• Member Since 6th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I enjoy reading and writing cute ponies. If my works brighten up your day, even better.


With magic restored, Thunder and Zoom Zephyrwing enjoy their first flight together.
Once released from their duties for the day, the pair continue to explore their bond in exciting new ways.

A cute slice of life set right after Sunny and her friends unleashed everypony's magic.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 52 )

I sure do want more. I was wondering how you would get these two more character depth than what the movie hinted at but this was definitely fantastic. I mean it feels like it could almost slot right into the movie without much in terms of changes. And thunder having a hoard of sneakers is movie accurate so this is really fun. I could totally see these two having a fun time on the sidelines of the show and I really wonder what the show will be like if the stories overall have been decent.

Awwww, yesssss! I kind of thought Zoom was a boy too, but they're still just ask adorable as mare and stallion!

... I have a part two in mind.
We need to see their first date.
And a proper first kiss.
Who's with me?

I’m with you.

That was cute. Love the way these two are written. Can't wait for more. Though there are a few typos to iron out, mostly with verbs being shifted into past tense.
A lot of people apparently made the same mistake. VAs had to confirm on Twitter that Zoom is a mare.

Yeah remind me of Smolder's debut.Everyone think she a boy as well.

Also pretty cute story.Can't wait to see more of this two.

Well she's still a colt in my heart

Adorable! I like how, even though we're jumping right into the beginning of a relationship, we do get the sense that these two have known each other for a long time and that this is a natural progression.

Glad you think they are adorable.

Great to know.

Thanks. Glad to know I seem to be doing them justice.

Thanks. More is coming...

That is the feeling I got from the film and I'm glad it translated well into my story as I tried to continue the tale.

I appreciate all the comments. Very encouraging for writing more.

A little technical criticism: The part with Zoom hitting the water could be improved. I had a hard time understanding what was happening, or picturing what happened. How could she come out the water if she dove down into it? How could Thunder catch her without going under the water himself? I think you intended for her to go through a cresting wave, or something? More of a horizontal motion? But it's unclear even on reading it over again.

Thank you for your criticism.

That is fair. I have revised that section.
I hope it makes sense now and you can visualize it without breaking the flow of the story.

This is the most adorable thing I've read all week :twilightsmile:

Just read that one. We're shipping secondary characters already, and that's good. I like this kind of fluff, since the movie was juuuuust rightly fluffy in that regard. If you wanna go for chapter 2, I'll be definitly following !

Nice to see this one getting another chapter!

Aww this is an cute way to start your story and seeing those two guard ponies at least the ones we saw back in the mountains when sunny and Izzy got them self caught named zoom and Thunder and I had to admit they are very cute together and they actually felt really comfortable with each other this is a pretty good start of a story

New Generation, new ships for background characters :raritystarry:

That's really cute. And well, kinda interesting to see it take a "slow paced" approach. Which is nice. It let feelings (and feels) mature and all that :derpytongue2:

Well this was a very sweet story so far and it looks like Thunder really want to take things slow which I guess that's a good point because you don't want to rush relationship you want to get to know them a little bit more and then go out see how this will go but it doesn't mean they can still hang out they just need time well whatever the time goes we'll find out next time

When is the next chapter?

I'm truly excited for the next chapter of this story. I like the approach you're taking; slow-paced, mature, and a not-so-picture-perfect relationship "guy gets girl, let's fuck" kind of trope.

You've got a knack for stories. Please continue and best of luck with this one!

Those two have name tags now

I really hope this gets finished. It's very well done.

Been waiting for this for so long. Love how comfy and cute this felt. Funny how I expected Thunder to be holding the unrequited childhood crush, not Zoom. But yeah this feels like something that could happen in the shorts or something close- everyone felt in character.

Even Pipp, lol.

I always had hope. :)

“Thunder. Relax. We’re a team and we can tackle this together. Like everything.” Zoom playfully shoved her coltfriend. “I love you just the way you are, but you can be a bit of a dummy sometimes.”

“You must be Alphabittle.” Thunder smiled, “I remember you.”

Oh hey Alphabittle nice to see him and it looks like he's going to visit Queen Haven if you know what I mean 😉

Pipp backpedalled in shock, “why? You two looked so adorable together, I totes had to share!"

Uhh no offense pipp but not everybody would like to see their pictures out there where people can see it

“Finally! I think I got the stream to stop. And no, I’m not giving it back yet.” Hitch gave his date a warning look.

Ohh are they also going out if so I shipped them so much 🥰

I appreciate that. Hopefully the finale won't take anywhere near that long to finish.

Oh, the background ships help add a bit of spice especially since they will be appearing alongside Zoom and Thunder in my next Gen 5 story too...
Pipp is both fun to write and can be a bit of a menace to others with how eagerly she streams waay too much
And of course, Alpha is just visiting Queen Haven for ...diplomatic reasons... you may know what I mean.
And that song may have come to mind.

With a deep, unsteady breath Thunder closed the distance and met her waiting lips with his own. Green wings lifted with excitement as they continued to kiss slowly. Although their motions lacked any sense of sync, Zoom and Thunder held onto their first kiss, unwilling to simply end their newfound intimate experience.

Awww this was a pretty nice chapter also nice to see the story coming back so it looks like they're having a little complication with each other Zoom really wants to make this work between her and Thunder and so does he hes was just pretty nervous and even having conversation about this whole thing but then Alphabittle wanting to visit with Queen Haven and that's pretty cool then after that Thunder and zoom having their private moments with each other until pipp and hitch accidentally saw them and of course she was live streaming while this is happening oops and it looks like now everybody knows about their relationship but it looks like Queen Haven will accept if the relationship will not interfere there duty as guards and I'm sure they won't but after that it looks like they have their moment with each other again and apparently they have their first kiss which that's pretty cute and even sleeping together and also Thunder is really fast of asking Zoom to move in with him which she thinks she'll be okay with that now all he has to do is to say I love you to her since she said it I guess we'll find out next time

Glad to see the story coming back. Funnily enough its weird to see Zoom and Thunder have lives outside of the guard because the show only really defines them in the roles they have to Haven- besides Thunder's shoe collection. Like of course they have lives outside of work but its so rare. And finally we have the love confession that we've all been waiting for and it was short, sweet, and to the point. Love this chapter, no matter how long it took to come out. It felt really great to read this all again.

Is Thunder’s full name also Zephyrwing?

At time of first chapters publication, no.
I have seen him listed for a time on Derpi as such but officially his name seems to be Thunder Flap.

eeeeeee! an update!

Zoom shrugged. She met her stallion’s gaze and smiled. “Thunder’s in.”

Oh boy he got himself dragged into this really awkward situation

Awww that is such an adorable Chapter so it looks like zoom and Thunder have decided to move in with each other to move up their relationship zoom's friends Were pretty excited for her And it looks like his family helped out with the moving as well Which they got to mess with him and then after that they decided to rest out and it looks like thunder finally said he's in love with Zoom And she was pretty happy that he said that which I like that moment that's pretty nice I wonder what else could happen I guess we'll find out next time

Things tend to go quite faster once they finally start up. Glad to see another chapter.

Nice to see more of this. Can't wait for what's next.

I really love the story. It's really nice to see you continue. Am glad you got the inspiration back. I can't wait for the next chapter. ( Also, I know this story is focused more on Zoom and Thunder, but it'll be nice to see how Hitch and Pipp are doing.I think it'll be a fantastic side plot.) If not interested in them it's totally fine. Can't wait.

Nice suggestion. But that is outside of the scope of my short final chapter.
But I have been considering writing some more Hitch and Pipp, so something like that could be its own story. Will have to see..

I'll miss this story but its nice to see the complete tag on it.

Wow!! What a journey. I loved every single chapter. This was really good. Can't wait for more of your stories in the future.

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