is get home. And avoid Octavia.

The trouble is, Octavia isn't alone.

Chapters (1)

Today's the Day! She has the dress, the time, the place, the mare. What could go wrong?

Who knows? Something horrible probably.

Written for contest 2 for Characters That Need More Stories Starring everyone's favorite secretary.

And now with 100% more proofreading courtesy of Cyanhyde

Chapters (1)