• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 8,490 Views, 4,586 Comments

The Olden World - Czar_Yoshi

Equestrian culture loves cutie marks. Filly Starlight Glimmer hates them and never wants one. So, she leaves Equestria.

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Lovely Weather Today

When Starlight spotted Gerardo and Slipstream returning, it was sans Max and with Wallace Whitewing in tow. The gigantic griffon's wingspan was easily broader than both of her friends' put together, and Starlight briefly stopped to marvel that something as big as him could fly at all.

"We located the constabulary without much trouble," Gerardo panted, landing and quickly straightening his crest. "However, Wallace appeared and I felt compelled to give him the entire narrative, and we may have slightly lost track of time..."

"It's fine," Maple offered with a disarming smile. "Melia wasn't back yet, so we gave Sirena the locket and she said thank you. Hi, Wallace. Are we doing anything now?"

Wallace flashed his massive grin. "Well, hello to you too, little lady! And fear not about the passage of time, 'tis merely late afternoon! I'm hearing you all have been busy."

"Eh, not really." Valey hovered, pounding her forehooves together. "Yeah, we got robbed and did some other stuff, but it's basically been a lazy day."

"Hah! You seem more chipper," Wallace congratulated, turning his tree trunk of a neck to face her. "I take it whatever run-in with Chauncey you had to alleviate that bothersome curse had its desired outcome!"

"Something like that." Valey licked her lips. "Hey, uh... I feel like there was something we were gonna ask you, but I don't remember what it was."

"Oh!" Wallace winced. "Well, you always have my ear should you remember! I'm curious, though: still thinking of taking on the tournament in your newly-restored state?"

Valey glanced around, shrugged, and nodded. "I guess so? Don't see why not. Sounds like it could be fun, and it would be sweet if we got that border pass thingy out of the deal. Right now, I kinda just..." She rubbed a foreleg. "Gotta move around, you know? Not fun being barely able to walk."

Wallace winked. "I've lectured you enough on your odds of winning if you cannot commit yourself to a goal with one hundred and ten percent. Now that you're back on your hooves, however, how about a friendly sparring match? It'd be a taste of what you'd go up against aiming for number one!"

"Bring it." Valey twirled her hat on a wingtip, nodding appreciatively. "I'm down for a good fight."

"Don't complain if you get a little more than that, young sarosian," Wallace respectfully warned. "The lower field is being set up for tonight's concert, but there should still be plenty of space for an arena! Care to do battle now? We could get dinner afterward, my treat!"

Valey stretched. "Oh, I'm already fired up from hunting that punk earlier. Let's go!"

Wallace gave a direction, and they began to walk. "That sure was a quick decision," Maple remarked, glancing up at the giant griffon. "Are you sure you two will be feeling up to dinner after? Try not to get hurt."

"Hah! Not to worry," Wallace assured. "The local hospital is quite good at treating injuries from this kind of thing, and a fight is always a good way to work up an appetite. Besides, we're playing for experience, not for keeps! I'll call things off the moment they look dangerous."

"Hey, Wallace," Slipstream asked, walking comfortably on his other side. "What do you think of Chauncey?"

"Chauncey. Urgh." Wallace grimaced. "I am... in his debt. He did a great favor to my team some time ago, and saved the life of a very dear friend of ours. Additionally, he wields strong influence over Percival's style of governance, and none can deny that it is effective. By all accounts, he is an admirable stallion, and his ideals have been tried and found in favor of Izvaldi and its people time after time. Yet still, I cannot trust him. He is too secretive, and makes every move as though he were up to something!"

Maple frowned. "When you put it that way, he sounds kind of like Arambai..."

"Sparky's dad," Valey clarified, at Wallace's look. "Hey, how long's she taking to get here, anyway?"

"Some time tomorrow is my best estimate," Wallace replied. "Diego is with her for navigation, and it all depends on the speed and power of her ship. The Sky Goat is not the air's fastest craft, but it is not confined to the meandering course of the river, or forced to battle currents at every turn and juncture!"

"I already told you," Jamjars remarked. "Chauncey's no good. His mane is hideous."

They crested a minor hill on the way down from the central plaza, and the lower field came into view. Several teams of griffons and unicorns were unloading boxes from a series of carts on a nearby road, focused around a broad stage to the far end, but Wallace had been right: there was more than enough room for a battlefield without getting in anyone's way. Starlight glanced at the town to the north and east, wondering if it was actually big enough for a field of this size to be fully occupied.

"Gerardo," Wallace coughed, clearing his throat. "Care to fly over there and let someone know we're requisitioning part of the field for practice? We won't get in anyone's way."

Gerardo scrambled to bow and soar off, leaving Wallace nodding into the distance. "Back to Chauncey, I must know... why do you ask?"

"He put those principals really on edge," Maple admitted. "But they talked like they were good friends. Just... didn't act like it. It felt wrong."

"Ah. They have had a falling-out as of late," Wallace confirmed. "It's something that's been kept out of the public eye for the sake of their image, but apparently his management of their performances was causing tension and nobody said anything until it boiled over in an incident that left a bad taste in all three of their mouths. If that's what you're worried about, I can assure you all three of them want on some level to repair their relations, though I don't envy the amount of work those two girls will have to put in to do it. It's hardly one of the most suspicious things he's done, or even on the map for that matter."

Jamjars raised an eyebrow. "Oh? So he is suspicious, then? What does he do?"

"I told you, nothing." Wallace coughed uncomfortably. "With Chauncey it is a matter of mannerisms over actions. I do watch him, but as far as I can tell he is a sarosian who puts the well-being of Izvaldi first and enjoys doing ordinary things in highly suspicious ways."

"It still sounds like Arambai," Maple murmured as they made their way further into the field. "Only with Arambai, I always felt like he had our backs and was on our side. With Chauncey, I'm not so sure..."

Wallace nodded along. "Having your backs specifically? Chauncey is concerned with Izvaldi as a whole. Some days, I only think he helped us in particular because he saw we would have a great deal to contribute to Izvaldi's cause and wanted us as allies. If you consider him as having your backs, you're mistaken, and if you're right you should be worried. But I wouldn't fear! Poking around for wrongdoing in the shadows is my job, and I can assure you none of Izvaldi's secrets are threats to you or the Empire."

Valey glanced suspiciously at him. "That sure is specific."

Wallace didn't even make eye contact. "Lovely weather for a fight, isn't it? The air quality is so pristine, it feels as though my lungs are crying tears of happiness! How wonderful it is we can live in a place like this..."

"Um, what?" Slipstream giggled, sniffing the air. "It does smell pleasant out, but that's quite a way of changing the subject."

Valey sniffed too, then frowned. "Eh, it doesn't matter. If Chauncey's a villain, I've stabbed better than him with a giant icicle. Let's talk about fighting."

"A prime decision!" Wallace congratulated, bouncing his crinkly mustache. "But who has time for talking? We are here! Everyone, stand as far back as you are comfortable, and let us begin!"

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