Not currently taking any requests or commissions.
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All-Time Favorites
The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover A devastating battle in the Kaiju universe transports a small group of them, heroric, villainous, and otherwise to Equestria. New bodies, new world, new society. But what happens when something even Kaiju are afraid of follows them? by Tarbtano 1,285,076 words · 2,165 · 81
Probably My Top 5 Favorite Stories On The Site At The Moment
I am curious. Is commissioning you still a possibility?
Hey! Do you ever plan on coming back?
I might have a new idea or two if I can send them
Do you take requests?
Sure, go for it.
I have another new idea. Mind if I sent it your way?
Things still going slow?
Very slow, but going. Am working on a request, the second chapter of another request, and an original story. Plus College and work have kept me busy too.
How are things?
Glad to hear you're alright!
Pretty aight. Writin stuff while waiting on word from the guy who's request I already finished almost a week ago. The thing is done but I want to make sure it is what he wanted before I post it.
How ya been?
Did you get my PM?
Feel free to send it my way. I've Been really busy with a bunch of college work the past week, but I'd love to hear it.
I have an idea for a fic that would work great as a oneshot, if you don't mind me sending it your way, unless you'd rather I just wait until you're ready to continue Diamond's Kinky Amulet.
Thank you! I enjoy writing them for you all.
Your stories are gold. Really good writing!
feel free, got another story in the works but I will be able to make a plan for it ahead of time