• Member Since 21st Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Jun 11th, 2022


Former Russian Soldier now living in Denmark with his girlfriend.


This book will describe my experiences through out numerous battles in what is known today as the Great Equestrian War. All of these battles I experienced as an infantry officer serving the Solar Empire. Many of these notes were made directly after combat, so that you may all reflect on the worthwhile lessons from each particular operation. As per tradition, I will mark each as if it were directed to Princess Celestia herself - may peace be upon her. I guess in a way, it was my own way of coping with what I experienced on those harrowed days. Through out this book, you will hear the stories of young, impressionable pony youths of all races - capable of bearing arms by magic or other means, such as the battle-harness rifle system. We will focus upon the infantrypony who fought the bulk of this four and a half long war.

The following will be proof of the superior and tremendous strength of the Solar Empire's military, the combat powers of the infantry forces in the face of superior odds and equipment. Let this book be known for its true portrayal of Equestrian Solar superiority on the battlefield against all of our enemies. The superiority of myself, as the Junior Unicorn commander to my enemy counterpart. May this perpetuate the horrors of those bitter wartime years and allow me to express the experience gained from the great deprivations that came with bitter sacrifice to secure victory, even if short lived.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 13 )

I like the concept, as well as the mental image of Twilight in old Prussian style German unifrom of WW1 but one thing is getting to me. You seem to have gathered the ideaology of the early stages of the first world war but included technology from the later stages, such as tanks and planes, I'm wondering how these ideas will conflict in later battles as the grinder is set up. Definitely going to track this story. Hope it gets good!


This was initially a literary choice to make the impending march toward enemy territory more threatening. That and considering how this story is going to track through four and a half years of conflict, I genuinely did not want to draw out the implementation of tanks and aircraft for the fact that they are not a focus on this story
Since I'm more or less entirely focusing on a modest, professional army that is forced to break the typical codes and conducts of war to survive as modern infantry force in a war that changed the concept of war itself

If I was making a story about mechanized and motorized infantry after the beginning of the war, I definitely would build up the inevitable stockpile of armour and air support the surrounding countries would gather
But for now, my focus is primarily on the evolution of infantry war fighting, instead of the large scale conflicts with all the other factors

I hope to continue to impress people with its progression!
This is my first story I am aiming to be at least partially exclusive to fimfiction and a shift in my writing in general

Mne nravistya. Ya prochitayu dal'she kogda bol'she est'. :pinkiesmile: Est' mnogo oshibok i neodobnyj styl. Chasto, jeto ne tochno obshikij, hot' nikto kotoroj govorit po-anglijskij by tak skazal po nastoyaschemu.


Ja ne redaktirovat sobstvennjje pisat' bol'she. Ja sdelal otredaktirovat yego v techenije mnogikh let, no ja nenavizhu chtenije mojej sobstvennoj rabotj.

Odnazhdj... ja najdu redaktor.

Na dannjj moment, ja budu prodolzha' etu istoriju, poka ona ne budet zakonchena!

Blagodarim Vas za dobavlenije istoriju!


Зачто мне можно вам помочь. Я понимаю русский и английский -- я Американец и я жил на год в Москве и изучал на МГУ -- знаю русски хорошо. Я предлагаю помогать вам, потому что ваши идеи очен интересные и мне так нравятся и интересуют. Никто здесь пишет как вас -- вы уникальный, правда. Грустно вы не понимаете разници между техникалами и литературами версияами английского языка. На этом миге, ваш стыл кажется ненатурально -- похож на механикальный перевод.


Vpolne verojatno, svjazano s tem, ja ne javljajus' nositelem anglijskogo jazjka, i ya ne govorju na jezhednevnoj osnove. Rech' idet o mojem tret'jem ili chetvertom jazjke.

Kogda vj govorite, moj anglijskij mekhanicheskij - ya soglasen. Ja predpolagaju, chto eto robotizirovannaja.


Tochno. I ya govoryu i pishu po anglijski na razgovorah i na bumashkah kazdyj den'. Na samom dele, ya prosto hochu korrektirovat' malen'kie oshibki po grammatiku i po sintaktiku -- ne hochu net nichego po syuzhetu izmenit'. Vashi istorii eschyo budut svoi, lish' s polirovkoj.


Vj na samom dele predlagajut izmenit?? )))

Ja ne uveren, chto skaza'. Po pravde govorja, jaa nikogda ne imel redaktor nikogda za predelami odin raz. Ja ne mogu predlozhit den'gi, no jesli vj khotite sdelat eto - ya bjl by v vostorge.


Da, hochu stat' redaktorom. V nashem fandome, nenuzhen zaplatit'. Prosto dolzhen redaktirovat' drugu kodga sprosit. Ya vam pomogu, vy mne pomogite. Druzhboe delo, nu da?


Druzhba vechno sredi brat'jev. Brat'ya v ljubiteljakh inogda blizhe, chem stranij. Nekotorjje iz moikh luchshikh druzej v armii v konechnom itoge nravitsja MLP i Invader Zim.

Ja dumaju, chto eto budet rabotat

Damn prance hold in there buddy *emotional cat poster*


Prance shall prevail!

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