• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Hi, I mostly just write lewd stories about cute and sexy mares pooping in their pants. If you're into that too, then you've come to the right place.

Comments ( 45 )

I quite enjoyed this. It was pretty hot.

I think I need much, much more of this.

There are times when I'd never thought karma would be so kinky.

Got a request for a sequel chapter, but it may be a while.

I'm not exactly sure how to rate this right now. The very thought of Spoiled Rich walking around in a shitty diaper makes me cringe yet laugh at the same time. I'll track this one and see where it leads.

I honestly don't know what I think of the story, Its okay I guess, just not exactly my fave but its okay.

So Twilight is Princess in the time line of this story, does she have her castle and do the CMC have their Cutie Marks too, if so I can think of a few other ponies that would be great to be put on Diamond's control, though she should tell Spoiled and Filthy to act normal when out in public but then their new slut self's in their home.

"Why, Diamond, whatever is the matter? Tell me, Is there anything I could do for you to make you feel better? Anything at all?" She asks, sounding perfectly sincere.

If she was under mind control she wouldn't do that without being ordered to. It would make more sense if DT unknowingly ordered her to. Perhaps you could add "I want you to for once be concerned about me!!!" at the moment the amulet activates.

I see what you mean, but It her sudden caring attitude has to do with the innate properties of the amulet itself. It has some other properties which I plan on expanding on in a future chapter. As it is, the person who requested the second chapter asked for another one though he has yet to get back to me with a prompt.

You could add a little bit of plot. Like that things start to spiral out of control or at least get more difficult for Diamond.

I'll be waiting about a week. If I get nothing after that, I'll be taking the reins.

You're also skipping over a lot of stuff.

Like how you skipped the entire week between DT and her mom.

Normally I would have probably included more of their antics but the person who requested the second chapter specifically wanted to get to when her father was coming home. I might make another chapter to go in between them at some point in the future.

Next chapter out tomorrow. Don't have any time to work on it today, unfortunately.


It's been a week now, when will the next chapter for the story be up?

Today or tomorrow with any luck. The past couple weeks for me have been utterly swamped with school and work related problems, which gave me very little time to write much of anything. But yeah, sorry for the long wait.


OH, I can't wait to see the next chapter, what pony will Diamond add to her "pleasure" herd then, I just got to know who will she be adding and what other sexual kinks will happen.

If I can get it done by tonight you'll find out. Currently stuck on a part that has been bugging me for a while now. Hope I can get past it soon.


Well if you ever need idea's or help with a scene just send me a note through the site, I've helped out a few author's on their stories from time to time.

On final revising stage now. Out in an hour or less.

I do plan on doing more chapters of this at some point but for the moment, I will be taking a break from this one to work on other single chapter stories. At some point, I will also be making a chapter devoted to some of the things Diamond and Spoiled got up to before Filthy came home. (Eventually)

Regardless, hope you enjoy!

Loved the chapter and glad to hear you're still writing! You said more single chapter stories, will you still be working on A soiled Universe?

Yes, that story will continue to see new chapters. Currently about 2/3 through it now actually.

While waiting for this chapter to be finished, I did think of a good next logical step for how things could escalate further.
But I'll wait until you're ready for me to send that your way.

I do have an idea for a one shot, though.

It'll be a bit far in the que but feel free to send it my way whenever.

Oh man, I didn't realize you had made more chapters! I guess I know what I'm doing with my afternoon...

edit: "on hiatus" Well, shit.

The writing of the next chapter will be starting soon, so be on the lookout for when that hits.

This was a great chapter.
And the ending gave me an idea for what's to come next.

It would be pretty funny if the authority who was alerted (or ultimately was the one to do something about the amulet) happened to have a fetish for this sort of thing. Maybe the stress of being a princess has provided Ponyville's local alicorn a certain interest in diapers, and she sees no problem with what Diamond Tiara is doing.

"Fuck, that's hot. You know what? She's not really even hurting anypony."

OOOOO! I'm excited to see where this goes!

Suddenly, an absolutely massive surge of emotion smashed into Diamond Tiara all at once.

Such an emotional outburst can't happen all at once out of nowhere. It is the result of stress, shame and fear building up. You should build up DT's fear, her dreading somepony will say it, imaging being laughed at and even making up ridicules doom scenario's.

"What I doth is n'rmal to thee!"

That's pretty ambiquis. Does it mean DT can now do anything she wants in class?

Heat Riser growled angrily as he sat on a lone stool outside the front door of Ponyville's schoolhouse. He had been sent outside and told to sit here for 'misbehaving', again. He didn't think what he did was worth being put in time out but evidently just touching the teacher's flank with the eraser end of his pencil was somehow akin to murder. Worse yet, apparently Cheerilee was planning on talking to his parents about his 'unacceptable behavior' after school today.

Maybe you should add that he had a spanking. It would give you material for a revenge spanking in the future which is pretty hot.

Filthy had already Spoiled from and was currently plunging his cock in and out of her messy ponut, every thrust coating his length with a thin layer of brown. Despite having her ponut repeatedly pounded, Spoiled continued to spank Diamond Tiara, again and again, punishing her for messing her diaper.

I think this is a little too much. There is a point something goes from kinky to just plain weird and impractical. It still needs to be possible and having too much going on makes the events seem less significant. You should remove Filthy from the scene.

She, like all of the other kids at school, was still a virgin...at least in the conventional sense. The only pony around her age she knew that wasn't was Applebloom's cousin up in Manehattan who visited Ponyville from time to time. The girl had never really dug too deep into it but apparently when things had gotten pretty desperate in the city, at one point, she had been forced to resort to some...less than moral practices to get by. According to the CMC, she recently got her cutie mark, though based on the story the filly had told her and Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara wasn't so sure that a pair of scissors represented cutting hair or fabric in her case...

I wonder why DT has value in being a virgin. Can you describe that?

The idea of also using the amulet on her friend while she was here had crossed her mind but she quickly decided it would generally be a bad idea. There were far too many risks involved in using it, plus Silver Spoon's parents would definitely notice a difference in her behavior. Diamond just wished she had better control over the amulet's spell.

That's twisted. That DT doesn't feel a moral revulsion for brainwashing her friend.

Then, without warning, Filthy pulled back his hips and then thrust them forwards hard, suddenly forcing a quarter of his length to penetrate deep into his daughter's pussy.

Maybe it would be better if you didn't do something this drastic. Especially since earlier in the chapter she said she didn't want to.

"Don't you worry, my master, I had felt your deep desire for something different and have done just that for you. Silver Spoon has retained her free will but, as you have no doubt noticed, she should have absolutely no problem with what you and my husband are doing." She explained.

Maybe you could actually not do that. It could really add something if DT has to justify all of this to SS.

well I stumbled abend the weird side of the website

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