Rainbow Dash takes her best friend on an adventure in the sky on a cloud for two.
Co-written with NintendoGal55
I enjoy reading and writing cute ponies. If my works brighten up your day, even better.
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Ahhh what a great way to start off a very cute fic! A duet between the two fillies.
I loved it. You're really good at writing really cute fics. I hope to see more with this story!
Fourth paragraph, I believe the word "seen" should be "been." Will now continue.
what i thought [img]. Reaction: i play too much tf2
Omg, how adorable! I'm for Flutterdash all the way, and this is one of the best Flutterdash fics I've ever seen. I... I think I will have to kill you out of joy... after you finish the story!
What can I say? Bravo!
1681080 As a tf2 player myself, I couldn't resist adding the reference. They make a good two pony TF2 team

Could I please have that pic at full res if you know where to find it…?
1681115 Thanks. This is only the start… I'm tempted to even have a chapter 3 once I get 2 up…
1680832 Will fix.
1681146 Thanks
1681346 to find it you just write fluttermedic on google its going to be the second.

best ship
1681404 You just keep on making these cuter and cuter! Of course, if you do, it'll be so sweet that I'll get cancerbetes!
1681404 whoops rong person
1681547 awwww thank you lol
They are so sweet.
1682601 We have in the works a 300k words fan fic that's a Flutterdash tragedy. Don't worry. We aren't complete one track writers
1682843 Don't expect it to be out for a long time though as proofreading 25k word chapters is a long slow process and we want to get the thing pretty much all written before posting it.
300K word total is just a rough estimate from where we are up to right now. It might wind up bigger...
Yay! Flutterdash story on my birthday, just what I wanted!
300k+ DAMN!!! i thought perfect on paper was long... (i expect nothing less from nintendogal55 though) jezz!! cant wait though!
btw, the story says complete but your comments suggests otherwise... is there MOAR?!?
if so, i cant wait!! 
1686669 fixed. That was only the start of the short fic. It's either 2 or 3 chapters in total.
But Crashing Angels is due for an update before this...
where did you get your profile pic? I don't have it... I like to colect every Flutterdash pic I find
if you know where you found it that would be wonderful to get it 
1686681 my best friend (and well... the person i hold nearest to me
) actually made it for my birthday
im the biggest brony in my area and i mentioned (at the time) that i like pretty much any of the main 6 with any of the other main 6, she (with out me knowing) drew me this... needless to say, best surprise and best birthday present ever! she is actually the one that got me to like the couple and to actually pursue reading fanfics for these 2! before i just thought "any 2 would work with any 2". totally different now!
anyway, sorry, every time someone asks about it, i kinda haffta give the story, but here ya go http://aeon-borealis.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=24#/d5dhu4s
also, yea i cant wait to see more of crashing angels!! yay! but i am really glad to hear its not just a one-shot, EEII!!!!! hehe :3 i like to collect both pics and fics (because with how things are right now not sure how long my internet will last...) gotta have my emergency stash of flutterdash
1686744 As a massive fan of the pairing... I have about 2k worth of images. If you ever want a few more I have a lot taged in my faves galley on DArt: http://flutterdash7.deviantart.com/
I see Flutterdash as very almost canon. When watching the show at first I really thought they were together!
soooo disappointed i was when I saw that it wasn't the general consensus online... ah well. So it's pretty much what you can expect me to write. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash on a cloud... K-I-S-S-I-N-G 
I like the cute cuddly Flutterdash but it's not all Im writing for them.
I tend to get offended when other people sugest that Dash and Fluttershy work with other ponies... probably because I value the FD ship as much as the show itself... maybe even moreso... but other ships don't bother me as long as they don't break the Flutterdash. It's awesome to know we have another crew member on board the S.S. Flutterdash ship
Thank you for your little story and your time.
This was great
Can't wait to read more 

I seem to remember reading a story recently that ended in a Flutterdash duet, now what was that story called?
Anyway, nice job. I've said it before and I'll say it again but just love this ship so much.
1693135 I'm allowed to have them finish on a song too. I always have wanted them to cause they make a nice duet.

besides... this is not the end yet...
Very very sweet.
ultra sweet in fact thanks to this fic i have diabetes
1733196 Thanks. It's awesome to know
im still writing more if you can take anymore sweetness 
1733354 As long as its flutterdash i'll eat sweets until my teeth fall off and event then i'll buy some dentures

I love Fluttershy and Dashie being adorable and cute together.
Seriously, they're my biggest OTP!
I really enjoyed this story, I'm not exactly a specialist on writing, so I can't really give any critique. Sorry! But yeah, I really loved this story! 
1741589 if you like the pairing, check out the rest of my work I also regard these two as OTP and so write exclusively Flutterdash, and quite a lot of it (cute Flutterdash too most of the time). All on my user page if ever you want more Flutterdash
Got tons of Flutterdash in my 'To Read' list. 
I checked it out!
Oh, I just now realized chapter 2 is up! Time to read...
Omg, the d'aww is killing me with diabeetus! I love your stories! You MUST have a sequel where they get married...
1771267 the epic wedding is the end to crashing angels. But I might do a little something for this too. Depends on the support and how much time I have.

Ah, thank God! If you need support, you're gonna find plenty throughout the site!
I saw NintendoGal55 Mentioned and i was pretty sure it was another Snuggly and Nibbly, and i was quite correct. (Much to my personal enjoyment)
This would be an alternate timeline for that set of stories i take it?
Have to say the Tail end of the 2cd chapter started showing quite a few errors in spelling and such. I tryed to remember them, but it is late and it got to be bit too much to remember them all. Though i do remember a sentence starting with "Yellow Nuzzling" there is a word missing from that i think, not sure what though, unless this is something i am unaware of.
Also i did not like how fast all of this progressed in a single day, anxiety , to confession, to first date, to agreeing to marriage. Just to fast for me.
The early on use of music was really lovely and endearing but the last piece was a bit cheesy, sorry it just didn't fit quite right.
The mountain they went too seemed to be lacking a bit of description after the build-up the story went through for it as well. Thoguh it being a place Fluttershy would love was touching.
Sorry if i am being a bit critical, just want to help really.
This is a lovely addition to the set, this one in particular is almost pure sweet fluffy happiness with just a bit of sad and a little joking.
The characterization of the other Mane 6 was pretty believable, Rarity is a bit hard to peg on a reaction to Dash's joke but you did cover one of her major concerns (Die-hard Romantic) quite well, though i think after she found it was all a joke she would have insisted to be involved in the wedding. I also greatly loved the casual warning Rarity gave Rainbow about Fluttershy being the lead in the relationship if she weren't careful.
Once again the world of Snuggly and Nibbly injects my brain with pure Daww.

It is well done though it could use a bit more editing to take out those pesky errors, and even if this was not flawless in my opinion, it is still a pleasing read that i enjoyed well past my nightly limits.
Thanks for the smiles and the story.
1780284 Thank you for such a critical comment. I will do some serious editing if ever I add a third chapter to the story. I am tempted to add more to it but for now I simply dont have the time. Thank you for your comment.

That was such a sweet story, bring two wonderful friends together in amazingly romantic way.
This was so sweet, I loved how you showed the gentler side of Rainbow Dash thats been hinted at in the series' before. I only wish Flutterdas was cannon. Can't wait for the other chapters you've said you're working on.
2874231 Thanks. I hope you enjoy my other stories too
most of mine are filled with cuteness like this.
There are two more chapter scheduled so far. But I might do 4 more.
I wish Flutterdash were canon too. It would give me a definite reason for watching the show again.
So I discovered this fic and...well...it's just so amazing! Flutterdash is so amazing! I love the love that these two share!
You almost had me in tears with this chapter. I love this so much. It's cute and amazing.
Definitely the best love story ever.
2953831 you know... I have more Flutterdash stories... its all I write really.

If you liked this, I'm pretty sure you'll like my other stories too.
Two more planned chapters for this story too, if your keen to stick around while I try cover their wedding.
I'll stick around.
Flutterdash is all I read these days anyway, so...I'll have to read everything else you write. Anything to stop the dreaded Appledash ship from creeping up.
2957895 Flutterdash is all I write. I hope you enjoy my work enough to want to keep reading it. Because not only do all my stories involve Flutterdash, but I aksi have a lot planned and plenty that im working on.
And don't get me started on AppleDash. I detest anything that breaks the Flutterdash and that ship is one of the worst.
Have you checked out my story, Fall of the Rising?
it will litterly cover their life from fillies all the way. If you don't mind a war breaking out in Equestria that is
its full of cuteness too and is my attempt at a Flutterdash epic.
I think you might enjoy that one too.
When I have the time, I plan on reading it. It looks wonderful. You are a beautiful writer and made me a strong believer in Flutterdash. I tweet pics daily to spread Flutterdash, axtually.
2959643 I have over 3k stored on my mac that I don't mind sharing
and my deviant art account has links to a ton and is updated daily by me adding all Flutterdash I find to my faves gallery.
YOu share it daily? That's awesome.
Plz share!! :-)
Oh my Celestia
this story was soooooo cute
This is why I absolutely love parings like FlutterDash or GildaShy.
You take somepony with a huge ego and pair them with Fluttershy. Anypony with a soul turns sappy. I actually felt my heart hurt a little but in a totally good way. Surprisingly, the cute speak makes this more adorable. It isn't my favorite Dash paring, but neither is it on the dreaded "hate" list. I love cute stories like this
I love this ship it used to be my favorite, 'til I started getting more into Octascratch. Anyways this was such a good fanfic at the start Rainbow's personality was a little off but the close it got to the end the closer it got. It was still a lot better at capturing personalities then my stories on WattPad. I would definitely put this in my top 5 favorite fanfics. Just a little random thing, I've been wanting to make an animation of some sort based off of a shipping. This story for some reason that was all I was thinking of. It could be my shipping addiction that has gotten out of hand, considering I'm shipping people I know in real life. Anyways like I said it was kinda random. If its ok you wouldn't mind me possibly doing an animation based off one of your stories would you? Anyways I got off topic. This was a great story of a great shipping that in my mind had an anti-appledash moment.
3405504 you realise of course I don't like any ship that involves Fluttershy or Dash where they are not together (I think Flutterdash should be canon... yes im weird

) Ive done a lot more than just anti-appledash.

If you like this, maybe you might want to consider taking a look at some of my other stories. I write pretty much just Flutterash and a lot of its cute
You are most welcome to do an animation based of my stories, provided you give me the link. Anything Flutterdash I want to take a look at
Thanks for the comment on this story, its wonderful to know people still enjoy it.
Very adorable. You should consider doing a sequel where Rainbow and Shy DO get married. Also, I'm surprised how their engagement came about. I always imagine Dash being the one to pop the question. Still, I guess it's sweeter if Fluttershy proposes.
Well I have planned on doing one for a long time now. I initially planned to write one nearly a year and a half ago... So I'll get to it when I have the time and have a few more stories finished a bit more. But we do need a good Flutterdash wedding story. I think this story sets the groundwork for me to write something cool