• Published 27th Nov 2017
  • 2,433 Views, 94 Comments

Our Daughter - lillytheomegawolf

Two families share one unexpected bundle of joy. As celebrities secrets are uncovered and relationships tested, none of the Wonderbolts or the mane six will ever be quite the same.

  • ...

CH20: Decisions

To Spitfire and Soarin, the final month of schooling felt like it passed in the blink of an eye. The couple were surviving on far less sleep than they were used to while also trying to appear as normal as possible for school. Many mornings when they had to drag themselves to school, their teacher noticed their quiet struggle. Those days Spitfire was allowed to find a place for a quick nap during lunch while Soarin did his best to pretend nothing was out of place.

Soarin’s parents faithfully cared for Scootaloo by day. Stormy Flare would often stop by to see her grandfoal and help out. Tempest Wind on the other hoof, seemed to be working even longer hours than normal. Spitfire and Soarin’s friends saw the baby more than he did.

Once school ended for the year, Spitfire and Soarin found themselves with close to two months before tryouts for the junior Wonderbolts tryouts.

Once a week Temptest Wind and Stormy Flare would stop by together and without fail the tough overseer of the Cloudsdale Rainbow Factory would make mention of Ponyville orphanage. Each week his daughter asked for more time.

With two weeks before the big moment where they would find out if they were professional athlete material or not, Spitfire and Soarin found themselves faced once more by the tough Deep orange stallion in the small lounge of Soarin’s family home.

Tempest Wind eyed his granddaughter, who Spitfire currently held. “While it is nice to see my grandfoal, I can’t help but wonder...” He turned his critical eye upon his daughter. “you only have two weeks until your trials. Why is she still here and why are you not living in your own home?”

Spitfire tore her gaze from her daughter. “Because... uh... you see-”

“It’s hard.” Soarin finished for his wife. “Real hard to even think about giving her up.”

Tempest eyed his son in law critically. “You don’t want to work at that bakery your whole life, do you?”

“Of course not. But we have another two weeks until tryouts and Spitfire and me are finding it harder than we thought to let her go.” Soarin admitted.

Spitfire’s grip on her foal tightened ever so slightly.

Stormy Flare noticed. A sigh escaped the older mare and she crossed the room and gave her daughter a winged hug. “My girl, I can only imagine how hard this must be for you. But you promised me.”

“I know...” Spitfire whispered as she stared at her foal. “Isn’t she cute?”

Stormy Flare gave Spitfire a tender nuzzle as she withdrew. “Yes. She is. But, at your age... it is career or foal.”

“I...” Spitfire’s gaze fell to her daughter and she fought back tears. “Yes, mom.”

Tyson and Dawnrush wandered in. The couple paused, quick to notice the unusually downtrodden Spitfire and the tense atmosphere of the room.

“Am I interrupting something?” Dawnrush asked cautiously.

“Nothing you haven’t seen before.” Tempest Wind replied. “And I personally think my grandfoal has dwelt in your home long enough.”

“Well, thankfully I get the final say on that, dude.” Tyson wandered up to his long time friend. “You’re playing nice, I hope?”

“Of course we are.” Tempest scoffed.

“Good. Cause I don’t mind looking after Scootaloo another week.” Tyson cast an adoring glance at his grandfoal. “But then...” The dark blue stallion glanced at his son, “I do expect to hear Scootaloo has been given away, just as you two promised. I’m sorry, but you must proceed like you are gonna blow this outa the sky. Like total home run.”

Soarin nodded slowly, thoughtful as his gaze rested on his foal. “What if I don’t make it, Dad?”

The older, darker blue stallion stared at his son for a few moments, his gaze hard but sure. “You’ll make it.”

Soarin’s gaze snapped up to meet his fathers, “But-”

“I know you both can become Wonderbolts.” Tyson cut his son off. The stallion strode up to the young couple and wrapped them in a winged hug. “You got this.”

“But what happens if one of us fails.” Spitfire clutched onto her foal.

“If you think like that, you will fail,” Tempest remarked. With a final glance at his daughter, he strode out.

Stormy Flare’s gaze lingered on the door. A sigh broke out and she shook her head. “He’s right. Why don’t you both go for a nice flight tomorrow? I’ll even stop by and look after Scootaloo while you’re away.”

The two teens shared a look. “I mean, sure...” Soarin shrugged.

Spitfire nodded. “I’ll accept a fun break, even for only a few hours.”

“Good.” Stormy Flare nodded. “Now, I’m off to find that husband of mine.”

The following day, Spitfire and Soarin were cruising along without a care in the world. It was late morning, Cloudsdale lay behind them, Canterlot was far in the distance and the landscape below was a blanket of lush green. The couple looped around and began to head toward Ponyville. After a few minutes, they could faintly make out the ponies below, going about their daily lives.

“Do you notice anything odd, Soarin?” Spitfire broke the peaceful atmosphere.

“Huh? Uh, no?” Soarin glanced around. “Pie time?”

A playful grin slipped out across the sunny mare's maw. “No. Ponyville’s weather crew. Where are they?”

“Maybe they’re feeling pie time, like me. Does it matter?”

Some way off a water tornado sprang up and tentatively reached out toward Cloudsdale.

A knowing grin crossed Spitfire’s lips. “I bet everypony is over there.”

“Looks a bit weak,” Soarin commented as he watched the swirling water slowly reach toward Cloudsdale.

“Wanna check it out?” Spitfire shot her wingmate a sly grin. “Looks like they could use some serious boost.”

“You sure it won't break apart before we even get there?”

“Only one way to find out.” Spitfire put on a massive burst of speed.

Soarin felt a fun tingle as he stared at his wife’s flank. Realizing she was getting away, he fought hard to catch up.

After a short, intense flight, Spitfire and Soarin slowed their approach and carefully landed a safe distance from the vortex just in time to see it collapse into a giant wave.

“Oh, that sucks,” Soarin complained and began to trot toward the annoyed looking Wonderbolt in charge. “Spitty... isn't that... Wind Rider?”

Realisation flooded the firey mare’s countenance and an excited grin settled in. “Yeah, wasn’t he the pony who recently set a record at the Mustang Marathon?”

“He did. Oh, this is so cool.”

Spitfire chuckled dryly as her stallion picked up the pace and hurried to meet the star.

“That was twenty five wing power short of the required eight hundred. How do you expect to get water up to Cloudsdale with such a poor showing? ” Wind Rider towered proudly over the local pegasi.

“We could help!” Soarin eagerly called out.

The blue Wonderbolt eyed the couple. “Are you from Ponyville?”

“Well... no. But we do have ties here. Can we help?” Soarin asked hopefully.

Wind Rider looked as though he was about to turn the offer down but paused. After a few tense moments, the stallion sighed. “If it means getting this load up to the weather factory. Sure. Whatever.”

A murmur passed through the collection of locals. None stepped forward to claim the pair or turn down the support.

Wind Rider turned to the leader of the local pegasi. “Since they claim to have a local link to your ponies, what do you say? Will you accept their help and try again?”

“Will our score count?” A red stallion with a dark grey mane asked.

“No.” Wind Rider quickly shot the question down.

“But they said they have ties here, surely that's good enough.”

“Enough to fly with you. Not enough to compete with the other towns scores.” Wind Rider replied resolutely.

“Well, I guess...” The red stallion eyed the new arrivals. “No offense, but twenty five wingpower is a lot. Do you two really think you can make that much of a difference?”

Spitfire grinned back and gave her wings a flick. “Why don’t we find out?”

“Cocky aye.” Wind Rider eyed the young mare. “I like a bit of attitude. Give us the horn!”

“Everypony, at the ready!” The red stallion called out. His fellow pegasi, though tired from a first failed attempt readied themselves for a second.

Spitfire and Soarin cantered over to stand beside the red stallion who appeared in charge of the Ponyville pegasi.

The red pegasus briefly sized the pair up, “alright, I guess we are ready.”

“Let’s go!” Wind Rider shouted.

With that, the horn blew and the large collection of pegasi took to the skies and began to circle the lake. The airborne ponies span round and round as they picked up speed. The momentum rapidly built toward the combined wing power critical for success.

Spitfire and Soarin kept side by side as they powered along as fast as their wings could carry them. The couple began to pass slower and less powerful pegasi and noticed that their pegasus cyclone had begun to carry water skyward. Only the red pegasus and a hoof full of others kept pace with the young speedsters.

Pleased by the difference they were making, Spitfire laid out her challenge. “Race ya!”

Soarin’s eyes widened as he beheld his mare put on another burst of power. He quickly rose to the challenge, wings beating with every ouch of strength he had. The stallion slowly pulled up alongside his mare. With a pleased smirk, he slowly passed her.

Unable to match her husband, Spitfire settled for watching his flank as water passed within a wing stretch of her.

With a rush, the last of the water passed through the spinning vortex and up into Cloudsdale’s rainbow factory. The horn sounded and the large collection of pegasi were quick to disband.

The young couple spiralled around in ever wider arcs as they allowed their momentum to dissipate. With a final loop, they landed together in style before the Wonderbolt in charge.

Wind Rider stared at the score in disbelief. “Eight hundred and six? Two young ponies made that much difference...?”

“We did it!” Spitfire cheered. She was quick to hug her husband and almost kissed him too before catching herself.

Wind Rider glanced between the elated teens and the wing power gauge. “Assuming the others all flew with as much power as the first time... together you two made up thirty one wing power. An impressive number. Far higher than I expected for two teenagers.”

“That’s so cool!” Soarin cheered and gave his mare a loose winged hug.

Spitfire grinned as she threw her husband off, eager to not give anything too personal away. “Really?”

“That's a lot of power for two young pegasi.” The red stallion agreed as he strode toward the group. “Thirty one... Wow, I wasn’t even sure you two could contribute twenty. Yet here we are.”

“Yeah... we’re pretty awesome.” Soarin was positively soaking up the praise.

“Say, I’m wondering... how old are you two?” Wind Rider asked.

“Uh... eighteen, sir,” Soarin replied, his wings closing as his elation dried up and confusion settled in. “Why?”

“Does this mean you two graduated from school this year?”

“And we’re planning to try out for the Jr Wonderbolts.” Soarin enthusiastically replied. “Spitty and me were in the special fliers programme at Cloudsdale Central.”

Realization dawned on Wind Rider as he beheld the two pegasi before him. He rounded on the red stallion. “Alright, I thank you and your team for helping us get the water to the weather factory. Rest up. Everypony has done well. I want to speak to these two alone.”

The red stallion looked surprised at the request. “Oh, I was going to ask, would you both like lunch, on me? As thanks for helping.”

Soarin lit up eagerly. “I do like the food at the Hay and Clover.”

Spitfire rolled her eyes.

The red stallion grinned. “I can meet you both there, once Wind Rider has finished with you.”

“I would love to.” Soarin nodded eagerly.

Once everypony nearby had moved on, Wind Rider turned and strode up to the wing power meter. He examined the needle, as though it suddenly held all the answers. “Impressive job today. You two wouldn’t happen to be Spitfire and Soarin, by any chance?”

The two younger pegasi shared surprised glances.

“We are,” Spitfire replied.

“How does somepony as cool as you know about us?” Soarin asked tentatively.

A keen smirk crossed the older stallion's face. “You remember Fire Streak?”

Soarin nodded, “yeah, he was super cool.”

The smirk grew, “he mentioned your names. Now I see why.”

“Really? Does that mean like, something cool for us?” Soarin asked eagerly

“Oh today's little spectacle won’t mean a thing in two weeks. And don’t get me wrong, my fellow ‘bolts will put you through the roughest tryout of your lives. But I have high hopes that we will be seeing each other more often. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to watch over the next part of this here production. Enjoy your lunch. You deserve it.”

“Thank you, sir,” Soarin replied.

The pale blue stallion half turned, ready to take off then paused as something came to mind. “Oh, and... I might be able to be talked into opening two slots specially at next weekend's display. The two of you could be part of the pre show opening at Ponyville.”

Spitfire and Soarin stared back in shock.

“Really?” Spitfire breathed. “You- us to fly at the big Wonderbolts show?”

“Well, you would only be a small part of the introduction. But yes. I trust that you two fly together often enough to have a few good tricks you could display?”

“We do. But if you're willing to expand that opening a bit to our classmates from Plume, the new advanced course... I could give you a real show.” Spitfire offered hopefully.

“What I had in mind was more of a duo offering. But I’ll talk to my fellow Wonderbolts and see what they think. Good day.” And with that, Wind Rider took off.

Spitfire and Soarin shared a glance. Surprised by both the offer and the sudden departure of the famous pony.

“Wow...” Soarin muttered. “That...”

“Yeah, that was cool.” Spitfire finished for her husband.

Soarin threw a wing across his mare’s back in a loose hug. “This calls for a celebration! Spitty... let's go!”

Spitfire smirked at her excited husband, “yeah alright. Just don’t eat too much this time.”

Soarin pouted, “Aww, but somepony else is paying!”

“Don’t care. I’m not carrying your fat ass back up to Cloudsdale.” Spitfire added a hearty winged slap to her husband’s flank.

Soarin leapt as though stung. “Hey! Watch that wing power Spit.”

“And if I don’t?” Spitfire chuckled dryly as she eyed her hovering husband. Her eyes betrayed her eagerness as they lingered on his lower section, revealed thanks to his current elevation.

Soarin realized where his mare was looking and gave an airborne wiggle. “Do you really want to start something here, hot stuff?”

The fiery mare licked her lips as her eyes ravished her husband. “Tempting. But that's the kind of thing that led to us having our first child already. Cool it stud.”

“Awww. But you're being all hot and stuff.”

Spitfire gave her outstretched wings a flick, trying to alleviate her obvious excitement. “If you're good, maybe tonight. After I’ve had my potion.”


Spitfire smirked as her husband eagerly led the way into town. She quickly caught up to him and shared a smile. “Have I ever told you how easy you are?”

“Happy to please, Spitty. Happy to please...”

“No, as in...” She cut in front, flashed him, then promptly fell back into formation beside the widely grinning stallion. “See... grinning like an idiot and everything.”

“Do it again...”



“I just proved how easy you are.” Spitfire shot back confidently.

“I’m not easy. I simply discovered how awesome it is to be one with my soulmate.” Soarin tried his best to sound all posh like a Canterlot snob.

Spitfire rolled her eyes. “Just as long as you can wait to be joined, I’m sure this soulmate of yours will find a way to enjoy it too.”

A hearty laugh broke from Soarin. “Says she who starts it.”


Soarin scoffed. “Most of the time.”

Spitfire was about to shoot his cheeky response down when she paused in consideration. “You know... I hope this never gets old, Pie boy.”

“Oh even if you become the big bad boss of the Wonderbolts, I’ll still sneak into your office for a good time.”

“Awfully confident in my abilities there.”

“One of us has gotta lead. And it’s not me.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Spitfire admitted as they entered Ponyville airspace. “You really don’t think it will ever get old? You know... being with me like that.”

Soarin stared at his wife like she had grown a second head. “Not possible.”

“Head of the Wonderbolts and you as captain... we will be pretty busy and all too.”

Soarin cut in front as they flew down to the Hay and Clover. He stood up straight as he held the door open. “I’ll show you. Trust me.”

Spitfire gave him a brief smile in thanks before entering.

The sun had begun its descent by the time the two teenagers lifted off from Ponyville. With Cloudsdale an easy cruise away, Spitfire pulled off a lazy barrel roll and smirked at how quickly Soarin checked her out.

“Gee stud. Cool it down.”

Soarin slowed, a blush invading his cheeks. “A stallion’s allowed to check out his wife, right?”

“So attentive. How you look at me... it’s no wonder I wound up pregnant so soon.”

“Takes two to tango, Babe.”

“Yeah.” A sigh escaped Spitfire as her gaze returned to the cloud city before them. “You know... I think Mom set us up.”


“I bet you... she knew Ponyville was playing host to this years pegasus tornado.”

Realization dawned on Soarin. “And that we wouldn't think twice about joining in.”


“But... that's good right?” Soarin slowed to an easy glide.

Spitfire looped around and fell into formation alongside her husband. “Dad. Maybe he’s been chatting around?”

“But...” Soarin’s gaze slipped from his mare to the city beyond. “But if he's been speaking to other ponies about us... what if he chatted to Wind Rider and set up this opening to perform too?”

Spitfire veered off to the side and abruptly landed on a small cloud nearby.

Alarmed by the sudden change, Soarin quickly alighted next to his wife, careful not to be too open with his affections. There was no telling who might be airborne, even this far out from the city.

It was then, that the young stallion noticed his wife was crying. A blue wing wrapped around his mare and he nestled in close. “What’s wrong, Spitty?”

“My dad is such an ass!” Spitfire took a swipe at the cloud underhoof, wings flared as frustration spilt forth.

Soarin withdrew a bit, startled by the sudden violence against their cloud. “What?”

“Don't you get it? We have to give her up now. Soon!”

“But, my parents are okay with another week.” The blue colt lent in, a sinking feeling anchoring him to their cloud as he tried to give a comforting nuzzle.

Spitfire wiped at her teary muzzle and shot her husband her best challenging look. “You think letting go of Scootaloo will be any easier in a week?”


“We can’t perform for the Wonderbolts next weekend if I’m hiding a baby. Our parents, hay, our whole families will want to come and watch us perform even if it's only for a few minutes. This is huge!”

“Oh, Spitty...” Soarin cuddled up closer. He carefully gave a flick of his wings to spin their cloud around to face away from Cloudsdale.

Minutes passed and eventually, Spitfire’s soft crying subsided.

Soarin watched on, feeling helpless as his mare settled down on their cloud. She looked defeated. He felt rotten for putting her in such a tough position. If only he had been stronger. Able to contain himself when they were alone. If only they had kept to cuddles like the good ponies their parents thought they were. A dry laugh escaped the stallion. Who was he kidding? They were no angles. Well, maybe the beauty who was now looking up at him was.

Spitfire stared at her husband, clearly wondering where such a laugh had come from. "What's so funny?"

"I'm sorry Spitfire..."

"Where's this coming from? What did you do?"

"Uh... got you pregnant."

"Hey, quit thinking what I know you're thinking." Spitfire rose to sit alongside her spouse. She met his faltering gaze with her own firey look.

"But if I-"



"Soarin. I know it was said in jest before, but it took both of us to get here."

"We weren't supposed to want her like this!" At his outcry, Soarin was quick to cover his mouth with a wing, ashamed by his own admission.

"Yeah." Spitfire closed her eyes and nodded slowly. “But then you... and Scootaloo. I just... want more time to... I don’t know... Hold my baby before we give her away.”

Soarin gently embraced his wife. “I know... I know...”

A sob wracked Spitfire’s frame as she tried to fight off more tears, “and the hardest part... This opportunity is too good to miss. But... Scootaloo-”

“I know. It’s been too short.”

“Got that right." Spitfire withdrew from their cuddle to gaze into the heavy eyes of her husband. "How has the last few months gone so fast, Soarin?”

“It’s been an amazing ride with you Spitfire. Even more special since Scootaloo has come into our lives.”

“And now she has to... to...”

“Yes... I know.” Soarin softly murmured as he nuzzled his wife.

The couple fell into silence once more.

“This sucks.” Spitfire bemoaned. “I never thought I would be a young mom.”


“Or...” Spitfire gazed into the worried eyes of her husband. “Or that it would be so hard to give her up.”

“Yeah. But what can we do? We didn’t abort her like your folks demanded. We promised that we would give her away. But what can we do now, run away?”

A dry stuttery laugh broke forth from Spitfire. “All I wanted... was to be a Wonderbolt with you.”

“We can be the best.” Soarin offered.

“Are you sure?” Spitfire asked.

Soarin nodded, “of course.”

“It will cost us our daughter.”

Soarin lent in for a gentle nuzzle. “Then may she be a blessing to somepony else's life, like she has been to ours.”

At her husband’s words, Spitfire broke down again.

Soarin wiped at his eyes as held his wife in silence, unsure of anything else that could be said.

After an unknown duration of pain passed like water under their cloud, Spitfire settled down and lay against her husband. “Why did we do this Soarin?”

“Because we’re young... and stupid. And made some mistakes. But making you my wife has been the best decision of my life.” Soarin held his mare’s gaze, steadfast.

“Would you run away?”

“And be a family with nothing?”

Spitfire shrugged. “We could be happy, just us three.”

“Our old folks would kill us.” Soarin dryly joked.

“Yeah, there would be no going back with my dad...” Spitfire groaned. “This sucks.”

Another few moments passed slowly and painfully. Till finally, Soarin lent down and gave a rousing nuzzle to his wife. “How about this... We go back there. We spend all of the next day, two tops with Scootaloo. Then we make our dreams come true.”

“Two days isn’t enough.”

“Spitty... I have a feeling that no amount of time with Scootaloo could ever be enough. But we promised... and I don’t know about you, but I feel duty bound to give this a go. Just like we promised.”

“Alright. Anything else in mind?” Spitfire nuzzled in close under her husband’s chin.

“We spend the rest of the week working with our crew... anyone who wants in. We take our group's home to close to the Wonderbolts. Show them we really mean it. Then we smash this coming performance and become the best Wonderbolts ever. Then once we make a good life and lead the ‘Bolts... Hopefully, hopefully our precious girl will still want to get to know her folks.”

“Alright, Soarin. Let’s do this.” Spitfire stood tall, wiped her face and faced her husband. “Thank you.”

Soarin tenderly nuzzled his wife. “I love you. And I’ll always be there for you, no matter what.”

The firey mare reciprocated, trying desperately to forget the pain of giving up their daughter. “Love you too Pie boy. Let’s go home. We have a baby to see.”

Soarin nodded. “Yes, let's.”

And together, they sped the rest of the way home.

Spitfire strode into Soarin’s family home, eager to see her daughter. The young mare was stopped by the sight of her mother holding Scootaloo on the couch.

“How was your flight?”

“I have a feeling you should know.” Spitfire shot back.

Stormy Flare stared up at the young couple in shock. “You didn’t say no, did you?”

“I knew it...” Spitfire fumed and hastened to collect her baby.

Stormy Flare gave Scootaloo up without a fight and sat wide eyed as her daughter stormed off.

Soarin stood awkwardly in the lounge. “We did say yes.”

“I’m glad. And for the record, it was her father who made the connections. You both should be glad.”

“I hope we will be. Because it sucks right now.”

Tyson spoke up from the hallway. “Oh, what's going on in here?”

“Dad. Please...”

The dark blue stallion approached, quick to catch the look on his son's face. “Anything you need.”

“Thanks.” Soarin sighed. “Just... maybe let me and Spitty be for a bit.”

“As you wish, son.”

As Soarin headed for his room, Stormy Flare rose. “It’s for the best.”

“You know... some days I wonder about that.” Tyson shot back.

Stormy Flare huffed and strode out.

Spitfire hesitated at the doorstep of Ponyville's Open Hooves Orphanage. The sun had long since fallen and the exterior of the sunny yellow building was dull and sad looking in the moonlight. The series of small windows toward the right hand corner of the building gave off illumination from the actives within, presumably, young ponies preparing for bed.

With his hoof halfway to the door, Soarin noticed his wife’s hesitancy. “Having second thoughts?”


Spitfire felt her husband place a kiss on her neck, soon followed by a nuzzle. A sigh escaped the young mare. “Fine. Yes. Okay? I can't...”

“Then let me do it.”

As Soarin held out a hoof to receive his three month old daughter, Spitfire continued to hesitate.

“Come on babe. We can always watch her from Cloudsdale on our days off from the Wonderbolts. One day, we can even come back to her. But I bet she will find herself a family so fast no pony will even know she’s adopted.” Soarin attempted a smile to encourage his mare. His eyes, however, reflected the hurt they both felt at giving up such a precious young pony.

Spitfire's head lowered in defeat. They were out of time. This was the only way to get into the Wonderbots, her lifelong dream. But was it truly better for their daughter?

“I can’t. I just can’t do it.”

Soarin sidled up and gave his wife a quick kiss. “Then let me.”

With his wings, he took the precious bundle of joy from his wife, who offered no resistance, and placed the infant on the doorstep of the orphanage. Spitfire stood, conflicted, unable to move, unable to stop her husband from doing what she knew he had to. A tear rolled down her cheek as Soarin pulled out a piece of paper and scrawled a quick note to the caretaker on it:

Dear mistress of Ponyville orphanage.

My wife and I are young and not in a position to care for this wonderful foal. We pray that you will help Scootaloo find the life she deserves.
We love her so much

Soarin paused and glanced up at his wife who was watching on, in tears. He rubbed at his own wet eyes then carefully slotted the note into the blanket their baby lay wrapped up in. He placed the orange foal reverently upon the steps of the orphanage. “Goodbye, Scootaloo. Daddy loves you.”

With a deep breath, Soarin lifted his right forehoof and knocked on the door.


Spitfire took a step closer, her tear filled gaze locked on her earth bound daughter.

Soarin slowly lifted his hoof again, but this time was beaten by his mare.

Spitfire knocked three times in quick succession. Then she lent down at gave her daughter one final kiss.

A light from the window beside the front door startled the couple. Shuffling hoofsteps told them all they needed to know.

Somepony was coming. Time to go...

Soarin quickly gave his daughter one last loving kiss, then hurried to pick up his wife. He stretched his wings just as the door opened.

The mare who beheld the young couple blinked owlishly, surprised to see a young family on her doorstep. “Do you know what time it is...?”

Soarin hastily took off carrying his wife bridal style in his forehooves. He knew that if they stayed a moment longer, it would be impossible to leave Scootaloo. Worse, the earth pony mare would catch a good look at their faces and everything would be over.

Spitfire cried into her husband’s chest as he flew up, higher and higher. The stallion carried his mare bridal style as he too felt his eyes flood.

Author's Note:

The hardest chapter of the whole fic has finally been published.
The final scene in particular has been in the works for years...
I hope the finale to their past has been worth the wait.

Comments ( 4 )

And now we have the whole backstory finished. That was a long time coming but it definitely was worth the wait. Definitely hyped for what happens next chapter and seeing bits of things get some payoff like probably how they got an in into their later path as Wonderbolts because they helped out chapters ago and Wind Rider knew of them because of that is small but nice.

Whenever the next chapter comes I am ready for it.

(Wiping the tears from my eyes with a tissue)

That was the saddest chapter, I ever read.

(Blow my nose)

Hopefully, Scootaloo will make new friends and probably meeting the fastest Pegasus in Equestria.

Glad to hear this chapter was impactful.

...Hopefully she will indeed meet such great ponies.
You will have to find out in the final chapter when everything comes together (I hope).

You're welcome and I will

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