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Phoenix Heart 27

"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."- Vincent Van Gogh


This story is a sequel to Melody Star's Sonata

Starlight Sonata is a very gifted filly. Ever since she was a foal, she was always making some form of “music”. Her parents and older sister help her in every way they can to make sure she achieves greatness. Though....not always are things what they seem. Join them as they deal with certain trials and tribulations in order to reach greatness.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 72 )

I remember, I used to use this picture as my oc's cutie mark back in 2012. Didn't think I'd be seeing it again.

Oddly enough I found it on Google and decided that this does in fact fit with both the main character and the story itself.

I'm sure it's in a better place than it started now. My old OC was a black and white alicorn Prince of Music. Not a lot of creativity in the design. Pretty generic "Gary Stu" OC you'd see around then.

I can imagine. Whereas this well...it will now be used for a young, deaf Pegasus filly.

At only 2 years old, little Starlight Sonata knew something wasn't... completely right with her. For one thing, she had started to not be able to hear everything somepony told her. Her hearing would fade and she would get frustrated when somepony mistook her trying to ask to repeat as clumsy foal babbles. Eventually by the time it took ponies to be able to understand what she would be trying to ask, it was too late and Starlight would be upset and go off on her own or seek out her big sister. It wasn't until Starlight was over 3 years old that her parents got even more concerned than originally thought. So they took her to a special doctor and had a few vision and hearing tests done on her. Once the doctor came back with the results a few weeks later is when Starlight truly sensed something was changing. For one thing, she found she couldn't exactly hear it when the doctor told her parents that Starlight was going deaf, yet she could make out how the kind doctor moved his mouth and it sounded to her that the doctor said something upsetting. Her mother started to cry a bit. She had never seen her mommy cry like that! It was unnerving a bit to witness, but Starlight did the only sensible thing her little toddler self could think to do. She raised up on her back hooves and hugged her mommy's larger front hoof. Moondance smiled a bit when she did that and returned the gentle embrace.

No...SHE'S DEAF:pinkiegasp:?!?!?!

When it was time to go back home, it was as if Starlight immediately felt the effects of her family's sadness and began to cry a little bit (although, she claimed that she was hungry as to why she cried). With help from her big sister, Starlight managed to get a good lunch in her tiny belly. Afterwards she would toddle away towards the den area where her Papa was sitting at their old piano playing a lively little tune . While she couldn't hear it all too well, she could however feel the vibrations of how the notes would be played through the be-rugged floor. She smiled at the feeling of the notes under her hooves until her father glanced over at her and smiled.

Looks like she wants to learn music...:pinkiesad2:. Even if she can't really hear it:applecry:.

“Do you want to learn how it's played?”, Rain Whip asked his little one.

Of course, Starlight only could make out the words ‘learn’ (because that's what her sister told her that's something they both have to do as foals) and ‘played’ (because that word she herself had used to mean that her playing had happened before). Nodding, she grinned as her Papa placed her hooves on the keys of the piano and helped guide them into the right places on the keys as they played the song together.

Looks like she really does want to be a musician:twilightsmile:.

I have to tell you guys something”, Starlight signed in big gestures to portray speaking loudly.

“What is it ‘lil Star’?”, Moondance asked in words and signs for her other family members.

Taking a deep breath, Starlight signed in clear terms that she had been working on a composition (a big word that she had learned earlier that day that meant the written part of a music sheet). She then explained that it was finally done and that she wanted to show her family. So quickly finishing up her dinner, she fluttered off towards the den and to the piano.

Stretching her forelegs and loosening her hooves, Starlight Sonata began her song at a moderately fast tempo. Her small hooves gliding across the smooth black and white keys with the precision of somepony who’d been born playing the piece instead of one who’d only been playing for 2 years. The piece gradually increased in moderation and intensity before mellowing out by the ending. Panting a bit and smiling about the wonderful vibrations she felt with her first finished piece. Turning around, she was shocked to see her parents and sister stood around her with open jaws. With an understood fear of rejection in her heart, she pinned her ears to the sides of her head and with head held to her chest, asked in sign how she did.

“Starlight that was wonderful!”, Moondance exclaimed and signed.

“My little shining star’s first sonata! I'm so proud!”, Rain Whip signed and beamed at his daughter.

Well done Sonata:scootangel:!

“That was totally awesome ‘ Starry’ ! I knew you could do it!”, Melody Star cheered and signed to her 5 year old baby sister. Quickly zipping over to her and wrapping her in a big hug.

Big sister's so proud of you too:scootangel:!

“ I did that well ?”, Starlight signed in surprise.

You sure did:heart:!

This earned her a round of nods and smiles. Beaming herself, Starlight hopped off the bench and did her own special celebratory air dance. She was so happy that she didn't even notice her big sister scoop her out of the air as she almost flew into the ceiling fan. Setting her back down, Melody shook her head.

“I get that you're happy you did your thing right, but can you try and not get yourself killed by a fan?”, The 13 year old Pegasus admonished in sign and speech.

Oh she is so going to be experiencing that when she's older:rainbowlaugh:!!!

Hi guys.”, Starlight signed to her friends as they sat down to play with toys in the den of Star’s home.

“Hey Starlight. How's your break been?”, Cosmos signed and spoke to his friend.

Terrible! It's bad enough that my sister's been spending almost all her time with her stupid boyfriend when she's not practicing with her band, but now that my parents are back at work it seems like there's absolutely nopony who's willing to play with me--Oh! Aside from you two if course.”, Starlight Sonata signed as she sighed and went to her toy box and grabbed out some bright colorful scarves and a old de-lined fishing pole.

Poor Sonata...:pinkiesad2:. So left out...:applecry:.

“If you thinking what I think you are, let's totally do it!”, Sprinkler signed as she picked up the scarves and together she and Cosmos tied them together onto the pole and the three of them set the pole up in the center of the room (bracing it with some logs from the fireplace). Sprinkler and Cosmos ran around carrying the scarves while Starlight Sonata played a lively little tune on the piano while her friends spun around on the makeshift maypole. Laughing the whole time. The tempo was kept as Starlight absentmindedly started tapping her hooves on the floor while she played. She got so into it, that she didn't even notice when her friends had stopped to just simply listen.

When she finished, she was smiling at the vibrations. Due to this being something she had written a few months prior, she never had an audience for it. Starlight simply took it as it was and accepted it with zero complaint.

“Star, that was awesome!”, Sprinkler signed while grinning.


“She is right! That was wonderful Starlight Sonata. Was that a new one?”, Cosmos asked as he praised his friend.

No. This is one I had finished about 2 months ago. However this was the first time for me to play it in front of somepony that wasn't my sister or parents. I love how the vibrations for this one turned out. It almost felt as if I could hear it. Like I…..Like I….used to...anyways, did the pole work?”, Starlight Sonata explained/asked as she got up from the bench.

“Yeah it worked. Although….” Sprinkler paused as she held a few discarded scarves in her hooves “...maybe we'd want to try using ribbons next time? That might be sturdier.”, she finished with a sigh.

Yeah, probably:rainbowlaugh:!

“Okay so that's $16 bits from Starlight, $20 bits from Sprinkler and $30 bits from yours truly. That leads us to…” Cosmos paused while Starlight wrote the sum out on a spare scroll then passed it to him “Ahh yes $66 bits. So if we add that to the 460 bits we already have saved that should give us--woah! $526 bits! Guys we’re getting close!”, he finished as Sprinkler signed for him.

That clubhouse is as the good as ours! I can hardly wait!”, Starlight Sonata signed in excitement. Her friends giggling faces were her natural reply.

I wish you the best of luck Sonata:scootangel:!

“Oh? Hey kids. How was your day?”, Melody Star asked/signed to the trio.

A chorus of ‘goods’ and one nod was the reply of the elementary school foals.

“Great. Say... didn't I promise you guys that I’d take you three out for lunch one of these days?”, Melody Star asked as Dessert signed.

“Yeah, you did!”, Cosmos said excitedly.

“Well then, you guys want to go to Hayburger? Get some Mighty Foal Meals?”, Melody asked and signed for the benefit of them all.

Sounds good to me:ajsmug:.

Yes. A good lunch always puts one in a good mood.

“Hey. You looking nervous isn't gonna help your performance you know.”, Melody signed.

Easy for you to say. You have already passed basic training and are already in senior training at High School levels. Plus you don't have to stress about whether or not the instructor can sign or have the patience to wait for an interpreter to get me to follow instructions on different flight patterns! I do! Add to the fact that I know next to nopony there and I’m as you would say ‘fucked’! So of course I'm freaking out!”, Starlight Sonata signed with no stopping.

Jeez Sonata, take it easy:twilightoops::rainbowlaugh:!

“Watch me carefully” Melody started as the pair of them entered the large colosseum-like building of clouds “Every Pegasus has to go through this. It doesn't matter if you can hear or not. Heck, I know for a fact that even the blind can manage to find their way through a minefield in the sky! The only thing that's currently holding you back from doing this is you and your insecurities. Did you know I felt similar things to what you're feeling on my first day of flight training? As shocking as it is, yes. I was so nervous I almost fell off the runway leading up to the cloudesseum. Mama had to grab me by my tail in order for me to not free-fall 2,000 feet. The point is, Starry you can't let what you think might happen distract you from what will actually happen. You got that?” With an affirmative nod from her sister, she continued “Good. Because you are gonna rock it in there. Besides...Mama and Papa already told me that the instructors already know about you as you likely aren't the only ‘unique’ foal in the class for this year's roster. Trust in them and you won't have anything to worry about aside from creaming the competition when it comes time for a race.”, She finished with a light chuckle.

Wise words from a wise pony:twilightsmile:.

Lined up in straight lines of two, the 14 colts and fillies were lead into the spacious training area. They were all in a state of dazed when they saw the various pieces of equipment from wing resistance bands to weighted hoof bracers and all other agility materials like cloud rings to fly through and hurdles to leap over. It was almost overwhelming, yet the foals didn't show it. With excited squeals, the usually quiet rarely used room was suddenly filled with the chatter and laughter of kids as they all went around and tried out everything. Starlight was about to try out the weighted hoof bands when somepony, rather literally fell into her.

“Ow!”, Both ponies groaned as they rubbed their aching heads.


Sorry. I should've seen where I was going. My name's Spirit Chaser.”, The amber eyes signed as she dusted off her wings.

It's ok. I should've watched where I was lifting. The name’s Starlight Sonata. A pleasure.”, The green eyes one replied smoothly (barely covering up her embarrassment).

Both fillies couldn't find it in their hearts to not continue “talking”. So, they resolved to use their mouth reading skills and actually conversed with one another as they both worked out their wings by wing ups and hoof training.

Well...things got awkward really fast:twilightsheepish:.

Do you want to be my partner?”, both Starlight and Spirit asked at the same time.

They giggled (despite only one of them barely hearing it) before agreeing. This was followed by the new partnership flying off to do some basic flight maneuvers.

I can see these two will be getting along just fine:twilightsmile:.

Oh Mel! It was amazing! I mean the cloudesseum is HUGE and all the ponies there wereso fast and I know I gotta work on it in order to get better. Plus, I didn't even tell you the best part---”, Starlight was interrupted by slamming face first into her new grand piano (whilst walking into their new conservatory addition to their house).

“Try to be careful with random pianos in your path.”, Melody signed as she laughed.

Or you're gonna end up really clumsy:rainbowlaugh:!!!

Laugh all you want. Don't forget I still have my ace up the sleeve.”, Starlight glared as she signed to her sister before sitting down at her piano. Pencil at the ready in her mouth.

“Oh yeah? Like what?”, Melody signed in a way that called her little sisters’ bluff.

Without looking up from her piano she typed on the pad set up on her piano before passing it to her sister.

Remember what I caught you and Checker Flag doing when you were supposed to be ‘foalsitting’ me two months ago? Exactly that.”, Melody read aloud. Her face paling at the thought of what her little sister had seen her and her boyfriend doing on the couch in the den accidentally.

Uh-oh...dont push her Melody, she just might pull that ace up her sleeve:twilightoops:!!!

“”You. Wouldn't. Dare.”, Melody signed with a heated glare.

Don't tempt her:rainbowderp:.

“ Try me ‘Melody Anastasia Star’! ”, Starlight typed back as she stretched her hooves and began to write down what she was gonna play.

Speaking of...:derpytongue2:.

Melody! Wanna hear my newest composition?”, Starlight asked as she interrupted her sister from her dance routine.

“And why would I do that? I'm in the middle of getting this routine right.”, Melody stated while pausing her ghetto blaster.

Because you're my sister and I Love you. Plus Mama and Papa are out on their weekly ‘date night’ so you're my test subject--I mean gracious audience. Please Mel?!”, Starlight buttered up her sister. Finally folding via the puppy dog eyes, Melody followed her sister into the conservatory. The evening sun casting a glorious glow upon the 9-year-old as she began to play a rather light, almost romantic piece. Her hooves gliding across the keys effortlessly as she's half paying attention and half remembering the conversations she had with Spirit Chaser that day.

No one can resist that look:rainbowlaugh:! Also, Sonata is rocking it:rainbowdetermined2:!

“Starlight Sonata, I don't know how you do it.”, Melody signed in a mystified way.

Do what?”, Starlight asked.

“Continue to compose such beautiful music with next to zero effort at all!?! I swear it's like your hooves have a mind of their own.”, Melody replied to her sister with a grin.

That's what I wonder to...:pinkiesmile:.

That it does:twilightsmile:. Even if we tend to over do it a bit...I know I do:twilightsheepish:.

Well...have you ever heard it be said that if you lose one sense, the others get heightened?

Starlight Sonata?! What are you doing?!?”, Melody signed.

Not paying her sister any attention, Starlight brusquely lifted and moved her bed over. Gasping in shock and following up with an almost scream, Starlight moved her bed back and went over to her haphazardly opened chest of drawers. Struggling to push her chest aside, she began huffing and puffing.

WHERE. IS. MY. BOX!!??!!”, Starlight shouted. Too frustrated to turn and ask her sister in sign.

Uh-oh, Sonata is PISSED:twilightoops:!!!

“Woah, woah there girl. Firstly what the fuck did you do to your room that I just got through cleaning up while you were out? Secondly, what are you talking about a box for?”, Melody signed.

Groaning and pulling at her mane, Starlight turned to her sister. A look of absolute fury in her eyes as she began to sign in harsh movements to convey her almost screaming at Melody.

You did WHAT?! Why would you do that?!? Now because of you, I can't find my cowgirl boot box! Why were you even in here cleaning up?!? You never do that!!”, Starlight fumed as she got closer to her sister.

Sonata calm down:twilightoops:!!!

“Woah, woah there girl. Firstly what the fuck did you do to your room that I just got through cleaning up while you were out? Secondly, what are you talking about a box for?”, Melody signed.

Groaning and pulling at her mane, Starlight turned to her sister. A look of absolute fury in her eyes as she began to sign in harsh movements to convey her almost screaming at Melody.

You did WHAT?! Why would you do that?!? Now because of you, I can't find my cowgirl boot box! Why were you even in here cleaning up?!? You never do that!!”, Starlight fumed as she got closer to her sister.

Well, this must've been a change in that...:applejackunsure:.

“Well I didn't know! How would I have known that?”, Melody asked in a huff.

IT. WAS. LABELED IN BRIGHT MARKER ‘Savings for Clubhouse’! HOW COULD YOU HAVE MISSED THAT?!?”, Starlight raged.

I don't see how anyone can miss something like that:applejackconfused:.

“Hey, look I’m sorry Starry, I didn't see it. Honest!”, Melody tried to calm her livid little sister down.

NO! MELODY NOW BECAUSE OF YOU, I HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL PAPA GETS HOME SO HE CAN UNLOCK THE DOOR AND GET MY BOOTS BACK BEFORE---”, Starlight stopped due to she started hyperventilating and seemingly choking on air.

Immediately worrying, Melody tried to get her sister to breathe normally, but that did absolutely nothing. So after finally getting her head together, Melody went and found an old paper bag. Folding it over and holding it to Starlight Sonata’s muzzle, Melody managed to help her little sister through her very first panic attack. A truly frightening experience for both teen and youngster.

Whoa, that was way too close:rainbowderp:.

“How are you feeling Starlight? Any better?”, Melody signed slowly so as to not overwhelm the foal again.

After a few more deep breaths, Starlight sighed before signing.

Yes. I'm ok…..however, Melody that was scary. Like really scary. What just happened?”, Starlight asks while reaffirming that she was ok.

“What you just experienced was called a panic attack. It is kind of like when you start to get so worked up with worry and fear that your body kind of makes your body react with a chest that feels like it is being squished by a snake. You will kinda find it hard to breathe. That's why we keep bags on hoof. To help breathing get back to regular. That and a helpful hoof is always a pleasure.”, Melody signed in response.

Always keep that bag with you Starry:raritywink:.

“I know you meant well Melody, but that specifically was there because it has my saved bits as well as Cosmos’s and Sprinkler’s bits from half of our allowances for the past year and a half. Don't you remember how I told you how the three of us….well now four of us if I include Spirit Chaser, who has recently been accepted into our club. That box has a lot of bits inside. So you see why I got so upset and freaked out when I didn't see it in its place.”, She explained to a slowly realizing older sister.

Oh jeez...that really is important:twilightoops:.

“Oh--Oh! Oh my goodness. I am so sorry Starry. Hold on, thankfully I can get back in the shed. I will be right back.”, Melody signed in a hurry before zipping back downstairs and out the back door.


The two fillies kept on with their conversation for over an hour until Melody signalled into the room (while holding the large box that contained the boots and bits) for Starlight to wrap it up. Giggling, the two young’ns, with the promise that they'd see each other the following week, hung up their video call. Some time later, Melody sat them both down with some boiled carrot dogs and animal-shaped mac ‘n cheese.

Ponified versions of hot dogs, nice:rainbowlaugh:!

After their dinner and a confirmation text from their parents that they’d be out later than they thought and to go on ahead and chill for the rest of the night (with a kind-hearted, but stern warning to keep the house clean from their father/step-father). So they did just that. With Melody in the den watching a movie and talking on the phone with her boyfriend and Starlight in the conservatory finishing a composition that’d taken her a few weeks to get off the ground, but that she was confident that it was now done. Preparing her hooves and body for the incoming vibrations, she began to play a rather slow, almost haunting lullaby . Feeling herself get lost in the music, she didn't notice her sister standing at the doorway with her phone's camera on record. Making necessary commentary the whole time throughout.

Now that was a beautiful lullaby:pinkiesad2:.

“Goodnight, Starlight.”, Melody unconsciously whispered despite knowing her sister wouldn't have a clue she said anything as she backed out the room with a tear in her eyes.

‘Night night….Mellow’”, Starlight unconsciously muttered despite knowing her sister had already left.

Sweet dreams:twilightsmile::heart:.

Well...yeah, that happened to me on more than one occasion:twilightsheepish:.

Indeed. Their reactions and how they dealt with situations really reflect on true sibling relationships. As it is that Melody Star is a whole 8 years older than Starlight Sonata, it's expected that both have very different ways in communication and entertainment. Arguments happen and that's ok. When you're older/younger sibling is there to help you out of a tricky situation, then your grateful.

Yes. As someone who is the youngest sister of 2 (there's 3 of us on Mama's side) and the 2nd oldest sister out of 6 (there's 10 of us on my Dad's side...9 biological), I know how it is on both spectrums.

Mhm, I don't really wanna go into too much detail, but...one day, while I was at a conventional meeting for an Economics Project, when I first went to the speaker, I kid you not, I felt like my heart was about to explode out of my chest. I immediately started sweating and I could feel by heart beating right in my ears:fluttershyouch:! My legs were shaking a little and I had some time trying to get my words out when I was trying to explain just why I was there, and what I needed my report on. It took me more than a few moments to calm down, cause I could feel my pulse quickening, and be able to talk, but my words barely managed to come out as more of a stutter:fluttershbad:. Oh, and it didn't help that a couple of police officers were there, especially because of a little misinterpreted run in I had with them last year:fluttershyouch:.

Yeah...not a good time to be looking like you're going to have a panic attack, let alone sweating up a storm like a Warthog wallowing in a pile of mud:fluttershysad:. While I'm pretty sure no one smelled me...I took quite a thorough shower when I got home:twilightoops:.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa WHOA, back up:rainbowderp:!!! You have THAT many sisters:pinkiegasp:?!?!

I completely emphasize with that situation
My apologies, I fear that I didn't make it clear. I'm the youngest on my mother's side (I have an older sister and brother) and I'm the 4th oldest on my father's side (the triplets [g/b/b] and I are technically the same age as we were all born in 97...just 8 months apart. I have a 20 year old sister, an 18 year old sister, a 14 year old brother, a 12 year old brother, a 6 year old sister and a almost 1 year old baby sister).


I completely emphasize with that situation

So glad I'm not the only one:twilightsmile:. *hugs*

My apologies, I fear that I didn't make it clear. I'm the youngest on my mother's side (I have an older sister and brother) and I'm the 4th oldest on my father's side (the triplets [g/b/b] and I are technically the same age as we were all born in 97...just 8 months apart. I have a 20 year old sister, an 18 year old sister, a 14 year old brother, a 12 year old brother, a 6 year old sister and a almost 1 year old baby sister).

Oh, I see...that makes much more sense:twilightsmile:. Thanks for straightening that out:twilightsmile:.

Okay so if I do the arrow maneuver down towards the hurdles, then you do that springboard launch over the hurdles and we both meet to finish with a simple glide. Does that feel about right?”, Starlight signed as she and Spirit went over their drills for the demonstration that following Saturday for the parents and guardians.

Yes, but remember that's only towards the end. There's still the beginning part that we still need to work on. ”, Spirit added in response to her wingmare.

That sounds about right. Good looking out, Spirit Chaser.”, Starlight signed with a smile.

Sounds like a plan:ajsmug:.

“ What are best friends for? For that and….this! ”, Spirit signed before springing up and playfully tackling Starlight into the clouds. Tumbling about, the pair ended up landing in a heap on the cloud floor with Starlight on top of Spirit. A slight blush began to creep onto both of their faces as they scrambled off and settled. Chuckling, the pair of ponies went off to the filly’s locker room with the other 5 young fillies and got showered, dried and their individual gym bags together. Chattingering excitedly the entire time (with the exception of Starlight and a much younger filly called Dusty Plains) as they got ready to go home.


What?”, Starlight asked in sign. Head cocked in confusion at her besties’ antics.

Uhhh….Oh yeah, hold on a second. I Have an idea. Why don't we have a race to see who gets there first?”, Spirit Chaser suggested after physically stammering.

A race eh:ajsmug:? RD approves:rainbowdetermined2:!!!

“ Hi mama. Wait--why do you have a leash? Did somepony ask you to watch their dog or something? ”, Starlight asked as she greeted her mother with a hug.

Wait...is she getting a dog:pinkiegasp:?!?!?!

“ I-Is…. she ...Is she mine? ”, Starlight asked in complete bewilderment as she stared at the juvenile Golden Retriever. It was then that she noticed the vest that the pup wore. In, bright white bold letters, were the words ‘ SERVICE DOG. DO NOT PET. ’ It was that best that confirmed what she had already suspected. This dog was a service dog. Ordinarily such an act would cause her to get temperamental and start yelling about how she's “independent” and can do things herself, but for some reason she couldn't bring herself to do so while looking at this equally confused puppy.

IT'S A DOG:yay:!!!

So...so she's going to be my aide?”, Starlight asked in a way that made her sound like she understood.

Yes. Her name is Sunflower. She's 16 months old and has had all her shots. Now darling, you know as well as I that your hearing has only gotten a might worse over the past year and well...this isn't just us supplying you with another resource to help you better yourself, but also I convinced your father that it’d be a great opportunity for you to learn about more responsibility. So...what do you think?”, Moondance explained to/asked her daughter.

Always good to have Man's, or rather, Mare's Best Friend with you:raritywink:!

A small smile that was present on both fillies’ faces slowly morphed into grins of delight before a squeal of happiness escaped Starlight Sonata. She then slowly let the dog approach her with a cautionary nose. Once close enough to get a good sniff, the dog surprised herself by wagging her tail and smiling in a doggy way. Suddenly, all the caution and nervousness melted away from both pony and dog as the young ones clung to the half-grown dog. Smiling and petting her (despite the vest saying no, as her new mistress, Starlight felt it necessary). Letting the dog’s slobbery tongue lick her cheek. Getting up, Starlight dusted herself clear of cloud pieces and stood tall.

Thank you Mama. I love her and I promise that we'll take care of each other.”, Starlight signed with a smile.

The bond between mare and animal:raritydespair:!!! FEEEEEELS:raritycry:!!!

No”, Starlight signed as Rain Whip held up another sleeve in her binder with a composition she called “Spring” lay.

They had been at this for 2 days already and time was of the essence. Simply put, in Starlight Sonatas’ mind none of her works were worthy of performing in front of a genuine conductor and orchestra company leader.

Well my sweet, you've got to have something to perform. Maybe try to think of something new? That might work!”, Rain Whip suggested to his rapidly spiraling daughter.

Always gotta try something new right:twilightsmile:?

Write something new? Why hadn’t she thought of that! Mentally slapping herself, she called for Sunflower then gently gave her the ‘fetch paper’ command and soon had a stack of (very slightly droopy) music sheets resting on her stand and a fresh pencil at the ready.

The next few days passed in pretty much the same fashion. Starlight would wake up with Sunflower nudging her. Head to the bathroom to fix herself with bathroom duties. Stalk towards her sister's room and have Sunflower bark loudly to get Melody up. Run away downstairs to avoid the tirade that was Melody throwing pillows at her to knock it off. Fix herself some cereal and feed Sunflower (never in that order). Then head into the conservatory to work on her composition for a majority of the day. Take breaks for friends/family/restroom/food occasionally but otherwise returned to the cool, cushioned piano bench.

Good luck Sonata:scootangel:!

My name is Starlight Sonata. I am 9 years old and today I will be performing an original composition for you.”, Starlight spoke as she readied her hooves and performed a slow, but powerful piece that took her AGES to come up with. Her hooves moved like lightning across the piano.

With the only comprehensive thought on her mind being ‘I can't wait til she hears this!’, Starlight finished her song just as slowly and harmoniously as she started it. Looking up from her sheet music to the conductor, she smiled before standing and bowing. Completely missing the flash of light coming from under her dress.

The interpreter signed to Starlight that she did a spectacular job and that they would be in touch once the auditions results were completed. With a grateful bow, she exited stage left, exactly how her mama showed her years ago.

Backstage, her family and club were there to state the obvious of ‘that was astounding!’, ‘way to go Starry!’ and ‘I’m so proud’ all around. All Starlight wanted to do was get out of that horrible dress and potentially pass out in her bed. As they left to head back to Starlight’s house, the young filly in question couldn't help but feel like something else big happened that she couldn't place a hoof on.

Now that was beautiful:heart:!!!

As she began to get ready for bed, Starlight felt a tugging on her tail by a certain golden pup. Turning to see what her little helper wanted, she almost lost her hoof holds as she finally saw what it was that her dog was indicating to. Right there on her honey colored flanks was a cutie-mark of two light blue feathers and a eighth note atop the cross section.

OH MY FAUST!! MAMA! PAPA! MELODY! COME QUICK, I GOT MY CUTIE-MARK!!! ”, Starlight Sonata screamed down the hall from the bathroom.

Scrambling towards the bathroom from the sound of Starlight's screams, the other three members of the family were in absolute shock for all of 5 seconds before the house erupted in cheers (and a exasperated “Finally!” from Starlight) of congratulations and talks of planning another cute-ceañera.


Okay. Yes she got a dog, but (and I emphasize that word so much) it is in fact a service dog for the deaf/hard of hearing. Second: Of course the feels. That was the idea for this chapter!

Admittedly it wasn't quite easy. I had to do my research on how exactly service dogs help the dead/hard of hearing and it took me a lifetime to find the right compositions for this chapter (btw: I dunno if you're familiar with either of those songs).

Yeah, I bet that had to be a pain...I'm currently in the process of doing my own research for giving my characters techniques from two of the purple tags in my story, and creating their bios:fluttershyouch:. As for the songs, no, I haven't really heard them before, but by Faust were they beautiful:twilightsmile:.

Yes, but that's the idea. If you want accurate or semi-accurate portrayals in a fanfiction, then ya gotta do ya research!

Indeed; I had just done a bio of one of my soon-to-be-introduced characters a couple days ago, (Milky Way), and boy oh boy, was that hectic:applejackconfused:!

Indeed, the most difficult part for me was doing our favorite milkmare's backstory and her, uh...condition as to why she's so...well developed:twilightblush:. While the latter was a lot more easier, the former...well...you already know:twilightsheepish:.

By the way, in case you wanted to see the bio of Milky Way, you can find it here in MLP/Dragon Ball Z/Fairy Tail Bios:twilightsmile:.

Cool. Theres no rush; take as much time as you need:raritywink:.

By the time they were 10 and almost 18, Starlight Sonata and Melody Star pretty much had a good inkling of how the rest of their lives were to play out. Melody was getting ready to finally make a name for herself in the music business and her band had already recorded and independently released an EP a few months previous. She was also proving to be a quite accomplished dancer. Once their mother determined that the two of them were old enough to generally care for themselves, she had decided to get back into the swing of things and picked up where she left off with her dance career. After all, having a foal at age 21 and trying to balance out her ballerina dreams became something of a struggle for her and her first husband. So she took an indefinite hiatus in order to raise her little one. Now that both her girls were old enough to look after themselves (for the most part), Moondance had sat her whole family and friends down and announced this (to the shock and awe of them all before the cheers and congratulations burst forth of course). Nopony seemed the most happy about this than Melody Star though. While she was too little then to understand, Melody did have a semblance of a memory of her mother dancing on stage. It didn't help that whenever she could, Moondance would be dancing about the house.

Heh, little filly loves to dance huh:ajsmug:?

“Damnit! My radio died! Now what am I gonna do?”, Melody said upset as she managed to save the cassette tape before her ghetto blaster took it out with it.

What’s wrong Mel?”, Starlight signed/asked as she saw her sister gingerly set her radio on the opposite side of the door that lead into the conservatory.

*sigh* My radio just died and I need it to practice my compilation! That just pissed me off.”, Melody explained to her sister as she slid down the wall in exasperated agitation.

Oh crud, sorry Melly:pinkiesad2:.

Starlight simply sighed as she went over to her sister. A small-ish Pegasus hug was all she could think of doing at that moment to give a semblance of comfort to her older sister. Returning the hug, Melody sighed as she absently stroked her sister's back. Suddenly Starlight sprang to her hooves and started to rapidly sign something that Melody couldn't understand do to it being signed too fast.

STARLIGHT! TOO FAST! DIAL IT BACK.”, Melody Star signed in large movements so that Starlight saw that she meant it.

Nodding her head and signing a quick ‘sorry’, Starlight started again. Only much slower so that she could be understood.

I was trying to explain that I can help you! I know the pieces that you're dancing too and I can play them on ‘Misty’. That is….if you're up to having me help you practice until you get your radio fixed.”, Starlight explained more clearly.

Little too fast Misty:twilightsheepish:.

Melody looked shocked! Here her 10-year-old foal sister was offering to help play the 7 song performance pieces required. Granted two of those songs would be paired or group dances, but who was she to be picky. She’d just practice her part. To ask this of her sister was incredible! Finally gathering her bearings, Melody signed in a clear way.

“Starry, you’d...you would do that? For me?”, Melody asked in a shocked way (as her face showed).

Starlight immediately nodded her head yes and whistled for Sunflower. When the dog came over to her mistress, Starlight gave the signs for ‘fetch’ and ‘book’. The dog seemed to understand...kinda. Sunflower came back and had with her, Starlight's composition binder. Not her composition book! Laughing, Melody instructed the dog to put that back and get the book. Fully understanding that time, Sunflower went off to the table and grabbed the big book of compositions (none of which, Starlight wrote) that her mistress asked for and happily brought it back to Starlight. Gently grabbing it from the soft mouthed dog, Starlight gently pet her and called her a good girl (the response from Sunflower, was of course a happy doggy smile and a small licking of a hoof) before setting up the first set of sheets.


You do realize that you did all that with no slippers on right?”, Starlight asked amongst her chuckling.


Then she went on back and hit the slab on the wall that controlled the lighting. Finding the right setting, she made sure the spotlight remained on her as she signed to her sister the next piece. The sound of papers fluttering and a almost muted squeak of happiness later the smooth sound of the "Swan Lake" opening waifs through the large conservatory. The eldest Pegasus immediately “floating” about as she lost herself to the music. As she became the swan queen, Odette. Sure it was only a small piece, but she fully threw herself into it (like she did with the Habanera).

What a beautiful symphony of music:twilightsmile:. No pun intended:derpytongue2:!

“Oh I bet! I can only imagine how Melody's first night went in there.”, Rain Whip chuckled.

“Oh Melody was fine. She only fell out once and straightened herself out with her wings before she could even hit the ground.” Moondance started with a laugh “Now, Starlight I would have legitimate reason to be concerned with. After all, with her being...well the way she is, I can't help but be too dare I say, overly concerned about her safety. I mean, I’m sure we’d hear it if she did fall or if Sunflower started barking in alert, but she wouldn't hear or even feel it! You know she's not exactly a light sleeper. However, I think getting her a hammock might be a good thing.”, She finished with a small sigh.

Yeah, may want to get her hammock she can nestle comfortably in:derpytongue2:. I've seen a clip where an American Black Bear tried to sit on a hammock...it was quite a laugh:rainbowlaugh:!

“Exactly what I’m saying love. Besides don't those actually help our kind with anti-gravity resistance? That's something Starlight couldenefit from.”, Rain said with a small smile (despite knowing his wife couldn't see it).

“True. Then I guess we just decided then?”, Moondance asked in confirmation.

“I guess so. So when do you want me to order it from the store?”, Rain Whip answered.

“Oohh! Place it tomorrow and it should be ready by the time I get back from Manehattan. She's gonna love it!”, Moondance said with excitement.

Good idea, I think that type of hammock will work out just fine:twilightsmile:.

“Oh it's fantastic! There's a new set of creatures that just joined up with the company: three ponies and a griffin. I think their natives though the earth pony didn't strike me as a ‘native’ native. Her accent sounded a bit like east Detrot or at least something similar to it. Anyways, they're pretty cool. I’ve met them all and they all apparently used to work at some old nightclub that was also a dance studio. I'm actually meeting up with them all for lunch tomorrow afternoon. Should be great! I really miss you guys. I only have two more weeks then I’m back home, I swear.”, Moondance affirmed as she told of her time away.

“Sounds amazing. We’re all missing you like crazy here too. Okay I'm sure it's pretty late over there so I'm gonna let you go.”, Rain said.

“I know. Tell the girls I said goodnight and I love them.”, Moondance said with sadness in her voice.

“Babe, they're already asleep,but I will pass along the message in the morning. Love you Moondance.”, Rain Whip spoke softer than he intended.

“Oh, I see. Well alright then. As long as the message is spoken or signed. That's all that matters. Love you too. Goodnight Rain Whip.”, Moondance responded just as soft before they hung up on each other.

Ah, the tender loving moments:rainbowkiss::heart:!

All of that was absolutely necessary (also, just reading over what you quoted, I noticed I had some typos that my editor must've missed. Will have to go back over those).


(also, just reading over what you quoted, I noticed I had some typos that my editor must've missed. Will have to go back over those).

Oh, well, I'm glad I was able to help point that out:derpytongue2:.

However unintentionally it was, you did.

Well, looks like somepony’s excited for her sleepover.”, Rain Whip signed when his daughter turned towards him, with a smile upon his face.

Papa! What are you doing here?! I thought you had work?”, Starlight asked as she hugged her father.

Surely you knew that I wouldn't miss today? Besides, your mother asked me to take you to Sprinkler’s house this afternoon.”, Rain Whip replied as he watched his little filly resume her packing. A bright blue and polkadot wrapped present with a white bow tied around it, sat gently at the desk in Starlight's room. Glancing at it, Starlight signed with a content look on her face.

I am certain that Sprinkler will absolutely love her gift! She's going to be so surprised when she sees it!”, Starlight said in an almost mirthful tone.

And I bet she'll love it:twilightsmile:.

Chuckling, Rain Whip smiled as his daughter put the last piece of clothing in her suitcase and struggling until she got the idea to whistle for her dog and together they managed to close the suitcase. With a laugh, he scooped his little girl up and hauled her downstairs with her suitcase being dragged behind them. Sunflower happily trotting aside them. Things were peaceful until they reached the bottom of the staircase. That's when Rain Whip heard the argument and the piece that undoubtedly made him wish he didn't hear it.


“I can't believe you right now!?! You realize what you just asked me right?!”, Melody Star said in shock.

Asking what:twilightoops:?

“Ohh, don't be so overdramatic love. I'm merely thinking about you in the long term of it. I just think you should reconsider this whole ‘tour’ thing.”, Moondance explained in a chipper tone that betrayed her frustration.

Wait, Moon doesn't want Melody to go:rainbowderp:?!

“Oh really now? So what do-do you expect me to tell my record label that ‘ Oh I can't do the tour this year! My mother wants me to go to college!’ They'd drop us faster than light speed! Plus there's my crew to think about here! Honestly, Daddy would let me do it!”, Melody shouted in rebuttal.

Well, on one hand Moondance does want her daughter to go to college, but on the other...Melody does want to follow her dream:fluttershysad:.

“Now you know that what your Papa and I mean is--”, Moondance started, but was quickly interrupted.

Mean what:applejackunsure:?


N-now now, just try to clam down Melody:twilightoops:!

“Melody Anastasia Star. I understand that you are upset that I’m not allowing you to do this tour, however I will NOT stand here and have you bring up the past, much less your father in such a disrespectful tone! I may not often discipline you to the appropriate means, but that does NOT give you the right to speak so abundantly rude in my house! Much less bringing up the whole ‘ if my daddy were here he would... ’ thing! If your father were here, he’d be trying to talk some sense into both of us. But guess what? He’s. Not. Here! He will never be here again and I thought after all these years, you’d get that through your head. Gee, why do I have the feeling that's why you go out with that lowbrow druggie Checker Flag? He acts so much like how Lightning Flash was at 18 it's astounding! Bad colts attract the good fillies. Always. Perhaps that's why I rushed into the first marriage. My young seventeen years old brain didn't think straight just like yours doesn't now! So do yourself a favor and get out of it while you still have your future ahead of you ‘Mellow Yellow ’. There's always time after college for tours and travels! Only after you're in a steady job. So please, call off this whole ordeal with this tour. After all most beginners in the business--”, Moondance explained through her teeth before a harsh slap struck her across the face. Sending her reeling back into the couch in the living room.





...ooooooooooooooooh CRAP:twilightoops:!!! And now shit has ultimately hit the fan:twilightoops:!!!

Standing on the front porch of Sprinkler’s house, suitcase and present in grasp, Starlight was practically bouncing before stopping to make sure her hearing aids were turned up loud enough for her to partially make out her daddy’s words (of course heavily relying on her lip reading and signs to decipher what was being said helped).

Now are you sure you've got everything you need? Charger for your hearing aids? ITab fully charged and charger in case? Cell Phone in case of emergency? Sprinkler's present? Jam all tucked in there?”, Rain Whip asked/signed off the list of things she should have with her in her case and the present.

Wait, jam:applejackunsure:???

Yes. Yes. Yes. Definite yes. Papa! Not the whole neighborhood needs to know that!?!”, Starlight signed/spoke back in confirmation (and slight embarrassment).

I bet they'd rather not:ajsmug:.

Okay. Was just making sure! You know how I worry. Yet I know you’ll be fine. Sprinkler's mom will be here the whole night and it's just you girls here so... that's a bonus!”, Rain Whip stated his worry.

Well, at least there's someone to look out for them:raritywink:.

Okay. Was just making sure! You know how I worry. Yet I know you’ll be fine. Sprinkler's mom will be here the whole night and it's just you girls here so... that's a bonus!”, Rain Whip stated his worry.

With a very audible sigh, Starlight knocked on the door and was immediately met by a apparently squealing Sprinkler who all but dragged Starlight inside. Only an audible “see you later dad! Love you” came from her was his response as he went on about his way back home.


Play ‘Happy Birthday’ please?! Oh pretty please?!?”, Sprinkler asked her friend sweetly.

Of course I will! What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?!?”, Starlight replied in sign as she began playing the familiar tune before being stopped by Sprinkler's mother, Weather Vane.

Hold on there Starlight Sonata. Let's hold off on that until cake time. Sound good?”, Weather Vane suggested.

Always save the best for last:raritywink:.

“ Thanks Starlight! You're a lifesaver. I was starting to get frustrated with that thing. ”, Cinnamon Twist said/signed as the pair dug out a big bowl and poured the wavy chips into the bowl before making their way into the dining room and set it down in the middle of the table as they took their seats. Cinnamon Twist next to Rosalinda and Starlight Sonata next to Spirit Chaser. With plates being served of Cauliflower tofu pizza and chips, the party goers tucked in to a delicious (and not at all healthy) meal before the main event got underway: singing/playing “Happy Birthday”.

Happy birthday Sprinkler:twilightsmile::heart:!!!

“How dare you?”, Moondance said in a shocked whisper.

“How could I not?! That's the appropriate response to something like that!”, Melody Star shot back.

Melody, I understand your anger but good god that was over the top:twilightoops:!!!

Suddenly Melody saw a change in her mother. From the less cheerful expression, that she was wearing to the harsh, cold expression one only received when they know they’ve done something terrible. With a sudden raising of her barrel, raising up on her back legs then landing and taking a forceful step towards her daughter. The aura around her spelled “dangerous. Beware”. That was before she spoke.

Shit, Melody, run:twilightoops:!!!

“Get out.”, Moondance said in an icy tone.

“Wait, What?”, Melody Star said in shock.

“You aren't deaf, I said GET. OUT! I DON'T WANNA SEE YOU FOR A FEW DAYS! GET OUT NOW!”, Moondance screamed at her daughter as she threw pillows at the shell shocked teenager.

I think it's best if you two go take some time to cool off...:fluttershysad:.

“Fine, I'm out. When you're ready to talk like an adult instead of shouting at me like a little foal , I’ll be at Uncle Lunar’s place.”, Melody said in a cold tone. Grabbing her pleather jacket, she rushed upstairs into her room and grabbed her dance duffle. Throwing a bunch of her clothes and chargers into the bag, she zipped it again. Grabbing her guitar case and gingerly slung it across her back (being mindful of her wings), she went over to her window. Spreading her wings at the open window, she took off in a sprint. Not even looking back as tears leaked out of her eyes as she flew off into the dark night.

Not gonna like, this really made my heart ache:fluttershyouch:.

Okay so what was that idea of yours?”, Starlight asked Rosalinda as she sat back on the floor with a peach juice box in hoof.

Simple. A mere game of ‘Would You Rather’. I find a bottle and we spin. Whoever it lands on, the person opposite them asks something. It always starts with ‘Would You Rather’. The pony who spun has to answer. Simple.”, Rosalinda explained with signs. To the amusement of the others as they all agreed to the game. So, the group of 5 fillies' in pastel color pajamas sat in a circle. An empty soda bottle in the center of their little circle. The first pony to spin was of course, Sprinkler.

Okay Sprinkles! Would you rather Eat a butterfly for a million bits or get into a cart accident, but you get a large settlement from the lawsuit?”, Starlight asked, as she was directly to the left of her.

Both of those sound pretty bad to be honest...:fluttershyouch:. Though the latter sounds a lot more, well, bearable if you know what I mean:applejackunsure:.

“Okay Starry. Would you rather Drive a motorcycle off a cliff in a leap of faith OR….” Taking a pause, she looked at both Starlight and Spirit before finishing “...kiss Spirit Chaser for 100 bits?”, Sprinkler asked with a devilish smirk as her hooves signed.

Ooooooooh, looks like things are getting good:ajsmug:.

Okay. If I answer this, I want you all to pay attention to what I say. This NEVER leaves this room. Got it?”, Starlight explained with a serious look.


The look in her eyes pretty much told everypony there that she meant it. As the unofficial ‘leader’ of their girl group, that gave the 80% deaf honey colored filly the confidence boost that displayed that she was meant to be taken seriously. Nodding in unison, they agreed.

Okay…..I’d rather do the second option.”, Starlight said with a tone that meant ‘laugh and I’ll skin you alive'.

None of the other fillies could even think of an answer. They were so shocked that they all had their jaws locked in a slack expression. That is until Spirit Chaser managed to speak.

I...Is that true?”, Spirit Chaser asked in shock.


With a sigh because she knew that this can of glowworms had been opened, Starlight straightened before speaking.

Yes, but for much less than 100 bits.”, she spoke as she folded her ears back. Spine straight and posture perfect as if she were a queen and not a truly messed up 10-year-old.

Is that so:ajsmug:?

Letting the awkwardness fade as the game stopped and the girls went on about watching a movie.

Before they went to bed, Starlight was pulled aside and shoved into a bathroom by a hard breathing Spirit Chaser. Forcing her against the wall, she spoke in clear quiet tones.

Was what you said in there true?”, Spirit Chaser asked.

Nodding, Starlight signed an affirmative yes.

Why wouldn't it be:twilightsmile:? She said it right in front of you all:derpytongue2:!

It was as if a weight had been lifted off of both their shoulders. With this admission, it truly made both fillies think and as they turned back to one another, a slight blush arose on both their faces as Spirit Chaser backed up and let Starlight Sonata free from the wall. With a smile, Spirit Chaser hugged Starlight Sonata tight. No words needed to be said as they left the bathroom and back to the living room and to their respective sleeping bags. With a quiet whisper of goodnight, the pair of fillies fell into a fitful sleep.

Sweet dreams, my sweet little fillies:heart:.

Okay, All of your response is accurately accepted.

Yes. Now as this is the longest chapter of this particular story, hopefully you won't mind answering this simple question:

What specifically did you like about this story?

I like how, despite the fact that Starlight is deaf, she doesn't let that stop her from following her dreams of finding who she is and what she's mean to do in life, and even though she's lost some loved ones in the past, she still has friends and family to help her pull through:twilightsmile:,

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