• Member Since 12th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Just a brony doing what other writers on this site would do.


Comments ( 10 )

Rainbow dash said wearing a lab coat stained with various color stains and equipped with a fake syringe full of different colors (Try to guess the reference),

Rainbow Factory??

Right now, Michael Jackson - Thiller was playing and if you look around the dance floor you see that some people were actually doing the thriller dance

Oy....I never was a Michael Jackson fan personally.

while Rarity, Fluttershy, and Sunset were chanting with each other.

'chatting' or are they starting a coven?:rainbowlaugh:

Turning to the source they see Twilight sparkle wearing a sorceress costume with spike alongside wearing a black cat costume.

"Wow sonata," Aria said sarcastically and wasn't paying attention,

Adagio didn't want to go, however, sonata had one trick up her sleeves.

"Just sit down and eat." adagio said once she was released.

Sparkle, Spike, Sonata x2, Adagio

"Adagio!? W-what are you doing her?"


"You should leave a woman after you kiss her like that."


"But whoever said ? didn't like it."

? = I

Adagio then went ? the crook of her neck and started nibbling it.

? = for

Sunset's heart has been racing every second she been with her and even though she knows this is wrong,


She then got off the bed and walked over to her dress while Sunset watched her curious about what she had in mind.

And here I was thinking Aria would take pictures.:twilightoops:

Where's the freaking Aftermath chapter?!

Funny thing is, I can see Sonata taking this news far better than Aria did. :rainbowlaugh:

Comment posted by Darkness Moon deleted Dec 1st, 2016

Very good, not bad. :rainbowkiss:
I loved it :heart:
But perhaps, someday, there could be a continuation on this. in the future. :pinkiesad2:
I liked you a lot, you're a good writer friend. :twilightsmile:

8104834 Glad you liked it! :pinkiehappy:

"Hold on, Adagio, we shouldn't be doing this."

She says after going home with the Siren. :twilightblush:

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